

The Research into the Structures and Functions of the Students’ Physics Auxiliary Books in the Junior Middle School in China

【作者】 陈运保

【导师】 廖伯琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 教材是中学物理教与学的重要课程资源。教材的编写、使用以及理论研究都受到重视。但是,教材领域所受到的重视程度并不均衡,教科书这一主体教材受到的关注比较多,而对于辅助教材的研究很少。研究的不足使得我们并不清楚辅助教材在教育实践中的真实状况、也无法为其编写和使用提供指导,甚至使得教材理论某种程度上只是教科书理论而缺乏完整的内容。而与研究不足相反,在实践领域,学生使用的辅助教材(本研究称其为学生辅助用书)的编写和使用都受到高度的重视,甚至,有不少人惊呼它已经达到了“泛滥成灾”的程度。可见,我们不能再视而不见了,应该对学生辅助用书进行研究,它具有一定的理论价值、应用价值和现实意义。本论文试图对我国初中物理学生辅助用书的结构与功能进行研究。首先,本论文在文献研究和预调查的基础上对学生辅助用书作了界定,揭示了学生辅助用书的一些重要特征,同时,这个概念界定也明确了本研究的调查对象、调查范围。其次,本研究努力建立关于辅助用书结构与功能分析的框架。其中,关于辅助用书的结构,本论文认同教材结构是“教材内部各要素、各成分之间的合乎规律的组织形式”的概念界定。就辅助用书而言,它的一个明显的外部特征是它由一个个各具独特功能的栏目构成,各栏目相互关联,构成了辅助用书的整体结构;各栏目中的内容与教学设计又构成了该栏目的更为微观的结构。因此,从外显的特征来看,栏目、各栏目之间的关系等形成了辅助用书的表层结构。它成为本研究的线索。关于辅助用书的功能,本论文注意从多个方面来认识,如:关注辅助用书意图实现的功能、就其实际编写来看可能达成的功能、在教育实践中实际达成的功能等三个层次;既关注它作为独立的教材在辅助学生学习活动中的作用,也关注它作为辅助教材在辅助教科书方面的功能;既关注它的积极功能,也关注它的消极影响;此外,结合新课程的要求,还特别关注它在转变学生学习方式方面的功能。在上述结构与功能分析框架的引导下,本论文主要运用文本分析法、学生问卷调查法,结合对教学论研究专家、辅助用书编写者、教师、学生等人员的访谈,以辅助用书的栏目为线索,围绕辅助用书的功能进行系统的调查研究。包括:(1)学生辅助用书的栏目设置、结构与功能本论文采用分层取样的方法选取3个城市的书店,调查初三物理辅助用书的编写情况,共调查186本图书。研究发现:学生辅助用书为学生提供了16类不同性质的内容,它们各具特定的功能。并且,这些内容相互关联,构成了一个统一的有机整体,共同为学生的学习活动提供帮助。依据其内容属性和所指向的学习活动性质,我们把这些栏目及其功能作了概括,包括:学生辅助用书注意为学生提示学习目标,帮助学生做好新课学习前的准备,通过讲解、示范和相应的习题或活动训练来帮助学生理解、巩固教科书的知识内容、物理思想方法以及关于探究的过程与方法,当然,辅助用书也注意对自己提供的习题或活动给出参考答案方便学生进行自我检查;此外,辅助用书注意对教科书中的有关习题或活动提供参考答案作为学生的反馈信息,辅助用书还帮助学生对物理知识、方法进行小结,提示学生对自己的学习过程进行反思,提供学法指导,提示考试要求帮助学生适应考试,提供拓展信息来开阔学生的视野;另外,辅助用书还注意设置前言栏目来引导学生关注和了解自己的辅助用书。不过,各个栏目被使用的频率是很不相同的,按照使用频率从大到小依次为:习题训练及其参考答案、前言、例题解析、提示学习目标、教材知识点讲解、学法指导、考试指导、探究活动设计与指导、小结、物理思想方法概括、知识拓展、教学准备、反思与自我评价表、教科书课后习题答案。这种不同反映了辅助用书体系各栏目、各组成部分在编写者视野中的地位高低、价值大小,它是辅助用书体系结构与功能的部分体现。此外,我们还对各个栏目下的小栏目的使用情况进行了分析,并进行了有关差异显著性检验。最后,我们也从多个视角、依照多个标准归纳了辅助用书的类型。(2)学生辅助用书编写特点及功能的个案研究从影响比较大的辅助用书中选取8本作为样本,依据编制的分析类目,进行深入的文本分析,在描述、概括其编写特征的基础上,分析了它们可能达成的功能和局限性。研究发现:在编写体例上,绝大多数辅助用书都形成“讲—例—练—测”的活动体系,这构成了辅助用书的核心框架,相对来说,其他栏目则处于其下的位置。各个栏目的编写质量差别很大,分析发现:个别栏目被精心设计,应该能够达到预期的功能;有些栏目编写质量不高,恐怕难以完全达成预期的功能;个别栏目恐怕根本不能达成其预期功能。总体而言,辅助用书的主要内容是提供给学生阅读、理解的学习材料或者结论性知识、信息,而为学生提供的活动指南、工具比较少。此外,大量的内容是适合学生复习巩固阶段使用的,而帮助学生预习、自学课文的内容比较少。习题训练的内容比较多,而引导学生进行探究活动、拓展阅读范围的则比较少。内容设置无疑将会影响学生的学习内容、学习方式,在这样的学习材料引导下,学生主要的学习活动将是围绕教科书内容进行阅读、理解和习题训练。这些栏目内容大都紧密围绕教科书的相应内容,超越于教科书的内容以及与教科书并行的设计比较少,因此学生辅助用书主要还是教科书的辅助材料。此外,调查发现辅助用书中的考试导向作用并不严重。也就是说,辅助用书的主要功能是帮助学生理解、运用教科书内容(这个结论可能与调查时间有关,本调查是在一学期的初、中期进行的,如果在复习考试阶段,辅助用书的内容可能会有所不同)。并且发现,单就一本辅助用书而言,其分量并不过度,不会造成学生负担(此处,文本分析的发现与随后对师生实际调查获得的结论是一致的)。就呈现方式来说,讲授式、直接呈现结论的方式比较多,而引导学生自己进行相关知识建构的方式比较少。一些栏目过多地关注知识目标,而在帮助改进学生的学习方式方面努力不够。(3)学生辅助用书功能的实践调查采取分层取样的方式选取3个省份的2468名初中生,进行问卷调查,并对部分教师和学生进行访谈。调查表明:在学习过程中,学生非常重视使用辅助用书,辅助用书对学生的学习活动发挥着重要的影响。不过,学生对不同栏目作用大小的评价是有很大不同的,表明各个栏目在实践中的地位是不同的。把各栏目按照作用从大到小排列依次为:习题、例题解析、知识点讲解、物理思想方法概括、习题或活动的参考答案、小结、考试指导、教学准备、知识拓展、学习目标提示、探究活动设计与指导、教科书习题参考答案、学法指导、实验报告册、反思与自我评价表。通过差异显著性检验发现不同年级、不同性别的学生对一些栏目作用大小的评价有显著差异。结合学生问卷、访谈等数据资料,本研究也论述了学生、老师所认为的辅助用书及其各个栏目的作用,相应地也简略涉及到学生是如何使用这些栏目的。另外,本研究还对实践调查的发现与文本分析的发现进行一定的比较和讨论。调查表明,辅助用书及其各个栏目在预期的功能、可能的功能、实际的功能等三个层次上有一致之处,也有一定的偏差。我相信这些异同揭示了辅助用书编写与学生的实际需要、实际使用情况的吻合(或偏离)情况,它对于辅助用书的编写和使用都具有一定的启示。本研究站在课程资源建设、教材建设的高度上来认识学生辅助用书的功能,认为它是当前、甚至是以后较长一段时间内对我国学生学习活动具有重要作用的课程资源,是教材建设不可或缺的组成部分。本研究初步构建了对辅助用书进行结构与功能分析的框架,并且建立了文本分析的分析类目,从多个层次、多个方面来系统分析辅助用书的结构与功能。本研究的发现不仅对辅助用书的编写和使用具有直接的启示和指导作用,而且,它丰富了人们对辅助教材的认识,澄清了人们的一些偏见,也弥补了我们对于辅助教材研究的不足,丰富了教材理论。

【Abstract】 The teaching materials are the important curricular resources in the teaching and the learning of the physics in the junior middle school. People attach great importance to the compiling, using and theoretical study of teaching materials. However, the degree of the emphasizing on the teaching materials’ realm is unbalanced. The textbooks always get much more emphasis than the auxiliary materials, and few researches involved in the auxiliary teaching materials. The shortage of study results in the uncertainty about the true status of the auxiliary teaching materials so that people can’t offer instructions for the usage and compilation of them. What’s even worse, in some degree, the teaching material theories just concentrate on the textbook theories but lack integrate contents.On the contrary, the usage and compilation of students’ auxiliary teaching materials have been highly valued in practice. Some people even exclaim that there are such many materials that they have overrun the needs. So it is clear that we should carry on some researches on the auxiliary books because this kind of research has certain theoretical values, applied values, and realistic significance.This thesis tries to investigate the structure and function of the auxiliary books of physics in the junior middle school in our country.First, based on the literary study and inquisition, this thesis defined the student’s auxiliary books , revealed some important features of the auxiliary books. Meanwhile, the definition nails down the object and scope of this research.Second, the research endeavors to build up the analytical framework concerning about the structure and function of the auxiliary books. Among them, with regard to the structure of the auxiliary books, I agree to the concept which defines the teaching material structure as the disciplinary organized-form of the elements and components in the teaching materials. And I also think that an obvious exterior characteristic of the auxiliary books is that it is composed of different columns with special functions, and the contents and the teaching design, or things like that, within each column then constituted the more microcosmic structure of the column. Therefore, from the outside characteristics, the relation among different columns forms the surface structure of the auxiliary books. It is the clue of this research.As for the function of the auxiliary books, this thesis noticed to recognize them from several aspects when analyzed, for instance, pay attention to the anticipant functions, and the potential functions in the process of the compilation, and the actual functions in the education practice; notice the functions as the independent teaching materials or the auxiliary teaching materials in the students’ learning activities; pay attention to its positive functions as well as its negative influences. In addition, combining with the demand of the new curriculum, we care a lot about the function in the change of students’ study methods.Guided by the framework of the above-mentioned structural and functional analysis, we mainly surround the functions of auxiliary book to carry on the systematic inquisition in the clue of the auxiliary book column by the methods of text analysis and student’s questionnaire survey and with the interviews of pedagogical theorist, compilers of the auxiliary books, teachers, students and so on, which includes: (1) The column setting, structure and function of the students’ auxiliary book systemThis thesis has investigated the compiling of physic auxiliary books of grade three in the junior middle school by adopting the method of dividing the samples by layer to select 186 bookstores in three cities. This research discovered:The students’ auxiliary books provide 16 kinds of contents with different qualities; each of them has its own specific functions. Besides, these contents are mutually connected and thus constituted an organic and integrated body which offers help for the students in their learning activities. According to their content attributes and their directional study activity nature, we generalized these columns and their functions, including:The students’ auxiliary books take notice of prompting study objective, helping students prepare for the new lessons. By illustration, models and relative exercises or activity training, they help students understand and stabilize textbook’s knowledge content, physical thought way and the process and method about exploration. Of course, the auxiliary also take notice of providing conference keys to the offered exercises or activities which are convenient for the students to correct themselves; besides, the auxiliary books take notice of providing conference keys to the relative exercises and activities in the textbooks, as the students’ feedback information. They also help the students summarize the physical knowledge and method, prompt them reflect on themselves’ study procedure, provide direction on study method, prompt examination demands to help students adapt the exams, provide extensive information to broaden students’ field of view; moreover, the auxiliary books also pay attention to setting up preface columns to lead the students to take notice and acknowledge of their auxiliary books.However, the frequency of each column’s use is very different. According to the use frequency, they are arranged in order as the followings: exercises drills and reference keys, preface, example explanation, study objective direction, textbook knowledge explanation, study method guidance, examination guidance, explorative activity design and guidance, summarize, physical thought way generalization, knowledge expansion, teaching preparation, reflection and self-evaluation forms, textbook exercise keys.The dissimilarity reflects the position and value of each column and component of auxiliary books in the eyes of the compilers, which shows some embodiments of the system structure and functions of the auxiliary books.Besides, we also analyzed the use of small columns under each column and conducted tests on the significance of the difference.Finally, we summed up the types of the auxiliary books from several viewpoints and standards. (2) The case study of the compiling characteristics and functions of the students’ auxiliary bookFrom several influential auxiliary books, we select 8 of them as sample books to analyze the texts deeply according to the analytical category. On the basis of describing and generalizing the compiling characteristic, we analyze the potential functions and limitation. And we reached the following conclusion:The majority of the auxiliary books take the movable system like "explaining- illustrating-training- testing" that constitutes the core frame of the auxiliary books. So the other columns are subordinate to them correspondingly in the position.The compiling quality of each column demonstrates lots of difference. We find that some columns should realize the anticipant functions because they have been elaborately designed, but some columns’ qualities are not quite high so that it is difficult to reach the expected functions, and several columns can not realize the anticipant functions at all.Overall, as far as the attributes of the contents, most of them are reading and comprehensive materials, conclusive knowledge or information, but not any activity guides or tools. In addition, lots of them are suitable for the students to review and reinforce what they have learned, while those facilitating previewing and self-teaching are very limited. There are so many praxis training that they are inefficient to instruct students to carry on inquiry activities or broaden the students’ reading. Thus, there is no doubt that such content arrangement will impose negative effects on what and how the students study. In the guidance of such study materials, the students’ learning activities will predominantly do some reading, understanding and exercise trainings according to the content of the textbooks.Most of these column contents closely encompass the textbooks’, which means few of them surmount and parallel the contents of textbooks. Therefore the auxiliary books mainly should be accessory materials for the textbook.What’s more, I have invested to find that the auxiliary books are not entirely prepared for examinations. In other words, their main functions are to help the students understand and use the contents of teaching.(This conclusion may vary according to different investigating time. This investigation carried out in the for-term and mid-term. If in the review examination stage, the context of the auxiliary books may vary.) And as far as for the only one auxiliary book, the quantity of the contents is not excessive and will not be a burden to the students. The discovery based on the text analysis and the investigation into the teachers and students are consistent.On the presenting ways, the contents of explaining or presenting the conclusion directly are more than the ones of guiding the students to carry on the construction of correlative knowledge. Some columns pay excessive attention to the knowledge goal, but make no sufficient efforts to improve students’ study methods.(3) The investigation into the functions of the students’ auxiliary booksA questionnaire survey have been carried on by adopting the method of dividing the samples by layer to select 2468 students in junior middle schools from 3 provinces, and had some interviews with some teachers and students. By investigating their evaluation to the auxiliary books, we can discover the actual function in our teaching practices in China. The investigation indicated that: In the study process, the students put much emphasis on the auxiliary books because they play important roles in the learning activity.However, the students view column functions very differently, which indicates each column plays different roles in practice. We arranged every column in order according to their functions as the followings: exercise, example illustration, knowledge point explanation, physical thought way generalization, exercise or activity conference key, summarize, examination guidance, teaching preparation, knowledge extension, study objective prompting, exploration activity design and direction, textbook exercise reference key, study method guidance, reflection and self-evaluation forms. By testing the significance of difference, I discover that the roles of some column are evaluated with significantly difference by the students of different grades and sexes.Combining the data materials of student questionnaire, interviews, and so on, this research also elaborated the auxiliary books and their roles offered by the teachers and students and correspondingly also briefly concerned the ways that the students use these columns.Moreover, this research also carries on certain comparisons and discussions between the investigation in practice and the discovery of the text analysis, which shows that both similarities and deviations lie in the anticipated functions, the potential functions, and the actual functions of the auxiliary books and its column in three levels. I believe the discovery has revealed the assistance(or deviation) with the book compilation and student’s actual needs and the actual service. So it must have certain enlightenment for the compilation of the auxiliary books and their use.This research values the functions of the auxiliary books from the views of the construction of curriculum resources and the teaching materials. And it is taken as vital curriculum resources in the students’ learning and the indispensable constituent of the teaching material construction at present and even in a long time in the future in our country.This research initially constructed a frame for structural and functional analysis to the auxiliary books, and has established the text analysis category to analyze the structures and functions of the auxiliary books from many levels and aspects. Not only dose this research discovery have the direct enlightenment and the instruction to the book compilation and the use but also make people have more knowledge about the auxiliary teaching materials and has clarified people’s some prejudices. At the same time, it also makes up for the insufficient study for the teaching materials and has enriched their theories.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】947

