

A Study on Web-based Curriculum

【作者】 赵剑

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在以往对网络课程的研究中,旧的“实体论+还原论+技术理性”思维模式影响到了对网络课程本体的准确把握。“网络课程”这一概念的内涵是被狭隘化了,在日常话语体系中它被视为某种技术制成品,在学术语言体系中它也更多地被视为传统课程的网络版。这些较为偏颇的认识源于人们大都采用“实体论”和“还原论”来认识网络课程,实体论的缺陷在于无法看清网络学习的关系存在实质;还原论的缺陷是将整体中的因素剥离开来,从而也忽视了整体中至关重要的教育性关系。教学系统中不仅仅只存在教师、学生、教材这些看得见的实体要素,还存在着这些要素间的关系以及其它教育性关系。在教育性关系中获得教育性经验,这才是课程。因此,网络课程研究不仅要关注网络课程技术实施的手段和途径,关注网络课程产品的开发,同时应更加关注如何通过网络课程来还原各种教育性关系,此实为网络课程的首要任务。然而,在“实体论+还原论+技术理性”思维模式的影响下,网络课程沦为纯粹的教育工具,其丰富的内涵被掩盖,文化价值和诉求被忽略。同时,这种思维模式也影响到网络课程的实践。其中,网络课程实施只关心课程知识的学习而不是考虑到学生的全面发展,因此较为注重模式化教学,而忽视学习环境和实践共同体对课程实施的支持作用。网络课程评价则过分注重对网络课程产品的量化,而忽视对网络课程进行的综合评价。本文主张抛弃旧的“实体论+还原论+技术理性”思维模式,代之以“关系存在论+融合论+价值理性”思维模式,并对网络课程的本体和实践进行重新梳理,并据此获得基本结论是:一、网络课程是师生在网络支持下展开的经验共享与教育交往,是技术与教育融合的典范。作为现象存在的网络课程,它是一个实践性的综合系统,其本质反映出多重内涵:(1)网络课程是一种教育性经验,其包括三个层面的经验:一是课程知识学习的经验;二是体验网络文化的经验;三是实践网络生存的经验;(2)网络课程是师生在网络支持下的教育交往活动;(3)网络课程是师生在网络支持下的经验共享;(4)网络课程肩负文化的再造功能。二、网络课程包含了丰富的理念,如鼓励师生交往、提倡经验共享、还原教育关系、缩小信息鸿沟、体验网络生存和融合技术人文。这些理念反映出还原和实现网络课程的文化本质和价值的呼声,主张对网路课程的理论和实践进行人文反思和技术批判。三、网络课程具有自主性、技术性、经验性、虚拟性、交互性、视觉性、情境性和开放性等八大特征。这八大特征并非都是网络课程所特有的,但却是网络课程所特意强调和突出的。四、网络课程表现形态复杂多样,存在问题也不少。通过对网络课程形态的分析和反思,我们认为当前的网络显性课程有把网络课程中的教育性关系单一化为“生产-消费关系”,而网络隐蔽课程则忽视了对虚拟社区的文化引导。五、网络课程的实施方式多样,主要是通过模式化的教学、学习环境构建以及创设虚拟学习共同体来达成。网络课程实施目前较重视模式化的教学,而对学习环境构建和虚拟学习共同体创设重视不够,从而并没有充分体现网络课程的价值。六、网络课程评价极为复杂困难,尤其需要注意量的评价和质的评价相融合。因此,在评价过程中技术规范、技术工具和人文反思都是需要的。只有坚持网络课程评价的融合取向,才有可能对网络课程的开发和实施做出更为合理评判。七、网络课程研究不可回避地要探讨技术与教育的融合问题,这一研究给技术与人文的融合提供了参考范式。当前技术与人文的冲突源自对技术本质的误解以及对技术理性的盲目崇拜,技术的两面性实则根本不存在,其现象折射出的是人性的两面性。不对技术运用进行人文分析并进行伦理审查,就必然会让技术中心主义盛行,并直接导致现代社会的技术灾难。教育作为一个重视人文理念的领域,而技术作为本世纪最能动的社会力量,二者的融合有可能为探讨“技术与人文的融合”提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Two prejudices emerge from the traditional study on web-based curriculum. Firstly, web-based curriculum is often used to denominate some kind of technical products in e_learning such as web-based courseware. But even though from the perspective of traditional curriculum study, it is difficult to approve this viewpoint in which social cultural reconstruction and the share of educational experiences have been ignored. It is truly dangerous for developing and innovating web-based curriculum under Technological Determinism. Secondly, web-based curriculum is regard as the prolongation of the traditional curriculum system in cyberspace, and the classical study methods and paradigm also continue to be used in this field. However, cyberspace is not only a technical space, but also a social space. Therefore, web-based curriculum is not a simple integration between curriculum and network technology, on second thoughts, it is not a simple colligation between traditional curriculum and network technology, but a special field syncretized information technology and curriculum with humanistic perspective.To develop web-based curriculum, a comprehensive and systematic study on web-based curriculum need to be initiated, and the ontology and epistemology problem about web-based curriculum should be clarified.This study consists of six chapters which can be compartmentalized three parts by the intrinsic logic.Part one, the key ontology and epistemology problem including the hypostasis of web-based curriculum, features of web-based curriculum, and value pursuit of web-based curriculum are analyzed.The first chapter "Essence of web-based curriculum" shows that web-based curriculum is the share of educational experiences through intercourse between teachers and learners in cyberspace. Some important concepts, which is useful to reveal the hypostasis of web-based curriculum, are also analyzed including network, cyberspace, learning culture in cyberspace.The second chapter "Features of web-based curriculum" focuses on eight features which web-based curriculum possesses or emphasizes, they are learning independence, technical developing, empirical curriculum contents, virtual objects and space, interaction and intercourse, visual representation of knowledge, situated learning, and open sources and developing.The third chapter "Value pursuit of web-based curriculum" states some important value pursuit including encouraging intercourse between teacher and learner, advocating share of experiences, reducing Information Divide, reconstructing educational relations, experiencing existence in cyberspace and syncretizing technology and humanity.Part two, in the fourth chapter, two main existing forms of web-based curriculum are described with a phenomenological perspective, and their limitations are also acutely criticized.Part three focuses on the practice of web-based curriculum, especially discussing the implementing and evaluating of web-based curriculum.The fifth chapter "Implementation of web-based curriculum" firstly analyses the factors which may affect the implementation of web-based curriculum such as human attitude and behavior, curriculum quality and implementing project, and etc. Then three implementing approaches are adequately elaborated. Instruction is still the important implementing strategy. Considering the effect of learning culture in cyberspace, learning environment and virtual learning community should be also constructed to support the implementing of web-based curriculum, specially supporting situated-learning and the implementation of tacit curriculum.The sixth chapter "Evaluation of web-based curriculum" shows that the evaluation is an important but difficult practice. However, a series of exploring studies about evaluation of web-based curriculum such as evaluating perspectives, evaluating objects, evaluating specifications, and evaluating features is still developed under technology criticism and humanism.

【关键词】 网络课程关系存在技术与教育融合
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】54
  • 【下载频次】4908

