

Formation and Evolution of Luoyang-Yichuan Basin and Its Relation with Hydrocarbon

【作者】 张小浩

【导师】 周鼎武;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 构造地质学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 洛阳—伊川盆地是中国东部中新生代叠合多旋回陆相沉积盆地,其形成主要经历了前中生代克拉通被动大陆边缘盆地、早中生代坳陷盆地、晚中生代前渊盆地和新生代断陷—坳陷盆地等演化阶段,构造演化具有明显的多期次叠合,多构造作用的特点。洛阳—伊川盆地勘探开发近50年来,在上三叠统谭庄组中具有良好的油气显示,但由于缺乏有效的方法以及受盆地地表条件复杂等多种因素的制约,目前仍是一个勘探程度较弱的盆地。本文以板块构造理论为指导思想,采用露头区野外地质与盆地地震、钻井、测井资料密切结合,多种测试方法互检的研究方法,探讨了盆山耦合关系及其所控制的地球动力学系统;分析了研究区域和盆地地质结构构造特征,确定了中生代盆地的叠合改造性质,并重新划分区域构造单元和盆地构造单元,深入研究了洛阳—伊川盆地自中生代以来的构造演化;确定了成盆作用和构造改造作用的四大构造层和五期不同方式、方向的构造演化过程;建立了不同构造阶段的构造组合和样式及与构造相关的沉积充填过程;在此基础上通过多种有机地球化学指标,研究盆地中新生代油气地质特征,认为本区发育下二叠统区域主力烃源岩、上三叠统区域非主力烃源岩,两套烃源岩质量均较好,并具备二次生烃条件;认为本区发育古生界、上古生界—三叠系和新生界三大构造层、两个不整合界面分隔、不同岩性储集层叠置组合和构造裂隙型储集层的复式储集体系,其中构造裂隙型储集层储集性能较好;依据油气成藏条件和保存条件分析,认为洛阳凹陷北部深凹带、宜阳凹陷内石陵—宜阳褶断带以及伊川凹陷伊川宽阔背斜带为较有利含油气区,有利的构造圈闭是洛阳凹陷翟镇背斜和伊川凹陷的石门逆冲断层下盘的宽缓背斜。

【Abstract】 Luoyang-Yichuan basin is a multicycle superimposed continental sedimentary basin in middle Cenozoic, east of China. The basin has gone through such evolution stages as craton passive continental margin basin in Pre Mesozoic, depression basin in early Mesozoic, foredeep basin in late Mesozoic and fault depression basin in Cenozoic, etc. The Tectonic evolution of the basin is characterized by obvious multicycle superposition and multi-tectonism.Luoyang-Yichuan basin has been explored for nearly 50 years, although it shows better oil and gas evidence in upper Triassic in Tanzhuang group, it’s lack of effective methods and limitded by complicated ground surface conditions etc, so the basin is just lower developed at present.Taking the plate tectonics as leading theories, combining outcrop, seismic techniques, drilling and logging datum, inter-verifing manifold researching methods, The paper has amply researched the region. discussed the coupling relation of basin-mountain and the geodynamics system; analyzed geologic tectonic characteristics of the basin; confirmed superposed alteration in Mesozoic of the basin; recompartmentalized tectonic units of the researching region and the basin; studied the tectonic evolution of the basin since Mesozoic; ascertained four large tectonic layers and five tectonic evolution process stages in different ways of formation and tectonic alteration; established different tectonic stages、compages、models and sedimentary filled processes, based on the organic geochemistry and oil-gas geologic characteristics in middle Cenozoic of the basin, the conclusions have been summarized in the paper, such as:The primary source rock in lower Permian and subordinate source rock in upper Triassic are developed in the region with better quality, and secondary hydrocarbon is possible; The bearing system which is comparted by three large tectonic layers and two unconformity surfaces formed in Palaeozoic、upper Palaeozoic to Triassic and Cenozoic developing in the region, compounded with reservoirs of different lithology is developed in the region, while the property of tectonic fracture reservoir is better; Based on the analyzing petroleum accumulation elements and preserving conditions, the deep depressing belt in the north of Luoyang depression、Shiling-Yiyang folded fault belt in Yiyang depression and wide anticline belt in Yichuan depression are advantageous petroliferous region, Zhaizhen anticline in Luoyang depression and Shimen wide anticline on footwall of overthrust in Yichuan depression are optimum tectonic traps.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】P542;P618.13
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】416

