

Research on Sustainable Land Use Planning Based on Valuation of Resources Value

【作者】 李景刚

【导师】 欧名豪;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 工业化和城市化是社会必经的发展过程,它们不仅显著地推动了经济、社会以至政治结构的变革和发展,而且也导致了人口结构、就业结构、土地供求状况和生态环境等的变化;其中,对土地利用影响的最直接结果就是农地非农化。自改革开放以来,农地非农化为我国国民经济的全面发展提供了土地保障,对经济增长起着重要作用;但另一方面,农地非农化也存在明显的负作用,造成耕地资源的大量损失,并引发了一系列社会、经济和生态问题。通过对我国农地非农化的波动周期与经济发展周期考察可知,在我国现阶段乃至未来相当长一段时期内农地非农化仍将存在代价性损失,有其合理的一面。但同时也暗藏着更多的过度性损失:一是土地资源配置过程中普遍存在的市场失灵;二是我国土地资源配置过程中还存在严重的政府失灵。而究其根源,则是在于我国残缺的资源价值体系以及由此造成的资源价格扭曲,造成人们决策过程没有或极少考虑具有生态价值和社会价值的自然资源在生产生活中的隐性消耗。因此,本文正是由此入手,提出重构我国的资源价值体系,并以土地资源货币化核算成果修正土地利用规划的目标函数,旨在建立基于资源价值重构的土地可持续利用规划耦合模型,部分地纠正土地资源配置过程中的“双重失灵”问题。论文首先对价值、自然资源及自然资源价值的内涵进行了界定,并系统地回顾了可持续发展理论、资源价值理论以及资源配置理论,从而为资源价值体系的重构和土地可持续利用规划耦合模型的建立奠定了基础。接着,文章阐述了土地资源价值核算的必要性,并将我国土地资源分类体系和自然资源价值分类体系巧妙地揉合,重构了我国土地资源价值体系;在此基础上,本文详细地论述了我国不同土地利用类型的价值构成,简要地介绍了土地资源价值核算的方法,并就土地资源价值核算成果的应用前景进行了展望。随后,文章从土地利用规划的本质和内涵出发,阐释了基于资源价值重构的土地可持续利用规划的内涵、目标及原则,在借鉴弹性理论、灰色系统理论及复合生态系统理论先进理念和方法的基础上,选择灰参数线性规划模型作为基于资源价值重构的土地可持续利用规划的首选方法,并介绍了应用层次分析法对土地利用规划方案进行评价与决策的基本步骤。最后,论文在上述理论与方法的支撑下,以我国沿海经济发达地区——青岛市为例对本文的研究框架进行了实证检验。得到了以下主要结论:(1)农用地具有较强的正外部性,但由于市场失灵的存在,农用地所提供的生态和社会服务功能尽管支撑了区域社会经济的发展,但却没有得到相应的价值补偿。长此以往,必然会伤害农用地使用者的积极性并促使农用地使用者的短视行为,最终导致农用地这种公共物品的供应不足。因此,有必要对农用地使用者进行一定的价值补偿,保障其权利与义务相对等.实际上,这也是充分利用WTO规则中的“绿箱”政策合法化保护我国农业的重要手段之一。(2)根据青岛市土地资源单位面积价值核算结果,耕地、园地、林地、牧草地、居民点及工矿用地、交通用地、水域用地以及未利用土地八大类土地资源单位面积价值(1990年不变价)的比例由(经济价值)1∶0.59∶0.11∶0.17∶41.33∶14.88∶0.28∶0.00修正为(总价值)1∶0.42∶0.52∶0.32∶10.87∶3.82∶1.31∶0.01。由此可见,土地利用规划的目标函数得到了部分修正,以此构建的土地可持续利用规划耦合模型可以部分修正土地资源配置过程中的“双重”失灵问题。(3)由于我国在耕地总量动态平衡政策中忽视了区域资源禀赋差异,迫使地方政府为完成耕地总量指标将不得不扩大后备资源的开发范围,造成能够提供巨大生态服务功能的土地类型遭到过度开发。实际上,这不仅耗费大量的人力、物力和财力,而且也削弱了区域社会经济可持续发展的物质基础。因此,在耕地总量动态平衡政策执行过程中,应当根据不同区域资源禀赋特点,加以区别对待.基于上述研究结果,文章为今后我国土地利用规划管理工作提供了一些有益的政策启示,包括:将土地资源价值核算纳入国民经济核算体系,促进绿色GDP的实现;重新认识土地资源价值,修订征地制度中地价补偿标准;建立耕地保护区域补偿机制,维护各地区利益的动态平衡。

【Abstract】 Industrialization and urbanization are an inevitable ways of social development, which not only drive the reformation and development of economy, society and politics, but also result in the changes of population structure, employment structure, land supply and demand, environment; farmland conversion is the direct effect of industrialization and urbanization. Since reformation and opening in China, farmland conversion supports economic development, and plays an important role in economic growth. On the other hand, a lot of negative effects occur in the course of farmland conversion, for example, much loss of arable land resources, by which results in a series of social, economic, and environmental problems. Farmland conversion still is a necessary cost for economic development in present and in the future in China, which is reasonable, because the cycle of farmland conversion is consistent with economic growth cycle. Simultaneously, there are a lot of additional costs for economic development hiding in the course of farmland conversion: one is ubiquitous market failure in the course of land resources allocation; another is government failure in the course of land resources allocation. The essential reasons of "dual" failure are fragmentary system of resources value and distorted resources price, which result in ignoring the latent expense of natural resources at decision-making time. So, the dissertation establishes coupling model of sustainable land use planning based on reconstruction of natural resources value and amendment of the objective function of land use planning by the results of land resources valuation in order to correct partially market failure and government failure in the course of allocation of land resources.Firstly, the dissertation defines connotation of value, natural resources and natural resources value, and reviews systematically the theories of sustainable development, natural resources value, and resources allocation, which are the foundation for reconstruction of resources value system and establishment of coupling model of sustainable land use planning. Then, the dissertation expounds necessity of land resources valuation, and reconstructs the system of land resources value based on syneretizing skillfully classification systems of land use and natural resources value; moreover, dissertates detailedly value compositions of different land use types, introduces briefly methods of land resources valuation, and prospects the production application of land resources valuation. Subsequently, the dissertation explains the connotation, objective and principle of sustainable land use planning, according to advanced ideas and methods of flexible theory, grey system theory and complex ecosystem theory, chooses linear planning model of grey parameter for the preferred method of sustainable land use planning, and introduces the basic steps of schemes appraisal and decision-making of sustainable land use planning with AHP. Finally, the dissertation establishes systematic framework of sustainable land use planning based on reconstruction of resources value, which is applied to Qingdao city for empirical test. Main conclusions are put forward as follows:(1) Though ecological and social services which are supplied by farmland supports socioeconomic development, farmers do not gain value compensation due to market failure. Thus, it hurts certainly farmers’ positivity and spurs farmers to overspend farmland, which will ultimately result in farmland being in short supply. Thereby, it is necessary to compensate farmers in order to guarantee equity between rights and obligations.(2) According to effects of land resources valuation in Qingdao city, cultivated land in proportion to garden land, forestland, grassland, residence, industry and mining land, transportation land, water body and unutilized land is 1: 0.59: 0.11: 0.17: 41.33: 14.88: 0.28: 0.00 with economic value unit area at 1990 constant price, cultivated land in proportion to garden land, forestland, grassland, residence, industry and mining land, transportation land, water body and unutilized land is 1: 0.42: 0.52: 0.32: 10.87: 3.82: 1.31: 0.01 with total value unit area at 1990 constant price. The above-mentioned effect shows objective function of land use planning is partially corrected, coupling model of sustainable land use planning based on corrected objective function ean partially correct market failure and government failure in the course of land resources allocation.(3) Local governments excessively exploit unutilized land resources which can supply enormous ecological and social service function in order to achieve the task which keeps dynamic balance of cultivated land quantifies in district, because the policy which keeps dynamic balance of cultivated land quantities ignores regional differences of resources endowment. Actually, above-mentioned actions of local governments not only expend a lot of human resources, material resources and financial resources, but also impair the ability of sustainable socioeconomic development. Therefore, the policy which keeps dynamic balance of cultivated land quantities in district should make a difference between districts according to characteristic of regional resources endowment.In the end, the dissertation puts forward policy suggestions for the improvement of China’s land use planning and management based on the above results of studies, including: bringing land resources valuation into SNA for the sake of realization of green GDP, modifying compensation standards of land expropriation system based on land resources valuation; establishing regional compensation mechanism of cultivated land protection in order to keep dynamic balance of different district interests.


