

Study on Demonstration of Quality and Safety of Agro-Products Based on the Farming Household’s Production Behavior

【作者】 杨天和

【导师】 褚保金;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 农产品质量安全是保护人类生命健康和提高人类生活质量的基础,是各国政府公共安全的重要组成部分。随着经济全球化的发展和工业化、城镇化进程的加快,农业和农村产业结构的战略性调整,农产品质量安全问题已经日益凸现出来,不仅严重影响着我国人民的身体健康,而且也影响到我国的农业国际竞争力的提高和农民的增收,正成为整个社会关注的焦点和热点问题。农户是我国农业生产经营的主体,是农产品的主要供给者,农户生产的农产品的质量安全状况对我国农产品安全与否起着基础和决定性作用,因此,研究农户的生产行为对农产品质量安全的影响具有重要的现实意义。本文以江苏省水稻生产为例,运用农户行为、信息不对称和政府规制等理论,研究在一定的技术、市场和政府规制等因素条件下农户的生产行为选择对农产品质量安全的影响。通过问卷调查,从农户基本情况、对稻米质量安全的认知、稻米生产过程中的安全问题、农户在生产优质安全稻米过程中面临的市场问题、优质安全稻米生产过程中的政府规制问题等方面,系统地描述了江苏的苏南、苏中和苏北三个不同的经济区域的农户在优质安全稻米生产中的总体行为特征,并运用Logit模型对影响农户安全农产品的生产因素作了定量研究,在此基础上,提出了切合我国农产品生产实际的保障农产品质量安全的对策建议,主要研究结果如下:1、运用农户行为、信息不对称和政府规制等理论,分析了农户自身特征、对安全农产品的认知、技术供给、市场因素、生产组织方式、政府规制等重要因素对农户生产安全农产品的影响,构建了研究的一般分析框架。2、农产品的质量安全问题具有全程性,涉及各个环节和方面。基地环境整治、农业投入品管制、法律法规的制定、质量标准制定、安全农产品的认证、信息服务等都需要政府的规制。近年来,我国农产品质量安全政府规制取得了重要进展,但与发达国家相比,与农产品质量安全管理要求相比,还存在一些问题,并影响到农户的生产行为和农产品的质量安全。3、技术是影响农产品质量安全最重要的因素之一,先进的生产技术是农户能否生产优质安全农产品的重要前提条件。优质安全农产品生产技术是一个体系,生产优质安全农产品比普通农产品生产所需的技术要求更高,生产优质安全农产品特别需要一些关键生产技术的创新,如高抗病虫害的优良品种、高效低毒的环保型农药等技术供给。现有的技术创新对农产品质量安全发挥了重要的保障作用,但与农产品质量安全面临的新要求相比还显得不够,从而使得农户可供选择的技术不多,技术使用成本高,技术效益低,我们必须加强优质安全农产品生产技术的创新。同时优质安全农产品生产也需要高效的技术服务,当前服务主体提供服务的能力和水平、技术本身的成熟度、衣户的科技文化素质和质量安全意识,使用新技术取得的收益等都影响技术服务和农户的技术选择。实证研究表明农技部门、公司、基地、书本、媒体等多渠道的技术服务有利于技术的有效传播。4、农户安全认知水平和自身的文化素质影响着农产品质量安全生产,农户的农产品质量安全意识越高,其生产行为就越安全。另外,农户文化素质的提高也有利于促进农产品的安全生产,相对于小学文化的户主而言,初中文化的户主生产行为更为安全。初中及以下的户主构成了我省受调查农户的绝大部分,不断提高我省农户整体文化层次,提高受教育程度低(特别是小学文化)的农户的文化素质,将有利于农户提升对稻米安全生产的认识接受能力,增强社会责任与安全意识。5、农户生产行为与其生产组织化程度密切相关,合作社等生产组织方式有利于农户的安全生产,从生产组织方式看,“合作社+农户”的生产组织方式使农户生产的安全性最高,其次是“企业+农户”的方式,最低的为农户家庭自主经营。我们应该通过加强生产组织方式的创新,不断规范和引导农户的安全生产行为。6、由于经济水平、农户专业化程度等差异,农户生产的安全行为在区域间的表现存在一定的差异,农户生产的安全性在地区间的差异大体视为苏北农户生产行为最为安全、苏中其次、苏南最低。7、农户兼业程度的不同影响着其安全生产行为,研究表明由于利益偏好程度等原因,一般地务农为主的农户生产行为安全性最高,其次为纯农户,打工为主的农户生产行为安全性最低。8、在明确影响农产品安全生产因素的基础上,借鉴国外农产品安全生产与管理经验,提出了加强我国农产品质量安全的对策建议,主要包括:加强对农产品质量安全生产知识的宣传教育与生产能力培训;加强农产品质量安全生产技术的研究、开发与示范推广;加强市场监管和政策扶持,规范和引导农户安全生产;建立和完善农产品质量安全信息体系;加强农产品质量安全生产的组织创新。

【Abstract】 Quality and safety of agro-products is the cornerstone of guaranteeing human life health and improving human life quality and therefore becomes the important part of public security of individual government. With the economic globalization, the speedup process of industrialization and urbanization and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure, issues of quality safety of agro-products are becoming increasingly prominent, which affect not just people’s physical health but influence the elevated agricultural competition power of China and the household’s income. This raised critical concerns and hot debating from the whole society. Households are the main body of agricultural production and management as well as the major supplier of agro-products and they also playa fundamental and critical role in the safety of agro-products from the whole country. Therefore, so it is of great importance to investigate the production behaviors of the farming households.The paper puts an emphasis on the effect of farmers’ production behaviors on the quality and safety of agro-products under certain technology, market and governmental regulation factors using the theory of household behavior, market failure and governmental regulation by taking rice production in Jiangsu province as an example. The survey questionnaire was conducted including household’s current state, cognitions on rice quality and safety, safe problems and main problems of market failure and governmental regulation during rice production. This research presented a detailed and systematic description on overall characteristics of households from three regions of southern, middle and northern area of Jiangsu province during rice production. And Logit modeling was applied to quantities analyze factors influencing household’s production of safe agro-products. On its basis, the countermeasures were proposed to ensure the safety of agro-products suitable for agro-products reality in our country. The main results were as follows:1, The paper analyzed the effects of household’s self- characteristics, their cognitions toward safe agro-products, techniques supply, market factor, organization mode and governmental regulation on the production of agro-products by applying the theory of behaviors economics, market failure and governmental regulation and thereby, constructed the general theoretic frame of the research.2, Quality and safety problems of agro-products was integrated and involved in every process; and aspects. In this case, governmental regulation shows its critical role in the works including base environment renovation, chemicals management, laws and rules establishment, quality standards establishment, safe agro-products certification, information services.3, Technology is the predominant factor regarding to quality and safety of the agro-products. And advanced production technology provides a solid base for the household’s production of safe agro-products. It is highly demanding to produce, safe high-quality agro-products than normal one, specifically for the support of key production technology including good anti-insects variety and supply of high performing and low toxicity pesticide. The innovative techniques available to household are still not enough for the rising demands for agro-products, which is high costly but poor effect. Technical service is also necessary for the production of high-quality of safe agro-products, which was influenced by serving level, maturity of technique itself, household’s scientific quality and safe cognition. Studies indicated that agro-technical sections, company, basement, book and medium were good for the effective spread of the technology.4, The cognition level and self scientific quality of households directly affect the production of safe agro-products. The higher the cognition levels, the safer the production behaviors. Improving scientific quality of households is also beneficial to promote safe production of agro-products. Comparing with the householder with elementary academic level, the production behaviors with the high school were safer. Results illustrated that these households with lower than high school level constituted a big majority of households receiving questionnaire. And elevated education is also helpful to raise the recognition capacity of the safe production of rice and strengthen social liability.5, household’s production behavior is closely associated with its organization manner and the cooperative body favored the safe production of the households. Among all production manners, the mode of cooperative body plus individual households is the best way to increase safe production and followed by ’enterprise plus farmer’ and self-determination manner comes the last. This indicated enhancement on innovations on production manner is able to regulate and guide safe production behaviors of the households.6, Dueto variations on economic level and the degree of household’s specialization, safe production behaviors of households exhibited difference among various regions and the safest was in the north of Jiangsu, followed by middle and south.7, The degree of job-time also affected the safe production manner. The results indicated the households with the agriculture as the main job showed highest safety in safe production behaviors, and then followed by absolute farmers and the farmers with other work as the main job for the reason of the interest.8, On the base of confirming the factors affecting the safe agro-products production and borrowing the international experience on the production and management of safe agro-products, the controllable countermeasures were proposed mainly including strengthening the publicization of scientific knowledge and technical training of quality and safety agro-products production, enhancing technology study, development and fruit demonstration and extension of quality and safety agro-products production, intensifying governmental regulation, regulating safe production behaviors of the farmers, perfecting laws and rules of quality and safety of agro-products, establishment and perfecting information system of quality and safety of agro-products, strengthening organization innovation of quality and safety of agro-products production.


