

Study on the Structures and Properties of Down and Down Assemblies

【作者】 高晶

【导师】 潘宁; 于伟东;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 羽绒作为天然纤维原料,具有轻、软、暖等特点,可以制造各类服用保暖材料,具有不可取代性,其本质原因在于羽绒体的形态、结构及空间分叉形式,而这方面的研究都很少,对其认识严重不足。本文首次对我国太湖鹅白鹅绒纤维的形态结构、聚集态结构、微观形态结构、化学结构进行了细致的研究。利用扫描电子显微镜技术观察了羽绒纤维的外观形态结构,得到了羽绒纤维各级分叉结构的定量长度和细度,对羽绒纤维中各级小纤维和节点的分布特点和表面特征进行了阐述;成功地制取了结构分辩性良好的羽绒纤维超薄切片,利用透射电子显微镜技术,观察了羽绒纤维内部微细结构,获得了各部分结构的基本尺寸和形态组成;利用红外光谱技术得到了羽绒纤维的的红外光谱图,分析了基本结构键吸收峰特征;利用氨基酸分析技术分析了羽绒纤维的基本氨基酸组成,得到羽绒纤维氨基酸种类和内部结合键构成与羊毛基本相同,某些氨基酸在含量上存在差异;利用X—衍射技术和萨那蒙补偿法,研究了羽绒纤维结晶和取向结构,羽绒纤维结晶度稍高于羊毛纤维,取向度较羊毛纤维相差较多。本文首次对羽绒绒枝纤维的导热性能、弯曲性能、润湿性能以及热性能进行了定量的测试和分析。利用树脂包埋松散纤维束的制样方法,测试了纤维包埋块的基本物性和导热参数,并利用加权平均数值方法计算了羽绒纤维的导热系数值,得到羽绒纤维的导热性能低于羊毛纤维;利用针对测试单纤维压缩弯曲性能的测量装置对绒枝单纤维的弯曲性能进行了测试和分析,结果表明绒枝纤维的相对抗弯刚度和弯曲模量均小于羊毛纤维,但弯曲恢复功系数大于羊毛纤维;测试了绒枝纤维的接触角和比表面能,结果表明羽绒纤维的润湿性远低于羊毛纤维;最后利用DSC技术,对羽绒纤维进行了热性能测试。本文首次将分形理论应用于羽绒纤维形态结构的定量分析和表征,这也是本文的主要创新点之一。研究表明羽绒纤维的形态结构具有明显的自相似性和标度不变性,因此羽绒外观具有显著的分形性;利用计算机模拟的理论计算和Sandbox方法的实际测算,分别得到了羽绒纤维的分形维数值为1.66和1.678,证明了理论模拟的一定的准确性,评价了分形维数对羽绒纤维性能的特殊意义。本文对羽绒纤维集合体的各项物理性能进行了定量的测量和研究。根据WRONZ蓬松测试仪的原理,对羽绒纤维集合体的蓬松性能进行测试,羽绒纤维集合体的蓬松性是其它纤维集合体的3~8倍;利用变密度纤维集合体传导性的原位综合测量装置对羽绒纤维集合体的压缩性能和透气性能进行了动态测试,结果表明羽绒纤维集合体的压缩性好于其他纤维集合体,当初始体积分数较小时,纤维体积分数和压缩率随外界压力的增加而变化明显,具有典型的压缩曲线特征。羽绒纤维集合体的压缩恢复性低于羊毛纤维集合体;羽绒纤维集合体的透气性随体积分数增加,逐渐变小,与其他纤维集合体相比,羽绒纤维的透气性最差;利用烘箱法测试了羽绒纤维集合体在不同大气状态下的吸湿性能,得到了羽绒纤维集合体的吸、放湿等温线以及吸湿等湿线,羽绒纤维集合体的吸湿性在不同温湿度状态下都低于羊毛;利用平板式保暖仪对羽绒纤维集合体的保暖性能进行了定量的测试,结果表明相同体积分数的羽绒纤维集合体的保暖性能好于其他纤维集合体,在体积分数为0.002~0.005范围时,羽绒纤维集合体保暖性最好。综合羽绒单纤维以及纤维集合体的各项特征和性能,讨论了羽绒单纤维性能对集合体物理性能的影响,评价了导致羽绒纤维集合体保暖机制的主次因素。羽绒纤维的形态结构的分形性特征,赋予了羽绒纤维集合体的高度蓬松性和空气不流动性,是导致羽绒集合体优良保暖性能的最主要因素;羽绒纤维自身较低的导热系数,在一定程度上降低了由于纤维间热传导而产生热量损失,为集合体保暖提供了辅助作用;羽绒的分形结构及较好的弯曲恢复性能,使羽绒纤维集合体在压缩后轻轻搅动下迅速恢复良好的蓬松状态,为集合体的保暖提供了必要的条件;羽绒纤维吸湿性和润湿性较小的特点,为羽绒纤维集合体在湿度较大条件下的保暖作用提供了有利的因素。本文首次将分形理论用于纤维集合体内部结构的研究,利用Micro CT测试技术,对纤维集合体进行断层扫描,观察纤维集合体的纤维排列和分布,通过计算断层分形维数,对纤维排列进行了定量化的表征,这种方法打破了以往对纤维集合体“容积平均”的几何描述,为研究纤维集合体内部结构和纤维间的相互作用开辟了一条新思路。

【Abstract】 As natural nonwoven and filler materials down fibers have characteristics of light,soft and warm, whose products in beddings and some outerwear for cold climates areirreplaceable all through. However, cognitions and studies on the structures andproperties of down fiber and down assemblies are both lacking badly at present.Especially it is not enough to realize the true mechanism of thermal insulation ofdown assembly.This paper studied amply the morphological structure, aggregating state structure,microfine structure and chemical structure of Taihu goose down of China for the firsttime. Using SEM observed the appearance morphological structure of down andobtained all levels length and fineness of down bifurcate structures. Expatiatedrespectively distributing rules and surface characteristics of all levels fibrils and nodeson down fibers. Achieved down ultrathin sections dyed very well and studied themicrofine structure of down inner through observing the TEM photographs. The basicdimension and composing of every part were introduced, and the first class fibrillarstructure was found. Making use of FTIR obtained infrared spectrum of down innerand down surface, and analyzed the basic absorbent apices characters. Throughamino-acid analyzer tested the basic ammo-acid composing of down. It was provedthat down inner bonding forms were almost the same with the wool fibers. Theamino-acid sorts of both fibers were uniform, but some contents were different. ByX-diffraction techniques studied down crystallization structure and by compensatingmechanism studied down orientation structure. The crystallinity of down was littlehigher than wool fiber, and the specific birefringence of down was much lower thanwool.This paper tested and analyzed quantificationally down thermal conductivity,bending properties, wetting and thermal properties for the first time. Making use ofresin embedding loose fibers, measured the basic physical indexes and thermal parameters of embedding block. Then calculated the thermal conductivity of down byweighted mean. The results indicated that the heat conductivity of down was lowerthan wool. Using the measuring device aiming at compression and bend of singlefiber tested and analyzed the bending indexes of down branch fiber. It had beenshowed that both the relative bending rigidity and bending modulus of down branchfiber were much lower than wool fiber. However, the bending recovery coefficient ofdown branch fiber was higher than wool. Measured contact angle and specific surfaceenergy of down branch fiber. It was proved that the wetting performance of downmuch lower than wool. Through DSC techniques measured the thermal properties ofdown.For the first time applied the fractal theories to characterize measurably themorphological structure of down, which also was one of the main innovation parts ofthis paper. The whole down possesses obvious self-similarity and scale-fixity, whichshowed that down fiber could be considered as a marked fractal; Utilizing computersimulation and practice calculation by Sandbox measurement calculated the fractaldimensions of down respectively as 1.66 and 1.678, which was provided with especialmeaning to fiber performances.This paper also measured and investigated the physical performances of downassemblies, and compared them with other fiber assemblies. Basing on the principiumof WRONZ bulkiness tester, a simple device was made to test the bulkiness of downassembly. The bulkiness of down assembly was 2~7 times better than otherassemblies. Using in-situ measurement devices to fiber assembly conductivity underfluctuant densities, measured dynamically the compressibility and permeability ofdown assembly. Along with the changing of assembly volume fractions thecompressibility of down assembly was much better than other assemblies. As initialvolume fraction was low, the change of assembly compression ratio with the pressureincreasing was evident, and the change followed typical compression characters.However, the compression-recoverability of down assembly was less than woolassembly. The permeability of down assembly reduced gradually as the increasing ofassembly volume fraction. Down assembly permeability is the least compared with other assemblies. By oven method tested respectively the hygroscopicity of downassemblies under various atmospheric states. So the hydroscopic isotherm andmoisture liberation isotherm could be gained. The absorbent qualities of down undervarious atmosphere states were lower than wool. On plate warmth retaining testertested and valued the heat insulating ability of down assembly. It was proved thatdown assembly possessed better heat retention than any other assembly under thesame volume fraction, and when the volume fraction retained between 0.002 and0.005 down had best thermal insulations.Colligating the characters and performances of both single down branch fiber andfiber assemblies, this paper valued the primary and secondary factors influencing fiberassembly thermal insulations. The fractal characteristic of down morphologicalstructure, which endowed down assembly with high bulkiness and plentiful still-air,was the most important factor leading to down assembly excellent thermal insulation.Besides, the lower thermal conductivity of down itself decreased the heat transferthrough fibers to some extent and was the assistant factor to thermal insulations ofassembly. The fractal structures and excellent bending recovery of down branch madedown assembly compressed puff out quickly under gently agitation, which providedthermal insulation of down assembly necessary condition. Because down had lesshygroscopic wetting property, down assembly could retain better heat insulting abilityas ambient humidity rising.This paper observed assembly inner fibers arrangement and distributing byMicro-CT techniques and calculated the fractal dimensions of assembly scan tierapplying fractal theory, so achieved the quantificationally characterizing to fibersarrangement in assembly. It had changed the thought and depiction of fiber assemblyhaving "even volume" and would approach the practice much more. It pioneered anew route to study the inner structures and mutual effects among fibers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期

