

Study on Fiber Structure and Knitting Technology of Apocynum Venetum

【作者】 韩光亭

【导师】 冯勋伟;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 罗布麻一般为野生原料,即使种植也无须喷施肥料与杀虫剂,且可被生物降解,是生态友好的“绿色纤维”之一,其产品具有一定的医疗保健功能和抗菌作用,同时罗布麻纤维是一种具有优良物理机械性能和服用性能的纤维,被誉为“野生纤维之王”,用其制作的抗菌纺织品深受国内外消费者的喜爱。但是据目前国内外的研究现状而言,人们对罗布麻纤维的研究尚不深入,主要停留在对罗布麻纤维的物理机械性能的研究上,对罗布麻单纤维形态结构以及聚集态结构的研究极少见诸报道。各种材料的性能决定了其用途,而各种材料的性能又是由其结构所决定的。形态结构是决定材料是否具有可纺性以及产品性能好坏的重要因素,同时聚集态结构是决定高聚物本体性质的主要因素,因此,本文对罗布麻单纤维的形态结构以及聚集态结构进行了深入研究,为解释罗布麻纤维及产品外在特性提供理论依据奠定基础。随着社会的发展,人类已跨步迈入21世纪,本世纪社会发展的主题是绿色环保、节约能源、可持续发展,因此,生物技术在各领域必将备受关注,进而缓解因化学加工带来的种种环境及能源问题。目前罗布麻初加工企业大都借鉴于较成熟的苎麻脱胶工艺,采用化学脱胶的方法对罗布麻进行初加工而生物脱胶尚处于起步阶段。由于化学加工有其不可避免的缺点,因此,本文对利用生物方法对罗布麻进行初加工进行了深入研究,并从多糖化学以及生物能力学的角度对罗布麻生物脱胶的机理进行了研究。罗布麻具有抑菌性已有大量文献报道,而人们对罗布麻的抑菌性能和抑菌机理还没有得到一个明确的答案和准确的认识。本课题在前人研究的基础上,对罗布麻的抑菌性能及抑菌机理进行了深入研究。此外本文还对罗布麻纤维纺纱、针织工艺及产品开发进行回顾与评述。针对以上几个问题本研究做了如下工作:首先对罗布麻的生长分布、生态特征、栽培技术、用途、纤维的特点及其纺织品的优异性能、纤维的制取方法及发展概况等进行了概述。其次利用光学显微镜对罗布麻纤维的形态结构进行了研究,结果表明,罗布麻纤维整体均呈细长梭状,纵向表面上,有清晰的节点;具有中腔,且中腔随纤维的位置不同,宽度也不同;纤维具有特殊的末端。利用透射电子显微镜(TEM)对罗布麻纤维的多重原纤结构进行了深入研究,罗布麻纤维微纤具有分子叉结构。利用X—射线衍射、红外光谱、拉曼光谱以及DSC对罗布麻纤维的结晶结构、取向结构以及分子组成进行了研究。按照GB/T5889—1986《苎麻化学成分定量分析方法》,对罗布麻的化学组成进行了分析,结果表明罗布麻与其它麻类的化学组成差异很大,其纤维素含量较少仅占罗布麻麻皮的45%左右,而半纤维素、木质素、水溶物和果胶的含量很高,高达55%左右,这使得罗布麻的脱胶难度较大。在此基础上,分析了罗布麻胶质的特点并得出罗布麻微生物脱胶的主要去除对象是除纤维素和本质素之外的多缩戊搪,多缩己糖及其杂聚多糖,而木质素则难以为微生物所降解。同时对微生物对胶质的降解原理及过程进行了深入研究,得出罗布麻胶质在有氧条件下经微生物降解的主要途径是:多糖胶质水解成戊糖、己糖;戊糖、己糖通过HMP和己糖互换途径转化为6-磷酸果糖;6-磷酸果糖经过EMP途径转化为丙酮酸;丙酮酸经三羧酸循环和氧化呼吸链彻底氧化为二氧化碳和水。接下来,在本试验条件下对好氧性微生物脱胶的影响因素进行了研究。结果表明影响罗布麻好氧微生物脱胶的因素主要有脱胶初始pH值、浴比、脱胶温度、脱胶时间、初始菌量、振荡器转速、液体细菌培养时间。通过试验逐一研究了这些因素的作用规律,并通过正交试验筛选出对脱胶影响较大的因素。进而利用二次通用旋转组合设计和优化得出生物脱胶的最优工艺参数:脱胶温度在41~42℃、初始pH值在8.8、菌液量为每4克罗布麻45~50mL,振荡器转速150r/min、菌液培养时间48h、脱胶时间24h、浴比1:25。此外还对微生物脱胶后的罗布麻进行简单的化学后处理,并与纯化学脱胶得到的精干麻进行了品质指标的对比测试,结果表明采用微生物化学联合脱胶法达到了脱胶的目的和要求,得到的精干麻综合指标K1=0.63471优于纯化学方法得到的精干麻的综合指标K2=0.54366。最后,本文对罗布麻纤维及其针织产品的抑菌性能进行分析研究。经测定罗布麻根、茎、叶的抗菌力,结果表明罗布麻根和叶在相同的测试条件下,可以杀灭绝大部分细菌或者把所有细菌杀死,麻皮的抑菌率比较弱。并通过分析其化学结构提出其抗菌效力不同的原因:罗布麻根中的酚类和甙类物质,茎中的酚类和鞣质类,叶中的酚类和β—谷甾醇和鞣质类对细菌的抑制和杀灭起主要作用。由于鞣质类的存在,罗布麻纤维对革兰染色阳性菌与革兰染色阴性菌的作用是不一样的,对后者的抑制力相对强一些。经测定罗布麻纤维对不同细菌和真菌的抑菌效力,结果显示罗布麻纤维属于轻度杀菌,与棉纤维相比,它能抑制细菌的生长,并能在足够的作用时间内杀灭部分细菌;罗布麻纤维对革兰染色阳性菌与革兰染色阴性菌的抑制能力是不一样的,对后者的抑制力相对强一些;罗布麻纤维对真菌的抑制作用不明显。并从微生物角度分析罗布麻纤维对不同致病菌具有不同抑菌率的原因与机理。根据不同标准运用不同的实验方法测定罗布麻纤维以不同的混纺比与棉纤维混纺织物的抗菌效力,结果显示随着罗布麻含量的降低混纺织物的抗菌力减弱。

【Abstract】 Apocynum Venetum, a wild plant, is regarded as the environment-friendly fiber because no fertilizer is used during growth and it can be degraded biologically. Since apocynum venetum has antibacterial function, good mechanical properties and wearing characteristics, it is also named as ’the king of wild fiber’, which can be used to produce popular antibacterial textiles.Although research on mechanical properties of apocynum venetum fibers has been done, there is only a few reports about morphological structure and structure of aggregating state of single fibers till now. The usage of textile materials depends on their performances while the performance relies on their own structures. The morphological structure is a significant factor in determining the spinnability of fibers and properties of products, and the structure of aggregating state works as one of the key factor in determining the characteristics of high polymer. So the morphological structure and the structure of aggregating state of apocynum venetum fibers will be studied in this paper in order to provide theoretical foundation in explaining the performance of apocynum venetum fibers and their products. With the improvement of society, the environmental protection, energy conservation and sustainable development have become even more important in this century. Thus the biological technology has greatly caught people’s attention to relieve pollution and energy shortage brought by chemical process industry.Until now, the preliminary treatment on apocynum venetum usually refers to degumming processes of ramie and thus chemical degumming is frequently adapted. But the chemical degumming has some inevitable disadvantages. So in this project, study on the biological degmming has been done and mechanism of the process is discussed from the point of polyoses chemistry and biological dynamics. In spite of the report of antibacterial function of apocynum venetum fibers, the antibacterial efficiency and mechanism of apocynum venetum fibers has not been expressed exactly. In this paper, the performance of antibiosis of apocynum venetum fibers and its mechanism has been studied. The main research work has been done as follows:In the first chapter, the growth, distribution, habit, cultivation techniques and usage of apocynum venetum and performance and development of apocynum venetum fibers and textiles are investigated and summarized. In chapter two, the morphological structure of apocynum venetum fibers are studied by means of optical microscope. On the whole, apocynum venetum fibers are like slight shuttles and clear knots are found on the lengthways surfaces. Different width lumens lie on different places of fibers. Moreover, multiple fibrillar structure of apocynum venetum is researched via TEM to find its primitive fibers have fiberils with bifurcation structure. Crystal structure, orientation and molecular composition of apocynum venetum fibers are also studied with X-ray diffraction, infra-red spectrum, Raman spectrum and DSC.In chapter three, the chemical constitution of apocynum venetum is tested and analyzed in accordance to GB/T5889-1986,《Method for the quantitative analysis of chemical components of ramie》and the results show that the bast fiber of apocynum venetum is different from hemp and ramie and composed of 45% cellulose and 55% non-cellulose components such as semicellulose, lignin, water soluble matter and pectin. It is difficult to achieve good degumming effect due to the high content of non-cellulose in apocynum venetum.Based on the chemical constitution of apocynum venetum and characteristics of gum, the conclusion is drawn that the biological degumming aims to remove pentosan, hexanose, and heteropolymeric polyoses while lignin is difficult to be degraded by the microbe. According to the analysis on the degradation process of gum, the principle of biological degumming is that the gum produces bacterial, bacteria produces enzyme and the enzyme degrades gum. The main approach of degumming is as following: the polyoses gum is hydrolyzed to be pentose and hexose, which is transformed to 6-phosphofructose by HMP and exchange of hexose, and then with the help of EMP, the 6-phosphofructose transforms to acetyl formic acid, which is oxidized to carbon dioxide via tricarboxylic acid cycle and oxidation respiration chain.Factors influencing aerobic biological degumming are also studied and the following factors are involved in experiments: the initial pH value, bath ratio, temperature, time, initial amount of bacterial, ascillation speed, time cultivating liquid bacterial. A series of experiments had been done to analyze how these factors influence bacterial degumming and several crucial factors are picked out via orthogonal test. Through the quadratic general rotary unitized design, the processing parameters of biological degumming are optimized and the optimum parameters are as follows: the degumming temperature is 41~42℃, the initial pH value falls at 8.8, the amount of bacterial is 11.25~12.5mL per gram of apocynum venetum, the ascillation speed is 150r/min and the period cultivating bacterial is 48h with 24h degumming period and 1:25 bath ratio.In the fourth chapter, an investigation into the textile technology with some emphasis on knitting has been reported. The study on the antibacterial properties is also mentioned.Firstly, the antibacterial efficiency of root, stem and leaf of apocynum venetum are measured respectively and the results show that in the same test condition, the root and leaf can kill most of bacteria but the bast has weak bacteriostasis. Reasons of different antibacterial efficiency are analyzed in terms of chemical construction. The phenols and glycoside in root, the phenols and tannis in stem and phenols,β-sitosterol and tannis in leaf mainly contribute to control and kill bacteria. Because of tannis, apocynum venetum fibers have better control on Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative bacteria.Secondly, the different proficiencies of apocynum venetum in controlling various bacteria are measured and the results show that apocynum venetum fibers have slight antibacterial effect. Compared with cotton, apocynum venetum can control the growth of bacteria and can kill some of them after a long period. Moreover, apocynum fibers show different antibacterial efficiencies on Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria but they cannot kill fungi. The reasons and mechanism of different antibacterial effects are analyzed from the viewpoint of microbe.At last, apocynum venetum fibers are mixed with cotton fibers with various blending ratios and antibacterial efficiencies of blended yarns of different proportion are tested with different methods and evaluation criterion. The results show that apocynum venetum/cotton yarns hardly have antibacterial function.HAN Guang-ting(Textile Engineering) Supervised by FENG Xun-wei

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】TS182.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】493

