

The Cultural Parallel of Depression between Western Medicine & Chinese Traditional Medicine

【作者】 田旭升

【导师】 程伟;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 忧郁是一种对负面社会生活刺激的正常情感体验,一旦忧郁情绪状态来由不明、持久不退则产生心境障碍,导致抑郁症。抑郁症常常伴随人的认知领域的偏差,具有活动动机和积极性受抑制的特点。抑郁症亦作忧郁症,作为一种精神疾患先见于症状的描述,随后在西方医学疾病分类发展过程中被定义。本文首先考查了古希腊以降对抑郁症认识的不断发展过程,在西方社会抑郁症患者的地位的几度沉浮。与此相对中医学对抑郁症的认识同样先见于症状的记录,因其固有的独特医学发展模式,对该病的定义与分类有别于西方。本文通过对中医学古代文献的考察,中西方医学之间对抑郁症的诊断不存在一致的对应关系,抑郁症散在于中医学多种病状的记载之中,尽管对抑郁症认识的取径存在着本质的差异,但对抑郁症相关症状的治疗方面却涵括诸多相似之处。在医学社会学视阈下,分析我国抑郁症的发病社会文化基础、躯体化症状的文化内核以及性别与年龄差异等因素,有利于阐释精神疾患的文化相关性;宗教、伦理以及社会文化与抑郁症之间的盘根错节为客观地审度本病提供必要的人本关怀。相同的疾病在不同的文化背景下,必然存在着认知的差异,舶来品需要改造已经成为不争的事实。择取恰当的切入点,立足于本民族的社会文化基础,在中西方文化相互砥砺、融汇的时代特征下,探寻抑郁症作为精神疾患之一的社会文化本土化发病特征,为心理疏导与临床精神动力疗法等治疗手段提供理论依据、指导临床实践确有裨益。

【Abstract】 Melancholia is one of the normal feelings due to negative social stimulus. When the cause of melancholia is unclear and the condition remains for a long-term, it will induce mental obstacle and further lead to depression. The characteristic of depression is the restrain of motivation and activity, often accompanying with deviation of cognitive domain.Depression, as one of common mental diseases, is also called melancholia, which was firstly prescribed by the descriptions of symptom. And then depression had been defined by western medicine (WM) with the development of the disease classifications. In the present thesis, the course of depression from ancient Greek to nowadays was investigated. Social status of patients with depression varied in the different periods in the western society before 19th century. From the traditional Chinese medicine point of view, the recognition of depression was also firstly prescribed by records about the descriptions of symptom, which is just what the western medicine argues. Since TCM has a different medical model, its definition and classification in depression differed from WM. The investigation of ancient documents of TCM indicated that there is no corresponding relationship between WM and TCM. The symptoms of depression had placed in a variety of disease’s names in TCM. Although the approaches of understanding in depression were essentially difference in WM and TCM, The treatments of depression had the some similarities, to some extent, between them.In the fields of medical sociology, the analysis regarding the basis of social culture, culture core of somatic symptoms, and the differences of gender and age was performed to interpret the cultural correlations of psycho-diseases. The sophisticated relationships with religion ethics and social culture provided the humanity’s care to this disease. The understandings of depression were inevitably different due to the different cultural backgrounds. There is no doubt that the exports are necessary to be reconstructed. In the age of the collision and mixation of the western and oriental cultures, it is suitable to choose the appropriate keys to investigate the pathological characteristics based on the domestic culture. The present study provided theoretical support and the instructions of clinical treatments including psychiatric persuade and psycho-dynamic treatments.

  • 【分类号】R749.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】737

