

Analysis of Vehicle-Bridge Vibration under Train Induced Wind and Natural Wind

【作者】 黄林

【导师】 奚绍中; 廖海黎;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 横向风作用下高速列车在桥上运行时,由于列车风的作用,在列车头尾部必然产生比较明显的三维流动,同时列车中部流场也会因列车运动而受到一定的影响。为研究列车风对车桥耦合振动的影响,建立了同时考虑列车风和横向风作用及轨道不平顺影响的车桥耦合振动分析模型。本文从以下几个方面对该分析模型进行了详细的研究:1、利用大型商业流体计算软件FLUENT,采用多重参考系法计算德国ICE高速列车在铁路桥上运行时流场的稳态解。研究表明:列车风对车桥系统流场的影响主要体现在列车头部的排挤作用,列车尾部的拖曳作用,列车尾部存在一个较强的旋涡,对列车尾部的影响区域更大更强,对列车中部流场的影响基本可以忽略。列车风对列车的阻力、横向力、升力、摇头力矩影响较大。列车风的作用使得整个列车产生一种向上提升和向横风向摇头的作用。列车风对头尾车附近区域桥梁的气动力有比较明显的影响。2、在轮轨三维非线性接触几何关系上,考虑了桥梁振动对蠕滑率、轨道空间位置的影响,并引入了沈氏理论对轮轨接触蠕滑力的非线性修正。3、建立了综合考虑横向静风、列车风、轨道不平顺的车桥耦合振动分析模型,实现了在每一迭代时间步准确计算轮轨接触几何参数,提出了轮轨接触点的绝对空间位置和接触力唯一的车桥系统分组迭代收敛准则。在每一迭代步计算每节车辆的响应时采用车辆加速度残差范数与加速度范数之比控制迭代收敛。4、以德国高速铁路标准简支梁桥为例,研究了列车风对高速铁路中小跨简支梁桥车桥耦合振动响应的影响,并采用轮轨接触点在车轮、轨头上的横向位置时程曲线进行了研究。分析表明:列车风对车桥耦合振动的影响主要体现在车辆的安全性上,列车风对桥梁振动的影响完全可以忽略。虽然列车风对车辆的轮重减载率、脱轨系数、横向水平力有一定程度的影响,但车辆振动的各项指标均远小于控制指标,因此从这个意义上看可以不考虑列车风对简支梁桥车桥耦合振动的影响。5、以日本新干线上的屋代南桥为例,研究了列车风对大跨度桥梁车桥耦合振动响应的影响,并采用轮轨接触点在车轮、轨头上的横向位置时程曲线进行了研究。分析表明:列车风对车桥耦合振动的影响主要体现在头尾车的安全性上,列车风对桥梁振动的影响基本可以忽略。列车风显著增大了头尾车的轮重减载率、脱轨系数、轮轨横向水平力。提高桥梁的竖向刚度可以明显减小车辆的竖向加速度、竖向Sperling指标和桥梁的竖向位移、竖向加速度,对车辆和桥梁的横向振动基本没有影响,体现了车桥耦合振动中竖向和横向振动的弱耦合特性。

【Abstract】 Three-dimensional flow will be appeared near the front and rear of the high-speed train when it is running on the bridge under the cross wind and train induced wind, also the flowfield near the middle part of the train will be affected at some degree. An analysis model of coupling vibration of vehicle and bridge was established to study the train induced wind influence, in comprehensively considering of cross wind, train induced wind and rail irregularities.In this paper, the main research work is carried out to study this analysis model as follows:1. Steady flowfields around the vehicle and bridge when German high-speed train ICE travelling on the railway bridge were obtained based on MRF(multiple reference frame) method by the commercial computational fluid dynamics(CFD) software FLUENT . The present study shows that the effect of train induced wind to the vehicle-bridge system is mainly revealed in the pushing effect near the front of the train, the dragging effect near the rear of the train, a strong vortex is formed following the train. The train induced wind has more influence on zone near the rear of the train, and has little effect to the flowfield near the middle part of the train. In general,the train induced wind has clear influence on the drag force, lateral force, lift force and yaw moment of the train. The whole effect of the train induced wind makes the train to move up and yaw toward the cross wind direction. The train induced wind has evident infulence on the aerodynamic forces of the bridge near the first and end vehicle.2. The bridge vibration effect to the creepage and the space position of track was considered in three dimensional wheel/rail contact geometry. Also the non-linear Shen-Hedrick-Elkins theory was applied to modify the wheel/rail contact creep-forces.3. The analysis model of the vehicle-bridge coupling vibration was developed by comprehensively considering the cross wind, the train induced wind, rail irregularity. And the wheel/rail contact geometric parameters were accurately calculated at each time step iteration. The new improved iteration convergence criterion is that the absolute space position and contact force are unique in the seperated iterative procedure of the vehicle-bridge system.At the same time, iteration accuracy and integration convergency were controlled using the ratio of residual acceleration norms and acceleration norms of vehicle for computing the vibration of each vehicle at every iteration step.4. A German high speed railway standard simply supported beam bridge was used as an example to study the train induced wind influence on the vehicle-bridge vibration of the simply supported small- and middle-span beam bridge. Also the lateral position time history of the wheel/rail contact on the wheel tread and rail head was investigated. The result shows that the train induced wind has some influence on the vehicle safty and has very little influenc on the bridge vibration.Although the train induced wind has some infulence on the reduction rate for wheel load, the derailment coefficient, and the lateral force of the vehicle.but all vibration index of the vehicle are very small compared to the design index. So we can neglect the train induced wind influence on the coupling vibration of vehicle and simplified bridge.5. Taking the south Yashiro bridge in Japanese Shinkansen Line as an example to study the influence of the train induced wind on the vehicle-bridge vibration of long-span bridge. Also the lateral position time history of the wheel/rail contact on the wheel tread and rail head was investigated. The result shows that the train induced wind has evident influence on the safty of the first and last car,and has little influence on the bridge vibration. The train induced wind obviously increases the reduction rate for wheel load, the derailment coefficient, lateral force for the first and the last car. Increasing the bridge vetical stiffness can obviously decrease the vertical acceration,the vertical Sperling index of the vehicle and the vertical displacement,the veritcal accerlation of the bridge.but has very little effect to the lateral vibration of vehicle and bridge. And this reflects the rather weak coupling property of the vertical and lateral vibration in the vehicle-bridge vibration.

  • 【分类号】U441.3;U211.4
  • 【被引频次】46
  • 【下载频次】1571
  • 攻读期成果

