

Research on Networks Communication System of Traction Power Supply Automation of High-speed Railway

【作者】 王牣

【导师】 钱清泉;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国铁路建设进入了一个高速发展阶段,高速铁路的设计、建设正在进一步展开。面对日、德、法等先进技术的竞争,研究具有自主知识产权高速铁路牵引供电自动化系统(TPSAS,Traction Power Supply Automatic System)是十分有意义的。控制自动化、管理信息化的TPSAS是高速铁路供电系统可靠运行的基础,可以替代进口,节省外汇和国家投资,同时也是高速铁路急需的重大技术装备。实现TPSAS的关键是通信,通信问题已成为牵引供电自动化系统研究和开发的核心问题。现在运行的供电调度系统(PSDS,Power Supply Dispatching System)、牵引变电所自动化系统(TSAS,Traction Substation integrated Automation System)、牵引供电管理信息系统(PSMIS,Power Supply Management Information System)、接触网工区、检测车、牵引供电维修管理中心、路局管理部门等通信接口复杂,信息流混乱,要求不清,很难实现真正意义上的管控一体化,同时存在“信息化孤岛”问题。在考虑系统的安全性和可靠性的前提下,按照管理和控制分流的原则,对TPSAS每个子系统的输入输出信息流进行了规范,提出了每个子系统的接口和要求,规划了TPSAS完整的信息流。按照铁路信息规范化要求,研究了相应的信息数据词典。按照TPSAS信息流对通信的要求,在现有通信网络的基础上,提出了TPSAS网络通信架构的解决方案。TPSAS系统实时性主要是TSAS网络以及PSDS控制网络的实时性。通过深入研究以太网技术,结合高速铁路对TSAS实时性要求,提出了一种新的工业控制以太网解决方案:分布交换式双环光纤自愈以太网。针对该方案,展开了研究:①详细设计了通信单元和TSAS中智能电子装置(IED,Intelligent Electric Device)的接口硬件。②提出了基于实时数据通道、最短路径表的最短路径算法,提高了通信的实时性。③提出了通信故障自愈和定位算法,使通信更易于维护,易于实现无人职守的TSAS,同时该方案也满足工业以太网对网络中断时间的要求。④利用最短路径的思想,给出了基于标准以太网的PSDS通信网络的实现方案。⑤考虑到现场环境,研制了相应的工业级分布交换式网络通信单元。该方案大大提高了PSDS控制网络实时性、可靠性,实现了PSDS与TSAS之间真正意义上的无缝连接。利用排队论,讨论了通信CPU处理能力与输入缓冲区大小的关系,输入报文到达率与缓冲区大小的关系,得到了通信接口硬件的设计原则,为工业以太网通信接口硬件设计中CPU的选择提供了依据。利用OPNET,对TSAS采用总线式、交换式、分布交换式以太网方案进行系统仿真,在相同的条件下,仿真结果表明,分布交换式以太网优于总线式和交换式以太网,且改进了以太网数据时延确定性,避免了冲突。利用故障树分析法,在元件可靠度相同的条件下,比较现有的PSDS网络结构和本文提出的2路双环SDH网络结构的可靠性,结果表明2路双环SDH网络可靠性优于现有的PSDS网络结构;比较了TSAS中采用交换式和分布交换式以太网的可靠性,结果表明分布交换式以太网可靠性大大高于交换式以太网。综上所述,PSDS采用2路双环SDH网络结构,TSAS采用分布交换式双环光纤自愈以太网,采用最短路径、故障自愈和故障定位算法,将是高速铁路TPSAS通信的一个较好的选择。基于本文所提出的分布交换式工业以太网架构,论文研究了IEC61850标准在TSAS的实现过程,从IED建模、数据对象和服务建立,GOOSE/GSSE特殊映射,MMS应用,实时操作系统,到硬件设计(IEC61850标准对硬件是有特殊要求的),IED和变电站层配置软件研究。

【Abstract】 Our country’s railway construction has entered a new development period at a high speed. The design and construction of High-speed Railway are further spreading out. In face of the competition of advanced technique from Japan, Germany, France and etc, it is significant for us to research on TPSAS (Traction Power Supply Automatic System) for High-speed Railway) with Self- Intellectual Property Rights. TPSAS with control automation and management information is the foundation of reliable operation of High-speed Railway power supply system, which can be instead of import and also can save foreign exchange, national investment, at the meantime, is the important technical equipment for the urgent need of High-speed Railway. The key problem is Communication to realize TPSAS. Communication problem has become the most kernel problem for the TPSAS research and development.It is very hard to realize the integration of management and control at a true meaning today because of the complex of the communication interfaces between PSDS (Power Supply Dispatching System), TSAS (Traction Substation integrated Automatic System) , PSMIS (Power Supply Management Information System), OHL’s(Over Head Line) Section, Detecting Car, the Maintenance and Management Center of the Traction Power Supply, the Management Department in Railway Bureau, etc., the disorder of the information flow, and the undefined demand and assignment. The problem of " Isolated Island of Information" exists in the meantime. On the basis of taking into account of security and reliability of the System, according to the principle which the control information flow and the management information flow are separated thoroughly, the input and the output information flow of every sub-system of TPSAS is standardized, the interface and requirements of every sub-system are posed, then, the whole information flow of TPSAS is planed. According to the standardization requirement of railway, related information data dictionary is researched. According to the communication requirements of TPSAS information flow, on the basis of communication networks on service, the solution plan of networks structure for TPSAS was brought up.The real-time quality of the TPSAS is mainly determined by the real-time quality of networks communication of TSAS and control networks of PSDS. Through studying deeply Ethernet technique, combining the TSAS real-time needs of TPSAS, a new industrial control Ethernet solution plan: the Distributed and Exchanged Double-loop Optical Self -repaired Ethernet was brought out. The research of the plan was carried out as follow:①The communication unit and interface hardware of IED(Intelligent Electric Device) in TSAS was designed in detail.②The most short path algorithm based on real-time data passageway and the most short path table was brought up, the real-time quality of communication was raised.③The communication fault self-repaired and fault location algorithm was given, so that communication networks was easily upheld, TSAS with nobody on duty is easily realized, the plan may meet the requirement of net-broken time of industrial Ethernet.④With the idea of the most short path, the realization plan of PSDS communication networks based on common Ethernet was brought out.⑤Taking field environment into account, industrial distributed and exchanged net communication unit has been developed. So, the real-time quality and reliability of the PSDS control networks has been improved, true link without gap between PSDS and TSAS may be realized.With queue theory, the relation between the process ability of communication CPU and the size of input buffer and the relation between reach-ratio of input telegram and the size of input buffer have been discussed, so that the design principle of the hardware of communication interface was carried out. The principle provides foundation for the choice of communication CPU in hardware of Ethernet interface design.With OPNET, system emulation about bus-type, exchange-type, distributed-exchanged-type Ethernet in TSAS was carried out. The conclusion of emulation appears that the distributed-exchanged-type is better than bus-type and exchange-type in real-time quality, improve the time-delay determination of date transmission in Ethernet, avoid the date collision. With analysis method of Fault Tree, on the condition that the degree of reliability of component of the communication system is same, comparing net structure of PSDS on service with 2 ways double-loop SDH net structure posed in this paper , it was approved that the reliability of 2 ways double-loop net structure is better than net structure of PSDS on service. Comparing exchange-type Ethernet with distributed-exchanged-type Ethernet in TSAS, it was approved that the reliability of distributed-exchanged-type Ethernet is better than exchange-type Ethernet. Summarizing above researches, the plan that PSDS adopts 2 ways double-loop SDH net structure, TSAS adopts Distributed and Exchanged Double-loop Optical Self -repaired Ethernet, The most short path algorithm, the communication fault self-repaired and fault location algorithm are applied should be better choice for communication of TPSAS for High-speed Railway.On the basis of Distributed and Exchanged Double-loop Optical Self -repaired Ethernet, the realization process of IEC61850 in TSAS was studied in this paper, which is from building module of IED,establishment of dateobject and service, special projection of GOOSE/GSSE, application of MMS,real- time operation, design of hardware with the special requirements ofIEC61850, to research of IED and substation’s configuration software.

  • 【分类号】U238;U223
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1237
  • 攻读期成果

