

Study on Dynamic Traffic Information Collecting Processing and Sharing Technology of Public Travel in Central City

【作者】 李昊

【导师】 罗霞;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界各国对智能交通系统认识的不断深入,关于先进的交通信息服务系统(ATIS,Advanced Transportation Information Service)的研究也越来越被人们所重视。研究的热点正逐步从理论和技术转向实际应用,各种ATIS系统的建设也逐渐开展起来。ATIS是ITS(智能交通系统)的核心部分,它建立在完善的信息网络基础之上,通过对各类信息加以处理后,向社会提供实时的道路交通信息、公共交通信息、换乘信息、交通气象信息、停车场信息以及与出行相关的其他信息,出行者可根据这些信息确定自己的出行方式和选择路线。公众出行交通信息服务作为ATIS的一个重要组成部分,主要由三个部分组成:信息采集、数据处理和信息发布,而信息采集是实现公众出行交通信息服务的前提条件。实现先进的公众出行交通信息服务的前提是能够实时、准确地识别道路交通运行状态,这就需要获得实时、充分、准确的道路网络的动态交通流信息。出行大众不仅仅满足于对单一的静态交通信息的获取,而是要求在出行前能够获得“点到点”式的交通决策信息、出行中“随机应变”的动态交通信息、出行后“行之有效”的交通反馈信息,而现有的交通动态信息采集存在着设备单一,基本上是通过一些固定的信息采集设备和人工方式获得的,采集到的信息孤立单一,没有很好的整合起来,覆盖面率低;而基于浮动车的交通信息采集技术作为目前国内外研究的重点,是对现有的动态交通信息采集技术的一种有效补充和完善。实现先进的公众出行交通信息服务除了需要实时动态交通信息之外,还必须实现从各交通信息化子系统中集成共享相关的出行服务信息。现有的各交通信息化子系统由于是在不同的时间、针对不同的业务需要而开发的,因而可能采用了不同的开发工具、编程语言、不同的操作系统平台、软件架构和通信协议以及不同的数据库平台等。由于一个业务请求很难在不同开发平台实现的子系统间实现有效的调用,由此产生了大量的信息孤岛,并将有用的数据信息封闭在了一个个子系统当中。在此背景下,基于面向服务的架构(SOA:service-oriented Architecture)应运而生,它通过把子系统能够实现的功能划分为粒度不同的服务,子系统之间的功能调用转换为对服务的调用来实现信息共享。本文正是从成都公众出行动态交通信息采集技术、信息共享技术、数据处理及信息发布的关键技术和系统实现的角度来进行研究与探讨的。本文的主要研究工作和创新性成果包括:(1)在对浮动车信息采集技术和基本原理、优缺点和组成结构等进行详细阐述的基础上,提出了浮动车数据采集地图匹配算法及路段行程时间算法,并通过具体实例验证了算法的可行性和优越性,较好地解决了基于浮动车技术实现动态交通信息采集和处理的问题。(2)针对浮动车信息采集技术在实际应用中存在的可靠性不高的问题,首次设计并提出了最小浮动车样本数量确定方法和“道路覆盖率与更新周期的关系模型”,并通过具体实例验证了方法与模型的实用性和有效性。(3)深入研究了成都市公众出行交通综合服务系统的信息来源,针对系统的异构性和信息共享实际需求,首次提出了基于SOA技术的“基于局部中心库与Web服务相结合的体系架构模型”和异构交通信息系统共享技术方案。成都市公众出行信息系统开发实践表明,该技术方案较好地解决了不同系统之间数据共享和应用互操作难题,同时,与其他技术方案相比,基于SOA的技术架构具有系统耦合度低、扩展性好、与平台和开发语言无关等诸多优点,是解决异构信息系统集成的理想选择。(4)通过对成都公众出行系统中交通出行数据处理和信息发布的关键技术研究,首次提出“基于蚁群和专家系统的多模式行程规划算法”以及“推/拉两种交通信息服务模式”,并首次提出了“基于神经网络和专家系统的智能化拉式服务模型”。

【Abstract】 With the development of intelligent traffic systems, more and more attentions have been paid to ATIS(Advanced Transportation Information Service). The hotspot of the research is turning from theory and technology to practical application. Constructions of various ATIS systems have been also in proceeding. ATIS which is based on information network is the core of ITS and can supply timely information of road traffic, public traffic, traffic transferring, traffic weather, parking and other information related to traveling. People who will go out can decide their way and route according to those information. Public traveling information service which is an important part of ATIS is made up of three parts: information collection, data processing and information publishing. And information collection is the precondition to realize of public traveling information service.To implement advanced traffic information service for public traveling, the precondition is the identify of real-time and accurate road traffic running state. So the acquiring of real time, sufficient, accurate dynamic traffic information flow is very important. Nowadays, single, static traffic information can’t satisfy travelers. What they need are ’point-to-point’ traffic decision-making information before traveling, ’play to score’ dynamic traffic information during traveling and ’effective’ traffic feedback information. But the devices for current dynamic traffic information are all single ones, which haven’t been conformed and have low overlay rate. The technology of collecting traffic information with floating car, which is a research with emphasis, is an effective supplement and perfection.In order to implement advanced traffic information service for travelers, besides the acquiring of dynamic traffic information, the integration of related information of traveling services is a necessity. However, subsystems for traffic information were developed in different time which have different operation functions. They were developed with different developing tools, different operating system platforms and different database platforms. Because of those above, the operation can hardly implement effective transferring among different subsystems. So the resulted ’information isolated island’ problem lock useful information in a serials of subsystems. On this background, service oriented architecture (SOA) emerged as time requires, which divides the functions of subsystems in different granularities. So, to implement information sharing, the transferring of functions among different subsystems converted to the transferring of different services.This paper discusses technology of information sharing and collecting in the aspects of the collecting of dynamic traffic information, information sharing, data processing, information publishing and system implementation.Firstly, based on detailed explanation of basic principles, advantages, disadvantages and structures of technology about information collection using floating cars, algorithms of map-matching based on data collection through floating car and timing on section of journey are brought forward for the first time. The feasibility and superiority of the two algorithms are also validated through concrete examples. Those two algorithms can preferably solve problems of dynamic traffic information collection and disposition based on floating car technology.Secondly, methods of how to confirm minimum quantity of floating cars and "relation model between road overlay rate and update cycle" are designed and advanced for the first time so as to solve problem of low reliability in practical application of technology for floating car information collection. Practicability and validity of the two are also validated through concrete examples.Thirdly, information origins of integrated information service system for public traveling of Chengdu city are researched deeply. Aimed at the isomerous character and requirement of information sharing, "system architecture model based on local central database and web service" and scheme of information sharing among isomerous traffic information systems based on SOA technology are brought forward for the first time. Through the exploitation of public traveling information system of Chengdu city, problems of data sharing and operation application among different systems are solved successfully. At the same time, comparing with other schemes, architecture based on SOA is excellent at the aspects of lower system coupling, better expansibility, independent of platform and exploitation language, which is a good choice to solve problems for integrating of isomerous systems.Fourthly, through research of key technologies of data disposition of traffic traveling information and information publishing of Chengdu public traveling system, "algorithm of multi-pattern route layout based on ant colony and experts systems" and "two service modes of traffic information—pushing/pulling " are brought forward for the first time. At the same time, "intelligent model of pulling service based on Neural Network and expert system" is also advanced first.


