

A Study on the Dynamic Mechanism of Rural Social Development in Gansu Minority Regions

【作者】 岳天明

【导师】 徐黎丽;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 如今,发展已成为各个国家、各个民族共同面临的焦点话题,也是现代社会的核心价值。本文从甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的现状入手,分析了制约甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的因素,指出社会吸纳、参与式发展在少数民族地区农村社会发展中的多层面意义。该研究对传统社会发展动力理论进行了再审视和民族学意义的反思,探析了甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的动力要素及其分类。在此基础上,论文的分析集中于“内源”动力及其聚合和“外源”动力及其最大化模式上,落脚于甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展“内”、“外”源动力的聚合机理,由此构建了甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的动力机制。论文指出:自主性发展和创新是该动力机制的生长点;民族生产力及其提升是源泉;其突破口则在于社会吸纳和社会参与,并对甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的动力机制进行了动态的学理分析。本研究认为:社会发展观的不断演变是人类智慧的再现,也表征和折射着时代的兴趣。同时,社会发展观的演变进程中也蕴藏着非常丰厚的民族意义,对这种意义做出分析和追问,无疑能够引领我国少数民族社会发展的全局性方向并凸显民族社会发展的时代性意义。据此,文章以科学发展观为视阈背景,内容还延伸到科学发展观视野中甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的政策创新和民族社会运行规范化及民族社会发展的和谐,也展望了甘肃少数民族地区农村社会发展的前景。在论文结语部分,本文围绕着研究主题甚或是民族学研究本身也作了一些的说明和引伸。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, development has become a focus topic of the time confronted by different countries and nationalities. It is the corn value of the modern society. This paper thus takes the present situation of the social development of the rural areas in Gansu minority regions as the point departure, and analyzes the factors which restrict the social development of those regions. Furthermore, it points out the multi-layers of meaning of "social assimilation" and "participative development" in the social development of the rural areas in minority regions.On the other hand, this study reconsiders and then reflects the traditional social dynamism in the sense of ethnology. It then further probes into the dynamic factors and classifications of rural social development in Gansu minority regions. On the above basis, this study concentrates on the analysis of both the internal motive force and its collection and the external motive force and its maximum model, focusing on the collective mechanism of the internal as well as the external motive force of rural social development in Gansu minority regions, thus constructs the corresponding dynamic mechanism. Therefore, it concludes that: the initiative development and creation is the growing point of this mechanism; national productive forces are the fountainhead; social assimilation and participation is the breakthrough point. Then the paper carries out a dynamic theoretical analysis of the dynamic mechanism of rural social development in Gansu minority regions.This study holds that the constant evolvement of social developing view is the embodiment of human intelligence, it reflects the interest of the times. Meanwhile, the evolvement of social developing view contains very rich ethological meaning, the analysis and exploration of which undoubtedly guides the overall orientation and highlights the epochal significance of the social development in minority regions. On these grounds, this paper takes scientific developing view as its visual threshold, the content of which further extends to the policy-making, the standardization and harmonization of social development in Gansu minority regions and looks forward to the prospect of the development in these regions comprehensively. In the concluding remarks of the paper, some explanations and extensions have been made, centering on the research topic of the paper and the ethnology study itself.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期

