

The Preliminary Study of Dunhuang Manuscripts Calligraphy

【作者】 陈琪

【导师】 郑炳林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 历史文献学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 公元1900年,道士王圆箓发现了敦煌石室,由于文书内容丰富,中外人士莫不群起研究其所载内容,“敦煌学”一时鹊起,成为显学;张大千将其临摹的敦煌壁画公诸于世,开拓了“敦煌学”的美术领域;然而文书的书法领域却少人问津。因此本文的目的是初步探讨“敦煌遗书书法”的部分空白,引起方家注意,从而使“敦煌学”除了在文书内容的“历史价值”、敦煌壁画的“美术价值”外,再加上“书法价值”,变得更趋圆融。其要点如下:(一)研究敦煌遗书书法,第一步首先要系统梳理前人研究成果,深入了解敦煌书法研究史的脉络,找出此项研究的研究空白。(二)敦煌,是古代横贯亚洲,连接亚、非、欧三大洲的贸易通道——丝绸之路上的要塞。由于丝绸之路,敦煌从汉到唐保持了长达千年的繁荣。随着经济的发展,敦煌书法也走向兴盛。南朝·羊欣云:“张芝、皇象、钟繇、索靖,时并号书圣”,四人中敦煌人居其半,可见当时敦煌书法的繁盛状况了。研究敦煌遗书书法,必须把它放到当时的历史背景下进行,首先必须了解敦煌历史,探明研究对象敦煌遗书的现存状况。(三)究竟敦煌遗书墨迹是不是书法?敦煌遗书书法的艺术性何在?敦煌遗书书法的美怎样理解?书法和绘画有何渊源?初步解决了这四个问题敦煌遗书书法的价值才能得以体现。(四)探索敦煌书法家,使大家认识到,隶属边陲地带的敦煌,除了哺育过影响后世的书法家张芝、索靖之外,还有很多无名的民间书法人物,以引起人们对“敦煌遗书书法”的重视。同时有作者才有作品,敦煌书法人物承担了大部分的文书任务,因此欲了解“敦煌遗书书法”,必须先了解他们。哪些人可称之为敦煌书法人物,他们受教育的情况如何,是探索“敦煌遗书书法”的入门之道。(五)对隋唐书法的研究向来是书法研究的主流,而唐代帝王书家李世民偏爱王羲之的书法,致使王氏书法影响中国书法发展的主流方向;敦煌是丝绸之路的中点,书法作品随着来来往往的商旅而交流,可以说敦煌是全国各地书法作品的集散地。探明王羲之书法与敦煌遗书书法的关系是研究敦煌遗书书法流变的关键。(六)敦煌遗书中的书史资料不仅填补了书法正史的空白,具有补史的价值而且对敦煌“地方书法”的探讨将有莫大的帮助。本文在前人研究的基础上作以补述。(七)任何书法的研究归根结底有两个目的:其一,古为今用。对于敦煌遗书书法来说,当然就是临摹。其二,理清书法各个体例的流变脉络。本文在前人研究的基础上作以补述。

【Abstract】 The Preliminary Study of Dunhuang Manuscripts Calligraphy Taoist priest Wang Yuanlu discovered the cave of Dunhuang in 1900 AD. Because Manuscripts content were abundant,the Chinese and Foreign people were all study these content, "Dunhuang Study" came into sight and became to be famous theory; Dunhuang murals copies by Zhang Daqian revealed to the public, expand art realm of " Dunhuang Study" ;but Manuscripts calligraphy realm was not talked about. Therefore the paper is planned to conduct primary study of parts of blanks of "Dunhuang Manuscripts calligraphy",hoping to cause an attention of scholars. In addition to " the history value" of Manuscripts,and "the art value" of murals, "the calligraphy value" of Manuscripts make "Dunhuang study" more great.Its important point is as follows:(I) To study Dunhuang Manuscripts calligraphy ,the author need systematic research the past research results,and deeply understand train of thought of the calligraphy studies history, so finding out this research blank .(II)Dunhuang traversed Asia and connect Asia、Africa and Europe in the ancient time,it was the fort of the Silk Road. So Dunhuang was flourishing from Han dynasty to Tang dynasty.With the development of the economy, the calligraphy of Dunhuang also heads for prosperous.Nan dynasty, Yang xin said:" Zhang zhi, Huang xiang , Zhong yao , Suo jing , were known as "calligraphy sainf"at that time,and the person of Dunhuang resides its half in four people, thus it is clear that the calligraphy of Dunhuang is thriving. Study it,we must put her to the history background and learn about the history of Dunhuang, and explore existing condition of Dunhuang Manuscripts .(III)Is Dunhuang Manuscripts painting the calligraphy exactly?What is artistry of Dunhuang Manuscripts ?How to understand the beauty of the calligraphy?What did the calligraphy and paintings have the origin?If this four questions resolved ,the value of Dunhuang Manuscripts calligraphy would be embodied .(IV) Investigating the calligraphist of Dunhuang, make us know that there were many unknown folk calligraphist ,then cause people to pay attention to it .What’s more, the author and the works came into being at the same time.So we want to know the calligraphy,we need to know them at first. Who can be called the calligraphy person of Dunhuang and how did they accept education, which is the entrance of " Dunhuang calligraphy ".(V) The research of Sui Tang dynasty, is the main current of the calligraphy research, and Li shiming was partial to Wang Xi Zhi’s calligraphy, which make the the calligraphy of Wang shi affect the Chinese calligraphy;Dunhuang is the middle point of the Silk Road, the calligraphy works along with the company trip were exchanged. So Dunhuang is the distribution center of the calligraphy work of a whole country .It is the key of the flow of Dunhuang calligraphy that we will purse the relations of Wang Xi Zhi’s calligraphy and Dunhuang Manuscripts calligraphy.(VI) Dunhuang Manuscripts calligraphy data not only adds to repair the blank of the calligraphy standard history and have the function of complementing history ,but also has the great help for studying "the local calligraphy of Dunhuang."(VII) Ultimately, the study of any calligraphy has two purposes:Firstly, it can be copied.Secondly, it can help to arrange each individual of calligraphy style.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】K870.6;J292.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1313

