

Tales Lying Behind the Eastern Chicago

【作者】 胡俊修

【导师】 姚伟钧;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 如果说人是历史发展的主要动力,那么对人们的日常起居、人际交往、思想心态等的考察无疑是富有意义的。貌似平淡无奇的日常生活能够引导我们认识历史的渊源以及城市文化形成的轨迹。本文即以民国中后期(1927—1949)武汉下层民众为研究对象,力图通过对普通民众日常生活的梳理,来揭示武汉文化与历史的独特性。第一,以小贩为中心考察周边农村移民在汉的底层生活样态。半个多世纪以前,成千上万带着浓厚乡土气息的四周乡民踏上武汉这片热土,奔走在三镇之间,打拼多年后依然是淹没在尘世的小民,过着最底层的生活,却顽强地在武汉生存下来,他们尽管有着身份认同的困难,但最终成为地道武汉人的祖先。为数众多者的这种人生样态,增添了都市的草根色彩。而十有其一的小贩人群,在生计逼迫与都市生活的双重形塑下的精明习性,成为这座城市小市民化倾向的重要来源。如此势必会销蚀都市生活总体的浮华、高贵和优雅的情调,使之归于平淡与庸常。第二,考察平民女性以家为中心的生活样态。女人依附型、从属性的家庭主妇角色,是历史、文化、政府、社会、男性和女性共同形塑的结果,成为一种文化的无意识,深化为女性内在的认同和习惯性的行为方式。民国时期武汉的平民女性以家为自己的人生目标和生活的世界,尤其在婚后,她们完全致力于家务劳动与相夫教子,因而被称为“家务”和“屋里人”。女人的家庭奉献为丈夫、孩子及老人提供关照和情感的归属,为其实现人生幸福与价值架设了一座桥梁。但女性却迷失在自己所献身的家庭主妇角色里,过着依附型人生,个人的人生幸福得不到保障。生活之不易使得武汉平民女性的家事操持必须沿着精明算计的途径进行。在此过程中,主妇们变得务实、精细、计较,丧失了高雅的品质。第三,考察民众的日常交往。人不可避免的与他人同在,尤其在中国这个注重关系的社会,人际关系尤为重要。近代武汉民众踊跃的投身到与街坊邻居、亲朋好友的交往之中,而且根据利益考量来选择对素昧平生者的态度,体现出人际关系网对人生的重要支撑作用。然而,并非所有的日常交往与人际关系都是和睦的,排他主义情感和现实利益的纠葛容易诱发矛盾和争吵,导致家庭破裂、邻里不和、朋友反目,使日常交往和人际关系发生裂变,这是人们不愿发生和尽力避免的,求和的心态使武汉社会呈现出一种争吵中的动态的社会安宁。良性的互动往来与不和谐的纷争构成日常交往的两种面相。第四,以汉口中山公园为例考察城市公共活动空间与市民生活关系。作为城市公共活动空间的汉口中山公园,是政府规划与民众需求的产物,它被政府、民众、社会团体争相利用,或表达政治理念与追求,或追求个人价值与意义,或实现群体利益与诉求,体现出城市公共活动空间的公共性,是城市进化的标志。公园增加了民众公众生活体验,让人们习惯了与陌生人的相遇和互动,形成了朦胧的公共责任感,开始关心公园的建设与管理。同时,公园生活也反映出在公德心与对公共秩序和利益的认同与恪守上,汉市民众尚有待改善,这是过去长期私人化的生活经验造成的“盲点”。第五,考察大众心态。金钱至上与物质主义煽动起近代汉市民众的浮躁心理。对财富及财富拥有者的崇拜投射在财富的外在形式——人之衣冠外表时,人们浓厚的面子观念与印象整饰激情也就不难理解。人们没有耐心和自信去作出长期的奋斗打算,于是急功近利、投机取巧的心理便潜滋暗长,加上货币“精打细算的本性”迫使都市人必须精明圆滑的为人处世,难免出现精神的倦怠。结果,幸福感的缺失成为汉市社会的一种共相,而且作为社会发展方向与希望的青年也由于明天的不确定,而被悲观彷徨的心绪所左右。一些人成为宿命论者,使贫困衍生为一种心态,一些人依靠那些能通神之人或命运的先知来卜测自己的未来生活,使汉市社会弥漫着迷信的风气。总之,“东方芝加哥”的光辉与市民日常生活的庸常是近代武汉社会并行不悖的两个历史面相。基于生存压力养成的现实主义精神和实用主义态度,使汉市百姓的日常生活平实甚至庸俗,风范缺失和对共同利益的漠视也使市民认同程度低下,但这并不妨碍武汉独享“东方芝加哥”的辉煌。

【Abstract】 It is of great significance to research the daily life of common people since human beings is the main power to advance the history of the world. And this thesis tries to disclose the distinctive quality of Wuhan culture and history by focusing on the daily life of the common people of Wuhan in the mid-late Republic of China (1927-1949).First, this paper researches the life of the lower class based on a case study of the peddlers. Half a century ago, many nearby peasants came to Wuhan city and struggled to make a living, finally remained at the lowest level of the citizens. They had to become astute and uncouth to adapt to the urban life, as made the whole life style of Wuhan people far away from lofty.Second, this paper studies the life state of the Wuhan common women. They lived their lifetime circling the family. Their role of housewife was shaped by the history, culture, government, society, men and women themselves. Wuhan common women contributed a lot to the happiness of their family members but lost themselves in the trivial domestic life because they were isolated from the career, education and public life. However, we should acknowledge our thanks to them given the important function of family in our life.Third, this paper makes a study of the personal reactions and relationship of the Wuhan common people concerning their attitude and correspondence to neighbors, relatives, friends and strangers and Guan’xi. The positive cooperative as well as negative conflict existed among people and most of them sought a harmonious relationship since it’s uniquely significant to their life.Fourth, this paper discusses the relation between the civil life and public activity space focusing on Hankow Zhongshan Park. As a public activity space, Hankow Zhongshan Park strengthened civil public life in Modern Wuhan. It worked as a place for the government to politically control and educate the citizens, a place for the citizens to participate in social life, a place for the social associations to organize activities, which was a symbol of the city advancement. The city development was in need of graceful civil virtue. And only by the combination of the governmental and civil efforts can the public place and civil social life proceed to an advanced direction. Fifth, this paper studies the common mind of Wuhan people. The currency ration and materialism made Wuhan people impetuous and people showed respect for those who were dressed well because appearance was a symbol of wealth and they hold passion to decorate their face and pursue present interests and became spiritually tired. At last, the common people were almost all dissatisfied with their life and some of them hoped to change their fates through superstition and fortune interpreters.In conclusion, the prosperity of "Eastern Chicago" and the ordinary daily life existed simultaneously in Wuhan in the mid-late period of Republic of China. The realism and pragmatism made people’s daily life vulgar and the civility at a low level but it didn’t interfered in the advancing of Wuhan to the second most prosperous city in modern China.

  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】849

