

Study on the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce in the Social Economic Transformation in Late-Qing

【作者】 王奎

【导师】 刘伟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 作为20世纪初期发生的一场重要的变革运动,清末新政虽然没有成功,但它对此后中国的社会变迁具有重要的影响。尤其是经济变革方面,商部的创设对中国经济的转型和近代工业化的全面启动影响深远。本文试图从政治史和现代化的角度,围绕商部创设的背景、历程以及社会绩效来探讨商部创设对中国近代经济转型的影响及其局限性。分析制度创新与体制变革之间的关系。文章认为,商部的创设是清末国内外形势变化和清政府自身需求的共同结果;商部机构的制度安排具有历史的进步性,也有先天的不足和缺陷;商部成立后的行政行为,系统的启动了中国的近代工业化,促进了中国经济由传统向近代转型。全文共分六个部分,概要如下:第一章:近代以来,在西方势力的侵入和中西贸易发展的背后,是中国传统经济结构的失序和制度的失位。西方工业文明的输入、政府财政的窘迫导致重商思潮兴起。而这些正是商部诞生的历史基础和背景。第二章:商部的主要官员有尚书、侍郎、丞参、郎中、员外郎等,其职掌均有定制。顾问官则是一个新的设置。地方管理中主要依靠经过改造后的商务议员。中央机构主要是四司一厅,另设有直辖机构如律学馆、官报、商标注册局、实业学堂等。从机构设置到官制和职掌都反映了新机构的特点。而从商部到督抚到府县、从商部到商务局到商会、从商部到驻外使臣和商务随员正是商部职权运作、实现的三条主要途径。商部的社会绩效如何都与此职权运作的三条途径有着莫大的关系。第三章:商部改组为农工商部是经济发展的内在要求,更是清政府内部矛盾和政治改革诉求的人为结果。从机构变革的角度看,改组后的农工商部具有现代科层制和专业化的制度设计,且管理体系也更为完善。从实际效果看,随着官员队伍的膨胀、经费的困窘,最终严重影响了农工商部的正常运转。同时,农工商部地位的下降也反映了此时清政府工作重心的转向。第四章:在商部和农工商部的主导下,在商部到农工商部的短暂时期,社会经济领域发生了一系列的变化:近代经济法规体系逐渐建立起来;鼓励工商业经济发展的创业奖赏制度确立;专利制度、商标保护制度和商务考察制度等近代经济管理手段和方式被广泛运用;治理经济环境、保护工商业者的利益、注重实业教育和重视保护华侨利益的政策和措施逐渐确立和实施,以及对近代意义的公司、局、厂的提倡和规范管理等都促进了中国社会工商业经济的发展和繁荣。标志着中国近代工业化已经启动。第五章:商部和农工商部对农会组织的重视和劝导,使农会组织在全国广泛的设立,并构建了比较完备的内部体系。在商部农工商部的主导下、在农会组织的参入下,随着农事教育的兴起和农业学堂的广泛创办,以及农事实验场的创设,并以此为平台进行的品种引进和改良、新技术的推广、农业科技的普及等,都反映了一个事实,那就是中国传统的农业经济形态已经开始发生近代化的转型。从而进一步推动了中国经济的转型。结语:“双向服务型专职职能机构”是对商部农工商部角色的定位。它标志着政府职能已经开始发生转变,符合历史发展的要求;商部的诞生使中国“基本形成了一种在中央政府领导下的上下呼应的早期现代化潮流”。中国近代工商业的发展无论是深度、广度,还是规模、影响都表明,中国近代工业化已经真正启动,并得到了初步的发展。同时也促使社会观念和商人的社会角色进一步发生了转变。这些都为此后中国的工业化奠定了基础。另一方面,由于清政府体制局限性以及商部农工商部本身的制度缺陷,严重制约了商部农工商部制度创新的绩效发挥。综上所述,商部农工商部为中国近代工商业经济的发展起到了巨大的推动作用,使中国的近代工业化得以真正开始启动。但由于清政府政权性质和政治制度的局限性,导致商部农工商部的制度创新无法突破传统体制的桎梏,说明没有政治体制的改革和进步,仅有体制内的制度创新是不能从根本上推动社会进步的。

【Abstract】 Be an important reformation movement which took place in the early years of 20th centuries, the New Policies in Late-Qing dynasty had important influence to the henceforth social change of China, although it didn’t succeed. Particularly in economic reformation, the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce had produced profound influence to the economic transformation and the overall start of modern industrialization of China. This text tries to inquiry its influence and limitation that the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce had produced to modern China’s economic transformation from the angle of political history and modernization and focusing on its background, process and social results. Furthermore, the text analyses the relationship between the system innovation and system reformation.The article thinks that the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce was a common result of the changed domestic and international environment in Late-Qing and the inherent demanding of Qing Government. The system arrangement of the Ministry of Commerce had historical progression as well as congenital shortage and blemish. Its administrative behavior started China’s modern industrialization in system, and promoted the economic transformation of China from tradition to modern. The text contains the following six parts:Chapter 1: Since modern age, it was the structural and institutional disorderliness of the traditional economy of China behind the incursion of the western influence. It caused the rising of mercantilism that the western industrial civilization input, and the government public finance sank into predicament. And these were the historian foundation and background of the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce.Chapter 2: The main officials of the Ministry of Commerce were Shang-Shu, Shi-Lang, Cheng-Can, Lang-Zhong, Yuan-Wailang etc., whose duties had custom-made. Therefore, the Adviser Official was a lately-established job. The local management mainly depended on reformed commercial congressmen. Central organization mainly contained four Si and one Ting, equipped with some direct jurisdiction organizations, such as law school, official news agency, trademark registration bureau, and industry school and so on. It reflected the characteristics of new organization from the organizational establishment to the officer system and the officer’s duties. Paths from the Ministry of Commerce to the governors and to the counties, from the Ministry of Commerce to the commercial bureau and to the chamber of commerce, and from the Ministry of Commerce to envoy and commercial attendant were the three main paths for the Ministry of Commerce to carry out its authority operation. The social results of the Ministry of Commerce had a great relation with the three paths.Chapter 3: The Ministry of Commerce’s reforming into the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce was the need of economic development as well as the internal contradiction of Qing Government and its need of political reformation. Looking from the angle of organizational reformation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce had more specialized system design and more perfect manage system. As for its actual effect, the inflating officer group and embarrassed funds had seriously affected its normal operation in final. In the mean time, its descended position reflected the work center’s change of Qing Government in that time.Chapter 4: under the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, a series of changes occurred in the social economic field: The modern economical laws and regulations system had been gradually established; the reward system to encourage developing industry and commerce had been built; modern economic management method had been widely utilized; policies and measures had been established and implemented gradually to manage economic environment, protect the benefits of the industrialists and businessmen, take attention to industry education, and so on; Its advocating and standard managing to the modern significance companies, bureaus, and factories had promoted the development and prosperity of the industry and commerce economy of China. This symbolized that the modern industrialization of China started.Chapter 5: Because of the valuing and advising of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, the farmers’ association had been established widely in the whole country, and more complete internal system of which had been also set up. Under the predominating of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, and the interpolating of the farmers’ association, the agricultural schools were established widely, experimental farms were built, which provided a platform to introduce and improve breeds, promote new technology, and popularize agricultural technique, and so on. All of above reflected a fact that the traditional economic formation of agriculture had already started transforming into modern formation, which further impelled the transformation of Chinese economy.Conclusion: The Ministry of Commerce was a "two-way servicing special agency". It symbolized that the government’s function already started to transform in order to conform to the requirement of historical development. Both the depth, extent, and the scale of the development of modern China’s industry and commerce expressed that the modern industrialization of China had truly started, and get initial development. Simultaneously, the social concept and merchants’ social role also changed. These all had laid the foundation for hereafter China’s industrialization. On the other hand, the system limitation of Qing Government as well as the system flaw of the Ministry of Commerce had seriously restricted the social achievements of the Ministry of Commerce’s system creation.In summary, the Ministry of Commerce had played an important role in promoting China’s economic development, and had enabled China’s modern industrialization truly to start. But the government’s nature and political system of Qing Government had limited the Ministry of Commerce’s system creation from breaking the restraint of traditional system, which explained that it was impossible to impel the social progress fundamentally only through the inside system innovation without the reformation and progress of political system.

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