

A Study on Compradors and the Economic Development in Modern History of China (1840-1927)

【作者】 聂好春

【导师】 朱英;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 买办问题是中国近代史上一个十分重要的问题,尤其是在中国近代经济史中的地位更加突出。作为资产阶级的一部分,买办对于近代中国的经济发展、社会变革和文化移植起了战略性的重要作用。本文以1840~1927年作为时间段,试图通过长程的历史观全方位、长时段地考察买办在近代经济发展中的活动,运用现代化的理论,采用实证主义研究方法,实事求是地分析研究中国近代的买办阶层。全文共分六章,概要如下:第一章:论述买办与近代商业的关系。商业是社会经济活动中的一个重要环节。鸦片战争以后,在外国资本主义的影响下,中国的资本主义工商业也开始产生和发展起来。近代商业的发展和繁荣,始终推动着中国的近代化进程。买办是中国商业资产阶级的重要组成部分,买办在近代商业尤其是新式商业如棉布、五金、百货、西药及丝茶贸易的发展和繁荣过程中,发挥了重要作用。买办通过各种渠道在短时期内积聚了巨额资本,社会地位和政治实力也不断提高,为其资本从流通领域向生产领域(包括交通运输业)转移奠定了坚实的基础。第二章:论述买办在民族资本近代工业产生和发展过程中所起的重要作用。在近代民族资本工业的产生和发展过程中,买办在近代民族机器制造业、缫丝工业、棉纺织业、矿业及其他民族工业(包括民族火柴工业、面粉工业、造纸工业、印刷工业等)方面,投入了巨大的资金,创办了一系列的工矿企业,为中国近代工业化做出了重要贡献。对近代买办在近代工业化道路上所作的探索和实践,我们应予充分的肯定。第三章:论述买办在近代交通运输(航运)业、公用事业和房地产业方面的表现。买办不但在近代工矿业方面投入巨大,而且在近代交通运输(航运)业、公用事业和房地产业方面也有不俗的表现,为近代交通运输业的发展和城市建设做出了一定的贡献。第四章:论述买办在近代金融业中的地位和作用。在中国金融近代化的过程中,买办不仅投身于近代金融业的创办过程,投放了大量资金,而且还积极引进西方的近代金融理念,参与钱庄、银行、保险、证券等近代金融事业的管理,在很大程度上促进了中国金融的近代化。第五章:论述买办在近代经济组织——商会(晚清时期)中的地位和作用。商会的成立是近代中国资产阶级初步形成的一个重要标志。作为中国资产阶级的重要组成部分的买办,在近代商会的创建过程中发挥了重要作用。在上海、天津、汉口等地的商会领导构成中,买办占据着显著的地位。以买办为代表的商会领导积极开展一系列的经济活动,促进了中国资本主义的发展。第六章:论述买办在近代经济组织——商会(民国初期)中的地位和作用。民国初期,上海等地商会仍是具买办身份的工商资本家活跃的舞台,各地商会规模扩大并有所发展,进一步明确了商会的宗旨、目标、职责,增强了功能,完善了商会的机构与设置,成立劝工会、商品陈列所,加强商学教育,创办商业舆论刊物,使商会继续发挥着其他组织和个人所无法替代的沟通、桥梁和纽带作用。综上所述可知,在近代中国,有一个基本事实不容否认,即创办近代资本主义企业较早、较多、较有成效的不是别人,而是买办,买办担当了新的生产关系建设者和旧的生产关系破坏者的角色。买办是商界精英,是早期经济现代化运动的主干力量,促使近代中国社会的经济结构发生了深刻的变化。买办是近代社会经济组织商会的中坚力量,商会是买办活跃的舞台。买办对近代中国经济发展起了相当的促进作用。

【Abstract】 The issue of compradors is of extremely importance in the modern history of China and played a striking role in the economic history of modern China. As a part of the bourgeois, compradors are strategically important for the economic development, social transformation and cultural transplantation of modern China. The paper tries to analyze compradors’ activities for the development of modern economy in the long run from a historical angle, in which the modernized theory and the positivism research method are applied for the analysis and research of the comprador class in a practical way. The full content is divided into six chapters, being summarized as follow:Chapter 1: To discuss the relation between compradors and modern commerce. Commerce is an important link in the social economic activities. Since the Opium War, Chinese capitalist industry and commerce started and gained growth under the influence of foreign capitalism. The course of modernization in China is always driven by the development and prosperity of modern commerce. As an important element of Chinese commercial bourgeois, the rise of compradors indicates the rise of the entire businessmen class. Compradors had played an important role in modern commerce especially in the development and prosperity of such industries as cotton fabric, metal parts, department store, western medicine as well as trade of silk and tea. Compradors had accumulated huge capital in a short term via different channels, which is helpful for the enhancement of their social status and political strength and lays a solid foundation for their capital transfer from circulating field to the production field (including the traffic transport industry).Chapter 2: To discuss the important role that compradors played in the generation and development of modern industry of national capital. In the course of generation and development of modern industry of national capital, compradors had invested huge fund in such national industries as machinery manufacture, filature, cotton texture, mine and others including match, flour, paper making and printing etc., and run a series of industrial or mineral enterprises, making great contribution for the industrialization of modern China. We shall sufficiently affirm the exploration and practice that compradors had made for the industrialization of modern China.Chapter 3: To discuss the activities that compradors had carried out in the traffic transport (shipping) industry, public utility and real estate industry of modern China. Compradors not only invested huge in modern industrial and mineral fields, but also acted remarkably in the traffic transport (shipping) industry, public utility and real estate industry of modern China. They had made certain contribution for the development of modern traffic transport industry and city construction. Chapter 4: To discuss compradors’ status and function in financial industry. In the modernization process of financial industry, compradors not only devoted themselves to the management of modern financial industry and put in lots of money, but also introduced the modern financial concept of the west, participated in the management of money house, bank, insurance and security. Compradors promoted Chinese financial modernization to a great extent.Chapter 5: To discuss compradors’ status and function in chamber of commerce - the modern economic group (the late Qing Dynasty). The establishment of chamber of commerce marked the formation of Chinese modern bourgeoisie. Compradors, as an indispensable part of Chinese modern bourgeoisie, played an important role in the building up of modern chambers of commercial. In the leading level of the chambers of commerce in Shanghai, Tianjin and Hankou, compradors took a remarkable position. Leaders of commercial chambers represented by compradors took an active part in a series of economic activities that accelerates the development of capitalism in China.Chapter 6: To discuss compradors’ status and function in chamber of commerce - the modern economic group, which was active in Shanghai at the beginning of the Republic of China. Accordingly chambers of commerce developed and expanded in all corners of china. The development of chamber of commerce not only made its tenet, target, function much clear, but also perfected its organization and setup, such as building up labor advising union and merchandise showroom; enhancing commercial education as well as originating commercial journals. The chambers of commerce continued to play the important communicative and linking role, which could not be substituted by other organizations or individuals.In a word, in modern society, it’s not deniable that it is comprador rather than others who originated modern capitalistic enterprise effectively, earlier and in a great number. Compradors are builders of new production relation and destructors of the old one. They are elites of commerce and the main force for the modernization of early economic movement. It also leads to the profound changes in the modern Chinese society. Compradors are the backbone in the modern economic commercial chambers, and commercial chambers worked as a stage for their performances. Compradors dramatically promoted the economic development of modern China.

  • 【分类号】F129;K25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2178

