

【作者】 孙植

【导师】 潘百齐;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 岑参,盛唐著名诗人。关于其籍贯,历来有南阳、江陵诸说,结合岑参家世的历史考察与相关诗文史传的释读,我们认为,岑参的籍贯应是河南颍阳,从唐代仕宦家族称引郡望的角度而言,亦可从其旧望而称南阳。关于其生卒年,学者们的意见众说纷纭,我们从唐代及第进士守选三年的应有之义出发,新定其生年;再以岑参入蜀诗对照其嘉州出守时令,新定其卒年岁月。盛唐时期,儒、释、道三教都扎根于社会的各个方面,岑参思想亦深受三教之影响,这些影响可以从其众多诗歌作品中寻绎到清晰的痕迹。可以说,儒、释、道三教共同构筑了岑参诗歌创作深厚的思想文化背景。而在这样的背景下,我们发现始终鲜活而生动地呈现于人们面前的却是岑参对功名富贵的执著追求:每当在这方面有所进展,岑参诗歌就能表现一种昂扬向上的生机与活力,当遭遇挫折,岑参诗歌则会显示出生意萧条或愤世嫉俗的气象来。根据岑参的主要生平行迹及其诗歌的题材关注,我们可以将其诗歌分为山林读书诗、河朔游历诗、西域军旅诗、京都唱和诗、虢州写景诗、蜀中山水诗等六大类来进行读解,结合其各个阶段的具体情况进行各有侧重的比较考察,能较为清楚地探知其诗歌创作心路。本文对岑参西域军旅诗研究的相关热点、难点、疑点等问题进行了重点考察与讨论,具体展开为三个方面:一是对岑参诗歌名篇《白雪歌送武判官归京》作系年新证、人物新考与诗意新解。结论以为,《白雪歌送武判官归京》当作于天宝十五载(756)八月,武判官即武就,该诗创作有着沉重的史实背景,并不具备我们通常理解的积极乐观的精神面貌,而是充满了沉郁悲愁的诗意特征。二是探析岑参轮台诗中轮台称谓之具体涵义。认为轮台的涵义复杂多变,深受汉轮台故事形成之影响。岑参轮台诗中轮台有时作为广大西域地区的代称,有时指称庭州与西州辖境,有时指谓整个庭州地界,较多专指的则是当时北庭都护府府治所在地。三是在考察岑参西域军旅诗与西征本事话题论争的基础上,认定岑参诗歌描写了两次不见于史籍的西征本事,即西征播仙与西征阿布思余部,并对这两次西征的平叛性质进行了初步论析。本文对岑参诗歌的诸多特色进行了必要的探讨。文章认为:岑参诗歌最为集中而且响亮地张扬了积极进取的时代精神面貌,代表了盛唐之音最富于光芒和神采的意义,展示了盛唐诗歌艺术美的基本内涵。无论是其书剑报国的豪情壮志与英雄主义情怀,还是苦中寻乐、积极乐观的生活态度,还是英勇进取、坚忍不拔的事业气概,还是开放雄健的阳刚美格调,都可以看成是盛唐之音的充分透射。岑参诗歌的突出成就表现在其全力描写异域风光与西域军旅生活方面。雄奇怪异的西域风物,浑朴独特的少数民族风情,慷慨有气节的西域军旅生活描写,这些无不宣示着一种独特的、无以取代的诗美风貌。岑参有一个敏感的艺术心灵,好美的艺术个性,对外界的审美感知能力强而且独特。在诗歌创作中,岑参能做到随物赋形,因地制宜地展开自然而流畅的艺术表达,注意营造动人的诗歌意境,语言流丽新巧,从而形成了悲壮奇丽的艺术风格。

【Abstract】 Cen Shen was a famous poet in the bloom of Tang dynasty. There are several standpoints about his native place such as Nanyang and Jiangling. However, through reviewing his family history and other documents, I conclude his native place is Yingyang, Henan province. There are different points of view about his dates of birth and death and I infer them according to existent materials.In the bloom of Tang dynasty, three denominations including the Confucianists, Buddhism and Taoist; influenced Cen Shen effectively which we can see from his poems and the three denominations built a frame for his thoughts and writings. Under that condition, Cen Shen showed us his persistence in pursuing reputation and fortune. Whenever he made progress in that aspect, he expressed high-spirited passion in his poems. However, once he met with obstacles, he showed us his depression and disappointment at the society. Considering Cen Shen’s traveling of all his life and the contents of his poems, I categorize his writings into 6 kinds and I clearly present the motivation and mentality of his produce.In this dissertation, I make emphasis on the confused points of his poems about being in the army in The Western Regions and I analyze them from there aspects. First, aiming at his famous Bai Xue Ge Song Wu Pan-Guan Gui Jing, I make exhaustive analysis and conclude that the poem was writing on August of the 15th year of Tianbao emperor (756 AC) and Wu Pan Guan referred to Wu Jiu. Furthermore, the background of the poem is gloom rather than what we have generally thought buoyant. Second, I analyze the actual meaning of Lun Tai in his poems and sum up that Lun Tai has variable definitions for the influence of Lun Tai story in Han Dynasty. Sometimes, it refers to The Western Regions, sometimes it refers to Tingzhou and Xizhou and mostly, it refers to the region where the capital of Bei Ting Du Hu Fu placed at that time. Last, I find that Cen Shen’s described 2 punitive expeditions towards Bo Xian and the rest force of A Bu Si that were not memorized in history and we also characterize the purpose of the 2 expeditions.In this dissertation, I also do research on some obvious features about Cen Shen’s writings. I believe that his poems expressed positive spirit of making great progress and they also presented the prosperity of the bloom period of Tang Dynasty. The contents of his writings ranges from glorious sacrifice on the battlefield to being positive even in adversity and all of them can be thought as a particular character of that time. The special feature of Cen Shen’s poems is about the descriptions of scenery in The Western Regions and bing in army in that district. He detailed the beautiful landscape and the special customs of minority and the heroic lives in the army that embodied the particular and unique features of his poems.Cen Shen had a sensitive heart to art and he also had a special personality of pursuing beautiful things in life. When he was writing, he could always describe things accurately and fabricate very beautiful background that embodies his solemn and stirring style.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1626

