

Influence of Column Designing on University Students’ Reading: Evidence from Eye Movement

【作者】 蒋波

【导师】 谭顶良;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以大学生为研究对象,以Hi-Speed眼动仪为实验仪器,采用眼动追踪技术,探讨分栏设计对我国大学生阅读理解效果和眼动模式的影响。在此基础上,进一步探讨中英文材料、不同难度材料及快速阅读材料等适用的开本、分栏的设计形式。本研究结果显示:1大开本(1/16开本)设计材料在阅读速度、阅读效率、注视次数和行间回视次数等指标上均显著优于小开本(1/32开本)材料。中文材料除了阅读成绩显著低于英文材料以外,其它各项阅读理解指标与眼动指标均显著优于英文材料。语种和开本在阅读理解指标与眼动指标上的交互效应均不显著。2一栏、二栏、三栏设计材料在阅读理解指标上没有显著差异,但在眼跳距离、行内与行间回视次数上有显著差异,表现为一栏最优,且一栏设计材料的注视次数、注视频率、注视点持续时间和总回视次数等眼动指标都优于二栏、三栏材料。三栏设计材料的注视频率、注视点持续时间、眼跳距离、行间回视次数等眼动指标都不如一栏、二栏材料。从总体上看,一栏设计材料优于二栏材料,二栏材料又优于三栏材料。易材料的阅读速度、注视次数、注视频率、注视点持续时间和回视次数等指标均显著优于难材料。难度和分栏在阅读理解指标上没有显著的交互效应,但在注视次数、注视点持续时间和回视次数等眼动指标上有显著的交互效应。3一栏设计英文材料的阅读效率、眼跳距离和行间回视次数等指标均显著优于二栏材料,而且,阅读成绩、阅读速度、注视次数、总回视次数与行内回视次数也都优于二栏材料。4快速阅读并不影响大学生理解文章的主题,但影响细节。快速阅读组的阅读速度、阅读效率、注视频率、注视点持续时间、眼跳距离及阅读方式等指标都显著优于正常阅读组。二栏设计与一栏设计材料在阅读理解指标上没有显著差异,但在总回视和行内回视指标上显著占优,此外,二栏设计材料的注视次数、注视频率、注视点持续时间等指标都优于一栏设计材料。快速阅读组大学生更多地采取跳跃式的阅读方式。速度分组和分栏在阅读理解指标与眼动指标上的交互效应都不显著。

【Abstract】 University students are randomly selected to participate in this study, and iView X Hi-Speed Eye Tracking Systems is used as experiment instrument. With the adoption of eye movement technique, this research studies the influences of column designing on reading comprehension and eye movement pattern of Chinese university students. Based on this ground, applicable format and column designing are further studied on the part of Chinese texts, English texts, different difficulty texts and fast-reading texts. The results are as follows:1. The indexes such as reading speed, reading efficiency, the number of fixation and multiple-line regression of 1/16 format texts are significantly better than those of 1/32 format texts. For the Chinese texts, other indexes of reading comprehension and eye movement are significantly superior to the English texts apart from the reading performance. No significant results are found on the interaction of language and format to reading comprehension and eye movement indexes.2. For one-, two- and three-column texts, no significant differences are found on reading comprehension indexes but among such indexes as saccade length, number of within-line and multiple-line regression. Compared with two- and three-column text, one-column text is the best. Moreover, the number of fixation, fixation frequency, fixation duration and total regression numbers of one-column text are also better. The fixation frequency, fixation duration, saccade length and multiple-line regression of three-column texts are all inferior to one- and two-column texts. As a whole, one-column tests are better than two-column tests while two-column tests are better than three-column texts. The reading speed, the number of fixation, fixation frequency, fixation duration and the number of regression of simple texts are revealed to be better than those of difficult texts. In this study, no significant interaction is found on difficulty and column to reading comprehension indexes; nevertheless, such interaction is significant to eye movement indexes like fixation duration, the number of fixation and regression.3. The reading efficiency, saccade length and multiple-line regression numbers of one-column texts are significantly better than those of two-column. Moreover, the indexes such as reading performance, reading speed, the numbers of fixation, total regression and within-line regression of one-column texts are better than those of two-column.4. Fast reading does not influence students’ reading comprehension of themes but details. Significant differences occur among such indexes as reading speed, reading efficiency, the number of fixation, fixation frequency, fixation duration, saccade length and reading pattern between fast reading groups and normal reading groups. No significant differences appeared between two-column texts and one-column texts on reading comprehension index, but on such indexes as total regression and within-line regression. The number of fixation, fixation frequency and fixation duration of two-column texts are better than one-column texts. Students from fast reading group do more frequently adopt the skipping pattern. The interaction of reading speed and column to reading comprehension and eye movement index is not significant.

【关键词】 分栏设计大学生阅读眼动
【Key words】 column designinguniversity studentreadingeye movement
  • 【分类号】B842.3
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1379

