【作者】 纪玲妹;
【导师】 陈书录;
【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国文学与文化, 2007, 博士
【摘要】 毗陵诗派是指清代初期至中叶活跃在今江苏常州的地域性诗歌流派,主要由清初的“毗陵四家”、“毗陵六逸”、清中叶的“毗陵七子”、赵翼、钱维乔等诗人组成。该诗派的形成,与尚文之乡文化环境的熏陶、千年“诗国”“新变”的特点以及清代常州学术的影响是分不开的,并与常州今文经学派、常州词派、阳湖文派之间相互影响。毗陵诗派十分重视诗歌的品格,要求诗人有高尚的人格修养。毗陵诗人均重视忠孝节义的传统,一些诗人还与明末东林党人有一定的渊源关系,东林的学统及精神也影响着毗陵诗派。毗陵诗人还有一个共同特点,就是狂狷、耿介、戆直。毗陵诗派的诗论特点与诗人的文化人格也有许多相通之处。毗陵诗派的诗论,持论较为公允,在许多方面有纠正其它诗派流弊的作用,主张在“入理”的基础上求创新,性情与品格并重,性情与学问并重。清中叶毗陵诗派的成员与袁枚多有交往,其诗论在倡导性情、主张创新等观点上与性灵派比较接近,但两派的区别也比较明显:虽同谓性情,毗陵诗派更重伦理亲情及朋友之情,而袁枚将男女之情放在首位;毗陵诗派重视诗品和人品,而性灵派更重性情;毗陵诗派重视学问,而性灵派更重才气。在诗歌创作上,毗陵诗派创作较丰,成就较高。清初毗陵诗人抒发故国之思和兴亡之感,曲折地表达了黍离之悲,具有鲜明的时代精神;对明末清初这一天崩地陷的时代有直接的记录,对清军的杀戮进行揭露,对抗清志士进行歌颂,表现强烈的民族意识;还有对民生疾苦的揭露,对奏销案、文字狱的不满。他们大多境遇窘迫,却性情豪放,诗歌抒发性灵,感发悲愤,自有不可磨灭的价值。清初毗陵诗人继承了明代唐顺之的传统,又在许多方面影响着清中叶的毗陵诗风,具有承上启下的作用。清中叶的毗陵诗人,在创作上抒写个人际遇、情感,反映文人的生存状态;描写人情冷暖、世态炎凉,反映诗人的不屈个性和孤高人格;描写民间疾苦,揭示“盛世”背后的真相,具有真实而深广的认识价值。他们的创作风格既有共同的倾向,各自又有十分鲜明的个性特征。毗陵诗派一些诗人还创作了许多杰出的边塞诗,如洪亮吉的西域边塞诗,赵翼、徐书受、杨伦的北方边塞诗及西南边塞诗。这些边塞诗描写的地域扩大了,更注重描写边塞风俗民情,反映的感情丰富而真实,创作较务实而有理趣,大大丰富了清代边塞诗的形式与内涵。清代常州才媛辈出,出现了有明显家族性特征的闺阁诗人群体。家学的熏陶、母教的传统、夫妻的闺房唱和、常州文人的民主意识及对妇女创作的褒奖等,促进了闺阁诗的繁荣。钱孟钿、王采薇是该诗派闺阁诗人中比较著名的两位。毗陵诗派在理论和实践上都取得了一定成就,对清代及以后的文学产生了较为深远的影响。
【Abstract】 Piling school of poetry is a regional poetic school prosperous in Changzhou in the early and middle Qing Dynasty. Piling poetry mainly consists of a group of poets such as "Four poetry masters of Piling", "Six reclusive Piling poets" in the early Qing Dynasty, and "Seven Piling poets" during the period of Emperor Qianlong. Nurtured by Changzhou region culture as well as its academic atmosphere in Qing Dynasty, Piling poetic school exerts an important influence together with Changzhou school of up-to-date writing study, Changzhou ci school and Yanghu school.Piling poetic school lays equal stress on the moral character of the poets as well as its poetic features of poetry. Piling poets attach great importance to Confucian values of faith, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, and still closely connected with Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty. Arrogance and frankness are also the common characteristics of Piling poets.The features of Piling poetry theories have much in common with the cultural personalities of poets. To much extent, it can rectify the shortcomings of other schools of poetry. Piling poetry theorists advocate innovation on the basis of reason, emphasize on disposition of one’s own coming with knowledge and moral character. Compared with Yuanmei, the leader of the disposition school, Piling poets in Qing Dynasty have distinctive features in that Yuanmei excels in descriptions of the sexual relations while Piling school lays greater stress on moral principles.Piling school of poetry produces numerous poetic works of art. Piling poets in the early Qing Dynasty display a strong national spirit with a realistic account of the society and directly expose the atrocities committed by Qing army and pay high tribute to those brave rebels who never succumb to the degenerated rulers. They also express their deep sympathy for the poor people and melancholy for their native land. Those early poets carry forward the traditions of Tang Shunzhi in Ming Dynasty and greatly influence the poetic style of the following Middle Qing Dynasty. In many aspects, they occupy an irreplaceable position in Piling school of poetry.Works of Piling poets in the middle period of Qing Dynasty are also of great value since they mainly reflect the sentiments and personal experience of literary people. On another hand, they describe the sufferings of working people and show the true color of the time of prosperity. Some Piling poets produce many remarkable frontier poems in northwest region, represented by Hong Liangji, and frontier poems in the northern and southwest area, represented by Zhaoyi, Xu Shushou, Yanglun and so on. These frontier poetry of Piling school greatly enrich the entire frontier poetry in Qing Dynasty with its more vast territory. It reflects more exotic customs and true feelings of the ordinary people.In Qing Dynasty, Changzhou produces many talented women poets. So the school of boudoir poetry gradually comes into existence, with distinctive family features. It is due to the long tradition of learning in family and domestic harmony between husband and wife, together with the democratic awareness of Changzhou literary people as well as their applaud for women poets that enhances the thrive of boudoir poetry. Qian Mengdian and Wang Caiwei are a good case in point of the school.Piling school of poetry obtain great poetic achievements both in theory and practice and it exerts a profound impact on poetry of Qing Dynasty as well as the later literary works.
【Key words】 Piling school of poetry; Four poetry masters of Piling; Six reclusive Piling poets; Seven Piling poets; Frontier poetry; boudoir poetry;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 南京师范大学 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
- 【分类号】I207.22
- 【被引频次】12
- 【下载频次】568