

【作者】 马超

【导师】 单中惠;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 学生事务,一般是指专业学习以外学生所有的事务。20世纪,随着美国大学数量的增多和规模的扩大,学生主体意识的增强,学生事务大量增加,直接服务于学生,具有很强的综合性。美国学生事务理论,是在其当时的教育哲学大背景下产生和发展起来的。主要包括学生发展理论和校园环境理论。在学生发展理论中,心理发展理论、认知一结构理论和类型理论,分别从不同角度审视学生的发展。心理发展理论关注学生心理的成长和变化;认知一结构理论揭示了学生的智力发展和道德养成;类型理论描述了大学生的先天差异。在校园环境理论中,人一环境互动理论、物理模式理论和结构组织理论,分别论述了校园环境对大学学生事务的影响以及环境在学生发展中的作用。经过精心设计的校园环境能够强化学生学习过程,促进大学生价值观的培养和心理健康的养成。众多的学生事务理论流派,导致了学生管理形式上的多样化。20世纪美国大学的蓬勃发展,推动了美国学生事务的专业化。20世纪初至40年代末,美国大学学生事务显露雏形,大学开始设立学生事务院长,专业协会纷纷建立,1937年和1949年两个学生事务纲领提出了学生事务的许多核心理念,指导了后来的学生事务实践。20世纪50年代至70年代末,是美国大学学生事务大发展阶段,摒弃了“父母替代制”的管理方式,拓宽了学生事务的功能。20世纪80年代至20世纪末,学生事务与学术事务逐渐融合,聚焦于“学生学习”。学生事务实践包括:学生管理、咨询指导和生活服务。学生管理主要包括:招生管理、经济资助和纪律惩罚,是大学学术事务的辅助;咨询指导包括:入学指导、学术咨询、心理咨询和就业指导,贯穿了整个大学生涯,帮助大学生解决生活和学习中遇到的各种问题;生活服务包括:学生宿舍管理、健康服务和学生课外活动,目的是为大学生提供良好的生活环境。美国大学学生事务,得益于坚持以学生为本,尊重学生的个性,促使学生向全面、多元化发展的教育理念;得益于美国联邦政府加大了对高等教育的支持和参与,诸多法案的颁布调整了学生、家长和学校法律关系,使学生事务管理人员有章可循;得益于学生事务理论的体系化,对学生事务向专业化发展产生了重要作用;得益于学生事务专业协会的出现,推动了学生事务专业标准的制定,对大学学生事务的组织建设极具重要意义。

【Abstract】 Student affairs refer to all affairs except the academic learning. In the 20th century, with the increase of the university students and expansion of the university scale, the subject of the students enhanced and the student affairs with the comprehensive characteristics boomed.The theories of student affairs include the psychological development theory, the cognitive-structure theory and the typology theory in the different perspectives of the student development. The psychological development theory has paid close attention to the growth and development of the student. The cognitive-structure theory has discovered the intellectual development and the moral development of the student. The typology theory indicates the congenital difference of the student. The campus environment theory includes the human-environment interaction theory, the physics model theory and organizational structure theory. The campus environment theory provides the understanding to the interaction between the students and the campus and the function of the environment in the development of the students. The well-designed campus environment has enhanced the student learning and promoted the student values and the psychological development. The various theory schools of the student affairs have resulted in the diversity of the management.The great development of the universities in the U.S.A has pushed forward the professionalism of the American student affairs. From the beginning of the 20th century to the 1940’s, the student affairs in the U.S.A came into the embryonic form. The Dean of the students affairs appeared in the universities and the professional associations founded one after another. The student affairs guidelines put forward many fundamental ideas of the student affairs in 1937 and 1949 and instructed the practice of the student affairs. The 1950’s and the 1970’s had witnessed the great development of the student affairs in the U.S.A, the abandonment of the "in loco parentis" and the expansion of the student affairs functions. From the 1980’s to the end of the 20th century, the student affairs and the academic affairs gradually mixed together with the focus on the "student learning".The practices of the student affairs include the student administration, the counseling and the student service. The student administration consists of admission and enrollment management, financial aid and discipline in the assistance of the academic affairs. The counseling comprises enrollment guidance, academic advising, psychological consultation and vocational orientation for the problem-solving of the students throughout the university life. The student service embraces the management of the residence halls, health services and extracurricular activities in the purpose of the good living environment of the students.The university student affairs in the U.S.A have benefited from the respect of the student personality and the student-centered orientation in the terms of student diverse and sound development. The Federal Government of the U.S.A has increased the input and involvement on the higher education, issuing the bills and laws for the student affairs professionals in the coordination of the students, the parents and the universities. The student affairs systemization has played the important role in the professionalism of the student affairs. The founding of the student affairs professional associations has promoted the formulation of the standards and given the impact on the organizational construction of the student affairs.

  • 【分类号】G649.712
  • 【被引频次】40
  • 【下载频次】2695

