

【作者】 邢正军

【导师】 金太军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共运, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 地方政府机构改革能否顺利推进,在很大程度上决定着国家行政体制和机构改革的成败。而乡镇政府机构改革是地方政府机构改革的落脚点,面临的困难和阻力最大。本文在大量个案和实证材料的基础上,对现阶段的乡镇机构改革作了比较深入的分类研究。作者根据近年来对乡镇机构改革的调查以及对已有研究成果的研读和梳理,归纳出两种代表性的乡镇类型,即发达地区的乡镇(以江苏苏南地区为例)和欠发达地区乡镇(以江苏苏北地区为例)。通过这种个案和分类研究,以邓小平关于机构改革的理论为指导,并且运用行政生态学和制度经济学理论,系统总结了发达地区和欠发达地区在经济社会条件、政府能力等方面的不同,从而得出它们形成不同的路径依赖的必然性。相对来说,经济发达地区的乡镇具有产权明晰、市民社会发育成熟等特点,在机构改革中容易形成政府与市民社会的互动,容易转变政府职能,同时乡镇财政对公共事业和人员分流能够提供基本保障,进而形成良性的改革循环路径。而欠发达地区由于历史的原因,往往产权不明晰,政事、政企不分,全能性政府特征较为明显,政府职能转变较难,市民社会发育程度低,乡镇财政比较困难,这些因素又容易形成恶性的改革循环路径。在乡镇机构改革过程中,这两类地区既有相同的改革重点和难点,即政府职能转变和人员分流,同时又有很多不相一致的地方。针对这些共性的问题,本文提出了以乡镇决策体制创新为政府职能转变的突破口,旨在从权力制衡的角度对如何发挥乡镇人大在决策机制中的应有作用,从而为监督政府更好的转变职能提供制度保障,同时提出以理顺政企和政事关系作为乡镇政府职能的转变的中心内容;撤乡并镇,精简人员;简政放权,理顺条快关系;上下联动,为改革创造良好外部环境等对策建议。

【Abstract】 Whether or not the administrative reform of local government can be pushed forward successfully determines to a large extent the success or failure of the national administrative system and framework reform. While being the foundation of the administrative reform of local government, the administrative reform of village and town government is confronted with the most difficulties and resistances. Based on a large sum of cases and practical materials, the author of this thesis makes a pretty deep-level study of classification. According to the investigation on the administrative reform of village and town government in recent years and a hackling study of research achievements on the topic, the author makes a conclusion of two representative types of villages and towns, i.e. the towns in developed area (taking southern part of Jiangsu province as example) and the towns in developing area (taking northern Jiangsu as example). By this kind of case study and classification research and guided by the Deng Xiaoping’s Theory about framework reform, the author summarizes the differences between the developed area and developing area in economic and social condition and government power and the reason leading to the differences with the theories of administration ecology and system economics. Correspondingly, developed area government reform is easier to bring the intercommunication from townspeople and government and governmental function transformation because of the transparent property right and mature citizen society. The unstinted governmental finance provides essential ensure to the public project and retied people, which makes the reform turned into rational recycle. However, developing area government reform is comparatively difficult by reason of blurry property right, immature citizen society, all-powerful government, stiff governmental function transformation, which makes the reform turned into malignant recycle gradually. During the framework reform of village and town, there are not only different aspects but also uniform pivots and difficulties in the two kinds of areas such as governmental function transformation and neatening redundant personnel. Aiming at the mutual aspects, the author puts forward some countermeasures such as taking the innovation of decision making system at the town level as breakthrough point; enhancing effect of the People’s congress in the decision making system; making the relationship between the government and the enterprise as well as institutional unit harmonious, which is the center of transformation of the town level governmental function; withdrawing villages and uniting towns; neatening the rural government to cut the redundant personnel; simplifying the administrative process and releasing the power to make the relationship between the various sectors and those of higher-ups harmonious.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1170

