

Petroleum Generation and Accumulation Patten in the Yangxin Depression

【作者】 王锋

【导师】 肖贤明;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 地球化学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 阳信洼陷位于惠民凹陷的西北部,是一个典型的第三纪断拗型洼陷。其典型的特点是油气类型多、分布广、构造复杂。由于长期以来对该洼陷生烃成藏规律缺少系统研究,对其资源潜力及勘探前景认识不清。本研究应用生烃动力学及成藏系统的理论与方法开展了阳信洼陷油气生成与成藏研究,取得了如下主要成果与认识:(1)阳信洼陷ES4烃源岩生油门限最早可出现在38Ma左右,生油过程可一直延续到现在。烃源岩有两个生油高峰期:主生油峰期出现在10 Ma之后,主要包括洼陷中心—斜坡带的ES4—ES3烃源岩;在30-20Ma之间有一个小的生油峰期,与阳信次陷的ES4烃源岩早期生烃有关。(2)建立了不同类型烃源岩生烃模式,发现ES4烃源岩具有早期生烃与石油窗范围前移的特点,石油窗范围介于VRo 0.48—0.91%之间。ES4烃源岩早期生烃一是与烃源岩生烃母质以菌解无定形体有关;二是因为干酪根较富有机硫所致。(3)发现阳信洼陷主要有两类油气储层、发育三种成藏模式。这两类油气储层为:砂岩型储层与火成岩型储层。这三种成藏模式为:构造油气藏、构造-岩性油气藏和岩性油气藏。阳信洼陷油气分布在纵向上呈成熟油-低熟油-生物气的分布规律。油气以侧向运移为主,油气藏多为自生自储。(4)在综合的基础上,预测了沙三—沙四段的7个有利勘探目标,预测圈闭资源量2810×104t;预测了沙一段生物气的两个有利勘探区,预测天然气地质储量43.5×108m3,。本研究成果不仅对于阳信洼陷油气评价与勘探具有指导作用,而且对于胜利油气其他洼陷生烃成藏规律的研究具有借鉴与参考价值。

【Abstract】 The Yangxin Depression is located at the northern-west part of the Huimin Depression, Bohaiwan Basin. It is a typical fault-folded depression, characterized by wide distribution of petroleums, multi-types of oils and gases, and complicated structures. Since there have been lack of detailed research on petroleum generation and accumulation patterns of this depression for a long period, there is now no a clear idea for its petroleum potential and further exploration direction. In this study, a combined method of petroleum generation kinetics with petroleum system has been applied to investigate the petroleum generation of source rocks and petroleum pool formation of this depression, and the following main results have been obtained:(1) The petroleum generation of the ES4 source rocks in the Yangxin Depression began from 38Ma, and has being lasted to the present. There ware two peak stages of petroleum generation. The first peak occurred during 30-20Ma, related to ES4 source rocks from the depression center, and the second peak was after 10Ma,and originated from ES3 and ES4 source rocks in the depression.(2) The petroleum generation patterns of different types of source rocks have been suggested. It has been found that the ES4 source rock is characterized by an earlier oil generation and a lower maturity of oil window, with a VRo range of 0.48-0.90%, which is believed to be related to its kerogen with a dominant maceral of degraded-amorphinite and a sulfur -rich element composition.(3) It has been recognized that there are two types of petroleum reservoir and three kinds of petroleum pool formation pattern in the Yangxin Depression. The petroleum reservoirs are sandstone reservoir and igneous rock reservoir, and the formation patterns include structural trap, structural-lithological trap and lithological trap. The vertical distribution of petroleum pools show an alteration of matured oils, low mature oils and biogases from ES4, ES3 to ES1 strata. The petroleum migration was mainly lateral and most of the petroleum pools was self-generation and self-store.(4) Seven exploration targets for ES4-ES3 strata and two exploration blocks for ES1 strata has been evaluated, and a oil resource of 2810×104t and a biogas resource of 43.5×108m3 were protested.These above results not only give a guide to the petroleum evaluation and exploration in the Yangxin Depression, but also provide a case study on petroleum generation and accumulation for other depressions in the Shangli Oilfield.

  • 【分类号】P618.130.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】304
  • 攻读期成果

