

【作者】 韩刚

【导师】 金维诺;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 对中国院画艺术而言,北宋翰林图画院制度的重要性是无论怎么形容都不会过分的。然至今无通论其渊源流变之专文,这不能不说是中国美术史的巨大缺憾。本文试综合此前典籍之所载及新出遗文之有关北宋翰林图画院制度者,分析其因子,推论其源流,聊供初学者参考。在对北宋翰林图画院各项制度详细考察的基础上,本文分三个部分去分析、推论其在前代的渊源流变。第一部分《待诏》分析了秦汉以来宫廷中以绘画“待诏”者之各项制度的迁流变化,认为是以待诏制度为主要特征的宫廷画家制度在北宋的逐步终结换来了作为国家官署的翰林图画院制度之确立与逐步完善;第二部分《画工》分析了汉、唐主管文教图书与器物制造之国家官署中画工制度的流变,认为北宋翰林图画院制度的确立与完善是对上述前代国家官署中的画工制度进行择优录用,并使之制度化的结果,这是其主要渊源。第三部分《画院》考察了北宋翰林图画院建立以前的画院问题,认为西蜀、南唐画院只是后世画史的想象,从而否定了北宋翰林图画院源于西蜀、南唐画院之定论。一言以蔽之,北宋翰林图画院制度的确立与逐步完善是在对前代宫廷画家(待诏)制度逐渐扬弃的同时,对前代国家画工制度的择优录用并使之制度化的结果。因而,翰林图画院制度的确立与逐步完善,不是推动了“宫廷”绘画艺术的更加繁荣,而是逐步终结了“宫廷”绘画艺术;代之而起的是北宋“国家”绘画艺术,即翰林图画院绘画艺术,亦即院画艺术。

【Abstract】 For Chinese court fine art, Imperial Art Academy regulations in Northern Song Dynasty is of vital importance. However, researches on the overview and evolution of the system are scarcely conducted so far, which is really a shame for the history of Chinese fine art. This paper is an attempt to summarize the previous and newly discovered literature regard to Imperial Art Academy regulations, analysis its factors, infer its origin, being the reference for the beginners in this field.Based on a careful examination on every system of Imperial Art Academy in the Northern Song Dynasty, this paper is going to analyze and trace back its origin and evolution in three parts. The first part "Daizhao" explores the changes in the systems of Daizhao artists since Qin and Han Dynasty; part two "Picture Labor " analyzes the evolution in the painter system of culture, education, books, and instrument management, it is believed that the establishment and perfection of Imperial Art Academy regulations of Nothern Song Dynasty is the result of the institutionalized selection system in prior dynasties, which is the major source of Imperial Art Academy regulations. Part three "Imperial Art Academy" examines the issue of art academy before the establishment of Imperial Art Academy in Song Dynasty, considering art academies in West Shu and South Tang are only the assumptions by posterior scholars, and therefore denies the idea that Imperial Art Academy in Song Dynasty originates from the academies in West Shu and South Tang Dynasties.In conclusion, having developed the useful and discard the useless of Court Daizhao regulations in previous dynasties, Imperial Art Academy regulations establishes and develops itself in Song Dynasty, and institutionalizes the painter selection system previously. Thus, the establishment and perfection of Imperial Art Academy regulations does nothing to push court fine art to its prosperity, but ended that.

  • 【分类号】J209.2;K244
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】940

