

Investigation on an Indirect Expansion Solar Assisted Multifunctional Domestic Heat Pump System

【作者】 阳季春

【导师】 季杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 热能工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以一种新型的间接膨胀式太阳能多功能热泵(IESA—MDHP)为研究对象,对其进行系统的理论和实验研究。IESA~MDHP系统是太阳能集热技术与多功能热泵技术有机结合的一种太阳能热泵系统。该系统除了能够承担传统的太阳能集热器所承担的制取热水的功能外,而且在过渡季节的晚上或阴雨天也能利用太阳能资源制取生活用热水:同时在夏季没有太阳的时候该系统能够回收空调冷凝热来达到制取热水的目的,从而解决了夏季空调热污染的问题;最主要的是该系统能够充分利用太阳能资源给建筑物室内供热,从而能够部分解决传统空气源热泵冬季室外换热器结霜的问题。根据用户的需要和室外气象条件的变化,IESA—MDHP系统具有单独太阳能(或空气源)供热、单独太阳能(或空气源)制热水、制冷兼制热水和单独制冷等多种功能;首先,设计搭建了IESA—MDHP系统实验平台,该平台由系统部分和测试部分构成,其中系统部分又由太阳能真空管集热器和多功能热泵这两部分构成。对IESA—MDHP系统单独太阳能供热模式和单独太阳能制热水模式进行了实验测试,研究不同室外环境条件下,太阳能集热效率,热泵各种技术参数,各种制热COP和制热水时的COP的变化情况;其次,根据IESA—MDHP系统结构,利用现有的部件模型,构建了适合于IESA—MDHP的系统模型,并根据合肥地区某一天实测气象数据,对系统进行模拟研究;最后,从热力学第二定律出发,对IESA—MDHP系统进行热力学第二定律分析,构建IESA—MDHP系统的(火用)分析数学模型,并根据一定的气象条件对系统进行(火用)分析模拟计算,找出(火用)损失的最大部件。

【Abstract】 This paper focused on a novel type Indirect Expansion Solar Assisted Multifunctional Domestic Heat Pump system (IESA-MDHP) , and theoretical and experimental investigations were carried on the system. IESA- MDHP is an integration of a solar collector and a multi-functional heat pump. The system can not only operate as a solar collector to output hot water in sunny days, but also heating water in cloudy or rainy days with heat pump. When heat pump works in space cooling mode the device may utilize discharged heat to produce hot water. Except supplying hot water for domestic usage the device can operate for space heating in cold days. With solar energy input the evaporator temperature is lifted comparing to an ordinary heat pump, thus frosting on the evaporator can be effectively reduced in space heating condition in cold days. Accommodated to weather variation and the needs of the consumer IESA-MDHP can operate in space heating with solar energy or air-sources, producing hot water with solar energy or air-sources, space cooling simultaneously supplying hot water and space cooling mode only separately.Firstly an experimental rig was designed and established. It was consisted of the system equipment and the measurements. And the system equipment also consisted of solar collector and multifunction heat pump. Experiments were taken in space heating with solar energy mode and supplying hot water with solar energy mode to IESA-MDHP. The coefficient of performance (COP) was studied with the variations of environment parameters, solar collector efficiency and the parameters of the heat pump.Secondly a mathematical model was constructed on IESA-MDHP based on the available component models. Simulation was taken on IESA-MDHP system with the measured weather data of one day in Hefei City.At last an exergy analysis was given to IESA-MDHP based on the Second Law of the thermal dynamics. Maximum exergy loss was referred according to the theoretical analysis.


