

【作者】 翟亚军

【导师】 王战军;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 学科是大学承载教学、科研和社会服务的基本单元,学科建设是大学建设的核心,是大学建设的永恒主题。随着科教兴国战略和人才强国战略的实施,大学学科建设的重要性日益明显。本研究依托国家教育科学“十五”规划重点课题《中国研究生教育发展战略研究》、国家自然科学基金软课题和教育部重点科研资助项目《研究型大学发展战略研究》以及横向课题《国内若干不同类型大学学科建设发展规划研究》,对大学学科建设模式进行了比较系统的理论构建和实证研究。第一,构建了大学学科建设模式的分析框架。本研究以学科作为文章的逻辑起点,从对学科、大学学科、学科建设、大学学科建设、大学学科建设模式等概念的辨析入手,在学理上对大学学科建设模式进行了系统深入的研究,提出了大学学科建设模式是阐述大学学科间相互关系的一种形式化结构,静态上描述了一所大学学科的规模、结构和水平,动态上反映了一所大学学科体系生成和演化的轨迹。提出了大学学科体系应由主体学科、主干学科、支撑学科和特色学科构成的观点,建立了宽窄度、关联度和认受度三维视角下的大学学科建设模式分析框架。第二,以世界科学活动中心为节点对大学和学科的发展轨迹进行了梳理和归纳。大学学科建设模式的历史是一个不同因素不断碰撞、冲突和博弈的历史,没有任何一种因素可以唯一决定大学学科建设模式。以中世纪为起点,学科建制经历了个人——学会——科学院——大学的演变历程,学科干预主体交织着教会——政府——政府、大学——政府、社会和大学的更迭,伴随学科和大学由平行并进——渐趋叠合——共荣共生的演进道路,大学的主干学科也实现着由神学——古典文学——应用科学——纯粹科学——多学科共存的转变。第三,采用演绎和归纳相结合的方法,对世界一流大学学科建设模式进行了定量分析和定性总结。研究发现,世界一流大学必有一定规模的世界一流学科;世界一流大学都具有实力雄厚的文理学院,哲学、语言文学、数学、化学、物理学、计算机科学、生物学、历史学、经济学、政治学和社会学等基础学科成为世界一流大学的主体学科;一流学科的形成是一个长期而连续的过程、一个尊重传统和崇尚创新有机结合的过程、一个学以致学和学以致用的良性互动过程。第四,提出了基于学科宽窄度、关联度和认受度的大学分类标准和基于大学学科体系的分类标准。依据宽窄度,设定了单科性大学、多科性大学和综合性大学的门槛值;依据主干学科和强势学科的不同,将大学分为综合性大学、理工大学、人文大学和其他四类。第五,对我国大学学科建设模式进行了历史性反思。指出由于1952年院校调整对大学学科建设模式历史的人为割裂,大学学科制度的越位、错位与失位,大学理念的偏差和迷失,我国大学学科建设模式中存在着学科综合化程度不高,学科体系中各学科发展失衡的问题,主要表现为主体学科缺失,主干学科单一,支撑学科薄弱,特色学科趋同。第六,提出了选择、构建和优化我国大学学科建设模式的生态学战略思想。指出大学学科建设模式是一个多重因素影响下的产物,模式无所谓优劣正误,没有一个放之四海而皆准的大学学科建设模式。在生态学的战略思想指导下,大学学科建设模式的选择、构建和优化战略上要抓住时机,审时度势;拓展比较优势,培植竞争优势;有所为,有所不为;培养学科创新能力。在战术上寻求主体学科、主干学科、支撑学科和特色学科各有所重以及学科体系和谐发展的道路。

【Abstract】 As discipline is the basic unit for university to carry on the task of teaching, research and service for society, the construction of discipline is the core and ageless themes of the construction of university. With the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country by science, technology and education, strengthening the country by talents, the construction of university discipline is becoming more and more important. This article has systematically made theoretical and empirical research on the construction mode of university discipline, relying on following three projects, those are Research on Chinese Development Strategy of Postgraduate Education, a key project of the tenth Chinese Educational Science five-year Plan , Research on the Development Strategy of Research-oriented University, a soft project of Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, Research on Chinese Discipline Development Strategy of Different- type Universities, a transverse project.Firstly, this article is to establish the analysis framework for the construction mode of university discipline. Taking discipline as the logical Starting point and based on concept analysis’s such as discipline, university discipline, the construction of discipline, the construction of university discipline and the construction mode of university discipline, this article makes systematically theoretical research on the construction mode of university discipline, points out that the construction mode of university discipline is a formal pattern to expound the relationship between different disciplines, statically describe one university’s discipline scale, structure and level and dynamically reflects discipline formation and evolution. Further more, this article regards the system of university discipline should include major disciplines, core disciplines, supporting disciplines and feature disciplines, establishes the analysis framework for the construction mode of university discipline in the light of breadth, relevance and recognition.Secondly, regarding international centre of science as node, this article summarizes the evolution of university discipline. In the history of the construction mode of university discipline, various elements collided and conflicted with each other, none could lonely determined the construction mode of university discipline. From the Dark Ages, discipline organizational system has evolved from individual, associations, academy of sciences to universities, at the same time the interference body of discipline has changed from the church, government, government and university to government, society and university. With the evolution of discipline and university from propelled development superimposed, coinciding to symbiosis and co-prosperity, university’s core discipline has shifted from divinity, classical literature, and technologic, pure science to the coexistence of various disciplines.Thirdly, adopting the combination of deduction and induction, this article analyzes the mode of the discipline construction of world-class universities qualitatively and quantitatively. It’s found that, the world-class universities necessarily own certain extent world-class disciplines; the world-class universities have preponderant college of arts and science, philosophy, language literature, mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, biology, history, economics, political science and the social science and so on, which have become the major disciplines of world-class universities; the formation of the world-class disciplines is a long and continuous process, which respects the tradition and evaluates the creation, and further more, the interactive process of "learn to learn" and "learn to practice".Fourthly, this article comes up with two different classified criteria about the university disciplines, which based on the breadth, relevance and reorganization. According to the breadth, there are single-discipline universities, multi-discipline universities and comprehensive universities; According to the differences of the core disciplines and the mighty disciplines, the universities can be divided into comprehensive universities, science and technology universities, the literary universities and others.Fifthly, the article also has a historical consideration of the construction of university discipline in our country. It’s pointed out that, as a result of the higher educational institutions adjustment in 1952, which leaded to the history of the construction of university discipline dissevered factitiously, offside, not apposition, lack of the university discipline system, the deviation and lose of the university ideas, the construction mode of university discipline in our country exists those problems as followed, the comprehensive extent of discipline is low, the development of various disciplines is unbalanced, which manifested in the deficit of the major disciplines, the singleness of the core disciplines, the weakness of the supporting disciplines and the convergence of the unique disciplines.Lastly, the article proposes the ecological strategy ideas, under which we can select, construct and optimize the construction mode of university discipline in our country. The article points out the construction mode of university discipline is a result which is influenced by many factors, and there is no criterion used to determine which mode is right or not, there is no a model that will be applied in any circumstances. Under the guidance of the ecological strategy ideas, we should take following actions for the selection, construction and optimization of the construction mode of university discipline: in strategy, we should consider the situation to seize the opportunity , expand the comparative advantages to cultivate the competitive advantages, be aware that there are things must be done and things must not be done, cultivate the innovation ability for the disciplines; in tactics, we should seek the path under which there are respective emphases on major disciplines, core disciplines, supporting disciplines and feature disciplines, so the discipline system develops harmoniously.


