

Scientific Elite in Modern China

【作者】 卜晓勇

【导师】 徐飞;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文以科学社会学原理为指导,对中国现代科学精英群体进行了较为系统全面的实证研究,考察了现代科学作为一种职业和社会建制在中国产生和发展的历史,集中研究了中国科学发展的内部社会结构和社会关系,尤其是对中国现代科学精英群体这一处于中国科学社会最上层的科学家集团进行了较为细致的量化分析,揭示了中国现代科学精英群体的社会分层机制及其与社会的交互作用,对中国现代科学精英的团体特征获得了若干新的认识,具有一定的前沿性和学术性。具体而言,本文在以下几个方面进行了较为深入的研究:1)中国科学院院士是中国科学界精英的典型。在对中国现代科学精英群体(院士)进行科学社会学分析的过程中,本文引入了时间维度,注重对中国现代科学精英阶层社会学特征的动态研究,对中国现代科学精英群体的出生地域、学历结构、留学状况和年龄构成等参数进行了计量研究,分析了中国现代科学精英群体的若干特征及其产生原因,以期揭示中国现代科学精英在不同历史时期的社会分层特征:现代科学在中国的百年发展,从科学精英的产生到精英的代际更替,不同时期的中国科学精英除具有中国科学家的共性之外,还各具鲜明的时代特征。2)论文对科学家的师承关系进行了界定,进而以中国现代数学家师承谱系为案例,研究得出现代数学在中国早期发展缓慢但早期数学精英起点较高;早期数学精英更多的是火种作用;后期数学精英通过研究团体培养下一代数学英才;后期数学精英的导师作用受到马太效应的影响等现代数学在中国传播发展的基本特点。推而广之,在不同时期,中国科学精英的成长方式也会各有特点,理清各时期科学精英的传承规律,对于未来培养新的精英人才,无疑具有参考价值。3)将中国现代科学精英群体的社会学特征与20世纪诺贝尔奖得主群体进行了全面的比较研究,从科学社会学角度对“诺贝尔奖情结”这一中国社会的热点问题进行了现实分析和未来展望。通过全面统计诺贝尔奖获得者群体的年龄构成、学位结构、毕业院校和国籍状况等基本信息,并以此和中国现代科学精英群体相应指标进行对比,初步评估了二者之间的异同和差距,从而为这一热门话题提供了深入研究的量化依据。同时试图阐明杰出科学家成长以及创造世界尖端科技成就可能遵循的基本途径,进而为我国实施知识创新工程提供较为细致的参考思路。4)探讨中国现代科学精英群体及其科学成果与社会发展的交互作用。分别从民国时期、新中国时期这两大时段讨论了科学精英群体的科学成就与社会的相互作用,揭示了不同时期中国现代科学精英群体的研究活动、研究过程与社会发展的相互关系,对国家安全、经济发展和社会文明进步的影响,初步总结了中国现代科学精英群体的精神气质及其对中国社会精神文明的作用。同时也阐述了社会政治、经济等社会环境因素对中国现代科学精英群体及其科研活动的影响等。研究表明,中国现代科学精英的状况,某种程度上,可以看作中国科学技术和中国社会环境的晴雨表。

【Abstract】 Employing the sociology of science in general and the norm of universalism and the theory of social stratification in science in particular, this paper focuses on the studies on scientific elites in modern China as well as the development of Modern science as a kind of vocation and a social organization in China. It examines the inherent social system and social relation, specifically, the social stratification of scientific elites as the highest estate of the scientists groups in modern China. The interaction between scientific elites and the social condition is shown at the end of this paper.In details, this paper achieves sone results in the following aspects:1) The academicians of Chinese Academy of Science are the model of genius in science community of China. From temporal dimension, take the academicians as an example, the birth place distribution, degree structure, abroad study experiences and age structure are quantitatively studied, some characteristics and its reasons are analyzed also. All of the conclusions will help to understand more about the basic status of scientific elites in modern China.2) The paper defines the master-apprentice relationship in science, then according to the definition, the paper exams the master-apprentice relationship of Chinese mathematic elites in different periods. Some characteristics of the spreading in Chinese modern mathematics are shown, such as: Modern mathematics in China spread very slowly in the early 20th century, the former mathematic elites in China have a high academic level ,the former Chinese mathematic elites is the kindling for the spreading of modern mathematics in China, elite-group effort of the latter Chinese mathematic is the main means in cultivating young researchers, Matthew effect is the role in the latter mathematic elites mentoring young researchers, and so on. Broadly speaking, the characteristics of the growth of Chinese scientific elite are different in different periods, and should be explored. All of these are important for cultivating excellent scientific researchers in modern education system.3)A series of basic information of scientific elites in modern China and the Nobel Prize winners are calculated and analyzed by this paper, the information including the age distribution, degree structure, graduation universities and nationality status; by comparing with the same issues of Chinese modern scientific elites, some significant implications come out witch related to how to create the world most advanced achievements in science and technology and what is the best way for cultivating outstanding scientists in China in the future. All of those conclusions should offer some new enlightenment for applying Knowledge Creation Project in China.4) Studies on the interaction between scientific elites in modern China and the social condition. Researching the history of the development of the modern science and technology in China during the two periods (Min guo, the People’s Republic of China), the paper examines the relationship between the working of scientific elites in modern China and the social development, and shows the scientific as well as political and social roles the elite has played in influencing the nation’s policy making, economic development and social civilization in scientific research and societal life. Finally, the paper draws a conclusion that scientific elites in modern China as a bellwether for the direction of changes in the areas of science and technology as well as society.


