

Research on Life-circle Quality Control and Building Technology of Multi-ribbed Wall Panel Structures

【作者】 张荫

【导师】 李慧民;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 密肋壁板结构是一种节能抗震型建筑结构体系,有着很好的推广应用前景。然而,作为一种新型结构体系还存在着很多不完善的地方,特别是在全寿命质量控制与建造技术研究方面尚属空白。本文以密肋壁板结构为对象,以全寿命周期质量控制与建造技术研究为主线,从工程项目全寿命周期中的可行性论证与科学决策系统、结构全寿命总费用评估与设计质量控制体系、复合墙体及结构体系的施工工艺研究与开发、结构工程质量控制与施工管理、新型结构全寿命周期中的使用及安全评定诸方面进行了全面系统的研究与探讨。主要研究内容及成果如下:1.工程质量与使用寿命关系模型研究结构的工程质量与使用寿命关系模型在工程项目可行性论证阶段,对所采用的建设方案进行比较估算,预知工程结构的可靠度及其寿命,并进行相应的可靠性评价有重要的意义。本文结合密肋壁板结构特点,通过结构主要构件(密肋复合墙体)的质量分析模型及使用分析模型研究,建立了结构的工程质量与使用寿命关系模型,为投资者在项目建设前期提供相关信息,减少因工程质量事故带来的投资风险,增加预期投资决策的可靠性。2.DEA评价模型的建立及工程结构多目标综合评价方法研究工程全寿命周期中可行性论证方案的评价与选择决定着建设项目投资效益的优劣。为克服目前可行性论证单指标评价和评价指标设置不完善的弊端,本文应用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis)方法,建立DEA评价模型,对密肋壁板结构工程进行多目标综合评价,为项目的科学决策提供理论依据,就唐山荣泰园小区工程进行了可行性论证。3.基于投资—效益准则的结构全寿命总费用评估与设计质量控制方法研究全寿命总费用评估是基于性能抗震设计的基本问题,目标是使全寿命周期总费用最小。文中结合密肋壁板结构特点,建立了结构的初始费用评估模型。通过算例分析证明了模糊综合评判进行结构失效损失费用评估方法的可行性,提出分灾设计理念,给出了基于投资一效益准则的密肋壁板结构抗震优化设计方法,为基于性能的密肋壁板结构抗震设计提供了理论基础。同时对工程设计的质量控制与管理进行了探讨。4.密肋壁板结构建造技术及墙板生产工艺方法研究密肋壁板结构施工工艺方法研究是密肋壁板结构得以推广应用的前提。本文在总结传统施工方法的基础上,首次提出墙板内热式自循环蒸养系统及移动式生产工艺方法,结合密肋壁板结构特点,提出了结构连接构造及装配整体式施工工艺新方法,并就地基基础施工质量控制进行了探讨。5.密肋壁板结构施工质量控制与管理方法研究通过对施工质量控制的基本理论与方法评析,提出工程质量的控制模式、实现途径和实践效应。在此基础上给出了基于概率统计理论的适宜于密肋壁板结构的质量控制方法。分析表明:密肋壁板结构进行质量控制不仅应围绕其设计阶段、施工阶段和使用阶段的宏观质量控制展开,而且要更加注重各个阶段的技术控制,在工程建设中要实现宏观控制和微观控制、管理控制和技术控制的双效合一。同时结合密肋壁板结构示范工程就“全过程、全项目和全员”质量控制体系进行了探讨。6.密肋壁板结构全寿命周期中使用管理及安全性评估方法研究在对中外建筑工程维护管理的对比分析基础上,提出密肋壁板结构体系使用管理方法。结合结构的可靠性及耐久性,以已建的密肋壁板房屋为对象,通过现场测试、结构动力特性反演及静力弹塑性分析对密肋壁板结构的安全性评估方法进行了探讨。本文的创新之处在于:首次将全寿命质量控制的概念应用于密肋壁板结构体系之中。通过项目的可行性论证、结构的优化设计、施工建造技术研究、项目的运营及安全性评估等,将质量控制与施工管理贯穿于始终。主要创新点有:1.密肋壁板结构工程质量与使用关系模型的建立及多目标综合评价方法的提出通过密肋复合墙体可靠指标β的分析研究,建立了结构的工程质量与使用寿命关系模型,应用数据包络分析方法,进行了工程的多目标综合评价,为项目的可行性科学决策提供了理论依据。2.基于投资—效益准则的密肋壁板结构全寿命总费用评估方法的建立结合密肋壁板结构构造特点提出分灾设计理念,给出了基于投资—效益准则的密肋壁板结构抗震优化设计方法,建立了结构的初始费用评估模型。通过算例分析,验证了模糊综合评判进行结构失效损失费用评估方法的可行性。3.密肋壁板结构建造技术及墙板生产工艺的研发针对密肋壁板结构特点提出了结构连接构造及装配整体式施工工艺新方法,首次开发了墙板内热式自循环蒸养系统及移动式生产工艺方法,并申报了国家发明专利。4.基于概率统计理论的密肋壁板结构质量控制方法的给出就工程质量的控制模式、实现途径和实践效应进行了分析,提出了基于概率统计理论的适宜于密肋壁板结构的质量控制方法。结合密肋壁板结构示范工程就三全(全过程、全项目和全员)质量控制体系进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 Multi-ribbed wall panel structure is an energy-saving and seismic building structure system, which has a broad perspective in application. However, as a new type of structure system, it still has many imperfections. In the field of life-circle quality control and building technology, especially, little research has been done. The paper, which puts the multi-ribbed wall panel structure as an example and takes the life-circle quality control and building technology as its main line, performs a systemic research and discussion in several aspects, such as the feasibility demonstration and scientific decision-making system of projects in all life cycle, evaluation of the structural life-cycle cost and the design of quality control system, study and exploitation of the construction technology for multi-ribbed composite wall and structure systems, quality control and construction management, use and safety assessment of the new structure in all life cycle and so on. Followings are in details:1. Research on relation model of construction quality and using lifeThe relation model of the construction quality and using life is used to compare and estimate the adopted construction plans at the stage of feasibility demonstration, which can predict the reliability and life of engineering structures performs the corresponding reliability assessment. Based on the characteristics of multi-ribbed wall panel structure and by studying the quality analysis model and using analysis model, the relation model of the construction quality and using life is established. That can provide abundant information concerned for investors in the early construction stage, as a result, the investment risk brought by the quality accidents of construction can be reduced, and the reliability of planned investment decision can be enhanced.2. Establishment of DEA evaluation model and research on multi-objectived synthetical assess methodThe investing benefit of the construction project is decided by the assessment and choice of the schemes in the feasibility demonstration. In order to overcome the disadvantages of both single index evaluation and faultiness in assessing index, the Data Envelopment Analysis method is applied in the paper to establish the DEA evaluation model. And the multi-objectived synthetical evaluation is carried out to the multi-ribbed wall panel structure, which provides theoretical basis for scientific policy decision. At the same time, the feasibility of construction of Rongtai Residential Area in Tangshan is studied.3. Research on life-circle total cost assessment and optimal seismic design of structure based on invest-benefit rulesLife-circle total cost assessment which aims at the minimum total cost for the life-circle cost is the basic problem for the seismic design based on performance. In light of the characters of multi-ribbed wall-panel structure, the initial cost assessment model is set up. By the example analysis, the feasibility of loss charge of invalidation of the structure evaluated by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is testified, and the concept of disaster-distribution design is brought forward. The optimum seismic design method of multi-ribbed wall-panel structure based on invest-profit is given. That provides theoretical foundation to performance-based seismic design of multi-ribbed wall-panel structure. Meanwhile, the quality control and management of structure design are also discussed.4. Study on construction technology of multi-ribbed wall-panel structureResearch of the construction technology of multi-ribbed wall panel structure is the precondition of the spreading and application for the structure. This paper, based on the summary of traditional construction technology, brings forward the inner-heated self-circulation steam conservation system and mobile construction technology firstly. In light of characters of multi-ribbed wall panel structure, the connecting constitution and a new construction technology of assembled integration are presented, meanwhile construction quality control of subsoil and foundation is also discussed.5. Research on construction quality control and management method of multi-ribbed wall panel structureBy the commentary on basal theories and methods of construction quality control, the control model, implementing means and practice effect are brought forward. Moreover quality control method based on probability counting theories which is suitable to multi-ribbed wall panel structure is given. The relative analysis indicates: the quality control of multi-ribbed wall panel structure includes not only some macro aspects, such as the design stage, construction stage and using stage, but also the technical control in each stage. It is essential to unite the macro control with micro control, and so is the management control and technology control. At the same time, the total process, total project and total employee quality control system is discussed to the demonstration engineering of the multi-ribbed wall panel structure.6. Research on using management and safety assessment method of multi-ribbed wall panel structureBased on the contrast and analysis of construction maintenance management inland and overseas, using management method of multi-ribbed wall panel structure is put forward. According to the reliability and durability of the structure, some built multi-ribbed wall panel buildings are studied by test on site, inversion of dynamical characters of structures and static elastic-plastic analysis, which discusses the safety assessment method of multi-ribbed wall panel structure.The mainly original points are as follows:The concept of life-circle is applied in multi-ribbed wall panel structure system firstly. The quality control and construction management are carried out to go throughout by the feasibility testify of projects, optimum design of structures, researches on construction technology, running and safety assess of projects. Following are in details:1. Establishment of the relation model of the construction quality and using life for multi-ribbed wall panel structure and presentation of multi-object synthetical assessment methodBy studying the reliability indexβof multi-ribbed composite wall, the relation model of the construction quality and using life for the structure is built. The data envelopment analysis method is employed to carry out the multi-object synthetical evaluation to engineering, which provides theoretical base to scientific decision of project feasibility.2. Establishment of life-circle total cost assessment method of multi-ribbed wall panel structure based on invest-benefit rulesBased on the constitution characters of multi-ribbed wall panel structure, the paper proposes the concept of disaster-distribution design, presents the optimum seismic design method based on invest-benefit rules of the structure and sets up the initial cost assess model. By the example analysis, the feasibility of the method that using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to evaluate the invalidation loss charge of structure is testified.3. Research and Development for building technology of multi-ribbed wall panel structure and production craft of multi-ribbed composite slabThe new method of connect constitution and assembled integration construction are brought forward in light of characters of multi-ribbed wall panel structures. The inner-heated self-circulation steam conservation system and mobile construction technics are brought forward firstly and program was applied for invention patent to the state.4. Presentation of quality control method of multi-ribbed wall panel structure based on theory of probability countingThe control model, practice means and fulfillment effect of construction quality are analyzed, and the quality control method based on probability counting theories which is suitable for the multi-ribbed wall panel structure is proposed. The three-total quality control system including total process, total project and total employee is discussed in light of model multi-ribbed wall panel structure projects.


