

Study on Climate Adaptability of Human Beings to Thermal Combort in China

【作者】 茅艳

【导师】 刘加平; 杨柳;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,对室内环境品质和居室热舒适的要求也随之提高,人们更加关注影响人体热感觉、热舒适的居室热环境指标。目前国际上流行的评价室内热环境舒适度的标准ASHRAE 55-1992和ISO 7730主要是以欧美等国家的健康青年人为研究对象,通过实验室建立的标准,未必适用于中国人。我国地域辽阔,气候类型多样,各地区居民生活习惯不同,地区之间经济发展不平衡,人们的经济承受能力不同,必将导致人们对热环境的生理适应性和心理期望值的差异。因此,研究适合我国气候特点和国情的人体热舒适适应性模型和标准,对于改善各地区人居热环境、节约能源和推动人类和生态建筑的可持续发展有重要作用。本文针对我国的气候特点,首次在全国主要自然地理区域(包括四个气候区)选取具有典型气候特征和重要经济地理位置的城市(12个)进行实际调查研究,得出了不同气候区城市的室内物理环境参数、主观热感觉、热舒适计算指标等,统计分析了不同气候区人们的热舒适适应性行为,建立了我国不同气候区的人体热舒适气候适应性模型,并在该模型的基础上给出了不同气候区的舒适温度范围,制定了被动式气候设计策略。得出的主要结论如下:(1)结合我国气候特征,确定热舒适与气候环境之间的关系。通过调节室外微气候环境至人们满意的舒适度,确立室外主要气候条件和期望的室内热舒适之间的关系。室内热舒适标准的建立是分析室外气候条件的前提和保障,建立室外气候和室内舒适标准之间的关系是进行人体热舒适气候适应性研究的关键问题。(2)首次在全国主要自然地理区域(包括四个气候区)进行了大量的室内热舒适现场调查与测试,得出了不同气候区12个典型城市的室内物理环境参数、主观热感觉、热舒适计算指标等主要参数。(3)首次研究了限制人体热舒适适应性行为的影响因素,统计分析了我国各气候区人体热舒适适应性行为。①夏季各气候区服装热阻一般分布在0.3~0.5clo(严寒地区服装热阻稍大除外);冬季各气候区服装热阻由于受不同气候区人们生活习性以及对环境适应性不同,其取值并不完全遵循随着室外气候降低而升高的规律。②人体新陈代谢率与操作温度没有明显的线性关系。③室内空气流速与操作温度有一定的线性相关性。在夏季,各气候区空气流速与操作温度呈正线性关系;在冬季,空气流速与操作温度呈负线性关系(夏热冬暖地区除外)。④各气候区居民80%满意率时舒适区温度范围比ASHRAE 55-1992和ISO 7730标准舒适区温度范围宽。⑤冬季实测的热中性温度比PMV预测的热中性温度低,夏季实测的热中性温度比PMV预测的热中性温度高。⑥人体热中性温度与室内温度有一定的相关性。(4)首次建立了我国不同气候区人体热舒适“气候适应性模型”,并对该模型进行综合评价:①与其它现场研究结果及PMV舒适标准对比分析,得出我国不同气候区更宽的舒适温度范围;②依照该模型所确定的室内舒适温度,进行暖通能量计算,得到该模型比用ASHRAE所颁布的26℃标准的最高温度在制冷负荷方面节约5%~10%或更多的能量;③依据该模型从冬季采暖和夏季降温两个方面,分析各典型城市的气候状况,提出保证获得室内热舒适的被动式气候设计策略,其主要包括被动式太阳能采暖、夏季自然通风、建筑蓄热降温、蒸发冷却和遮阳等。本文系首次研究我国不同气候区的人体热舒适气候适应性,基于现场研究得到的热适应性舒适基准,期望对我国建筑节能设计和生态建筑设计的理论和实践研究起到积极的作用。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of living standard, people are paying more and more attention on how to predict the thermal environment and thermal comfort. Current thermal comfort standards such as ASHRAE55-1992 and ISO 7730 are based on the experimental results to the youth in America and Europe. And they may not be applicable to Chinese.Because of the diversity of zones and climates, customs and habits, economic developments, ability of economy bearing between north and south may cause the difference of acclimation and psychological expectation. We should study on our own thermal comfort standards and models that are appropriate to Chinese people. It is very important to find the best thermal environment parameters which can improve the thermal environment, save more energy and promote the sustainable development of zoology architecture.Thinking of the characteristic of China’s climate, a survey was conducted in the twelve cities which have both typical climate characteristics and economic geography meanings. The physical data including air temperature, relative humidity, radiant temperature, air velocity are collected. Thermal sensation, thermal preference, thermal acceptability and thermal comfort are surveyed too. The selection of thermal comfort indices and the calculation of operative temperature are discussed here. The climatic adaptability of human beings is drawn. The adaptive models of different climatic zones are set up and the neutral temperature, strategies of passive design is established. The innovative work and main conclusions are listed as follows:(1) Using climatic building design principles, this dissertation analyzes the relationship between outdoor climate and thermal comfort zone. Thermal comfort standards are the premise to analysis outdoor climate. How to set up the relationship between outdoor climate and indoor thermal comfort standards is the key to study on climatic adaptability of human beings. (2) For the first time, great deals of surveys and tests to thermal comfort are conducted in the main geography zone, including 4 climatic zones. The physical data including air temperature, relative humidity, radiant temperature, air velocity are collected. Thermal sensation, thermal preference, thermal acceptability and thermal comfort are also surveyed.(3) For the first time, the dissertation studies the influence factors of adaptability of human beings and analyses the situations of adaptability of human beings in China. 1)In summer, clothing value varies from 0.3 to 0.5clo in all the climatic zones, excepting the cold zone. In winter, clothing value does not absolutely obey the rules that it increases with the lowing of outdoor temperature. 2)The linearity relationship is not shown between metabolism and operative temperature. 3)The linearity relationship is shown between air velocity and operative temperature. In summer, there is a positive linearity between air velocity and operative temperature in different climatic zone, whereas in winter (exception the warm-summer and cold-winter zone).4)The comfort temperature range that 80% occupants feel comfortable is wide than that of ASHRAE 55-1992 and ISO 7730. 5)In winter, the neutral temperature measured on spot is lower than that of PMV, whereas in winter. 6)There is relativity between the neutral temperature and indoor temperature.(4) For the first time, the adaptive models of different climatic zones are set up and are evaluated synthetically too: 1)The wider comfort temperature range is educed by contrasting the results on spot to PMV. 2)According to the adaptive models, a conclusion of energy saving from 5% to 10% is’gained. 3)From the point of heating in winter and lowering in summer, each city’s climate is analyzed roundly and a series of appropriate passive design strategies is proposed, which includes solar heating, natural ventilation, evaporative cooling system and shade.The integrated first study on climate adaptability of Human beings to thermal comfort in our country will have an essential design guide for both eco-ecological as well as energy efficient building design.


