

The Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Schr(?)dinger Equtions of Nonautonomous

【作者】 翟延慧

【导师】 李勇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 基础数学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要利用Hamiltonian系统中经典的KAM理论,对非自治的非线性Schr(?)dinger方程的Dirichlet边值问题进行了较为深入的研究.文中通过适当的变换u=εv(0<ε<<1),有效地处理了方程中出现的小除数问题,建立了非自治的非线性Schr(?)dinger方程的Hamiltonian函数,给出了该方程的Birkhoff标准形式及相应的Cantor流形定理,较好的解决了非自治的非线性Schr(?)dinger方程的狄氏边值问题.

【Abstract】 Schrodinger Equtions is a classics of partial differential equations.We achieve many scientific result for study of its quantity theoty.But when we looking for the quasi-periodic solutions of d-dimension partial differential equation(d> 2),we have to meet a small divison problems. The Hamiltonian systems and KAM theory is a very powerful tool to deal with the problems. The classical KAM theory is concerned with the existence of invariant tori (thus quasi-periodic solutions) for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems. In order to obtain the quasi-periodic solutions of a partial differential equation, one may show the existence of the lower(finite) dimensional invariant tori for the infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems defined by the partial differential equation.The paper research the Dirichlet boundary value problem for nonlinear schrodinger equtions of nonautonomous the followingwhere nonlinear function f is required to be real analytic and nondegenerate in some neighbourhood of the origin in C.Thus equation (1) is expressed the following formWe use the transformation u =εv(0 <ε<< 1) and desert the higher order term of v,the equation (2) is expressed the following formAfter that, To research the dirichlet boundary value problem for (1) change to looking for the quasi-periodic solution of problem (4).The frist, the equation (3) is replaced by the equation (5)Step 2, We gived the Hamiltonian function (6) of the equation (5) where AStep 3, We obtain the Birkhoff normal form for the Hamiltonian function (6) is expressed the following3.4.Lemma 3.4 For the Hamiltonian H =εG with nonlinearity ,there exists a real analytic symplectic change of coordinates F in a neighbourhood of the origin in la,p that for all real values of m takes it into its Birkhoff normal form up to order four. That iswhere m determinid coefficientsStep 4, We established the Cantor manifold theorem .For the existence ofεthe following assumptions are made.(1) Nondegeneracy.The normal form A + Q’ is nondegeneracy in the sense thatwhere(2) Spectral Asymptotics.There exist d≥1,δ< d - 1,such thatwhere the dots stand for terms of order less than d in j. (3) Regularity.where A(la,p, la,p) denotes the class of all maps from some neighbourhood of the origin in la,p into la,p. which are real analytic in the real and imaginary parts of the complex coordinate q.Theorem3.2(Cantor manifold theorem) Suppose the HamiltonianH = A + Q’ + R satisfies assumptions(1)-(3), andwith g > ,Δ= min(p - p, 1). Then there exist a Cantor manifoldεof real analytic,elliptic diophantine n-tori given by a Lipschitz continuous embedding ,where C has full density at the origin,and (?) is close to the inclusion map (?)0Consequently,εis tangent to E at the origin .Finally,We obtain the important conclusion of the paper by using the Lemma 3.4 and Cantor manifold theoremTheorem3.1 Suppose the nonlinearity f is real analytic and nonde-gence,Then for all m∈M, n∈N, and all J = {j1 <…< jn} (?) N, there exist a Cantor manifoldεJ of real analytic,linearly stable, diophantine-n tori for the equation (1) given by a Lipschitz continuous embedding .which is a higher order perturbation of the inclusion map restricted to TJ[C].The Cantor set C has full density at the origin, whenceεJ has a tangent space at the origin equal to EJ. Moreover,εJ is contained in the space of analytic functions on [0,π].

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期

