

【作者】 邵国义

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文意在考察现当代小说中抗战历史图景的时代变迁问题。抗日战争一直是现当代小说创作的重要内容,但是作为一个恒定地发生过的历史事实,几十年来不同时代的小说对它的叙述中所呈现出的抗战历史图景却并不相同,甚至是完全迥异的。本文就是要通过考察战时以来的小说中抗战历史图景的时代差异,来探讨关于抗战的小说叙述在不同时代有如何的不同,这种不同又是如何叙述出来的,以及为什么如此叙述,发现抗战图景发生时代变迁的动因、状貌和轨迹,在这个过程中解决目前相关研究中存在的一些问题。除绪论和结语外,本文共分三章。绪论部分首先是阐述了历史、叙事与抗战图景之间的关系。由于历史事件的呈现是叙事的结果,而叙事总是要受到时代主导意识形态的牵制,所以不同时代的叙事对于同一段历史的阐释和理解就会发生差异,从而为这段历史营造出各自不同的图景。抗战叙事亦是如此。其次是阐述了“革命”是理解抗战文学和抗战历史图景变迁的关键词。抗战历史图景的变迁与各个时代的文艺观念、创作环境以及意识形态的诉求等所构成的整体语境及其变迁有着错综复杂的关系,无产阶级的“革命”理念无疑是这个整体语境的最重要的组成部分,规约着抗战叙事。“革命”话语随着时代的变迁而变迁,抗战叙事及其营造的抗战历史图景亦因之而变迁。由于革命与抗战的密切关系,革命话语和革命语境的时代变迁是本文的重要切入角度和理论线索。第三是对有关研究的现状和本文的研究思路、对象、方法以及目的进行了介绍。主要是:结合对抗日战争的时限和“抗战文学”概念的厘定,把七十余年来凡是以抗日战争为表现对象的小说作品及相关的文学现象均视为研究对象;目前相关研究中存在的问题主要是局限于战时和断代史研究而较少通史研究、对文革期间的作品缺乏关注、抗战文学的研究难以获得独立的地位、对关于抗战的文学叙事和抗战图景的时代变迁缺乏系统和深入的探讨等等,本文在对抗战图景历时性变迁的探讨中力图解决这些问题。本文在论述中主要关注抗战力量的构成和变化、一些具体场景的浮沉变迁、叙述中所呈现出来的抗战的性质。第一章探讨了战时关于抗战的小说叙述在抗战与革命话语的双重制约下所提供的抗战历史图景。第一节主要论述了部分战时抗战小说努力把抗日战争叙述为一场跨越国家民族界限的阶级革命,但是在民族救亡的峻急需求和民族矛盾上升的时代背景下,阶级意识难于实现对民族意识的跨越,这种努力不能不面临着叙事的难题。马克思和毛泽东等人的革命理论是这种叙事努力的理论渊源。第二节从阶级矛盾和阶级斗争的现实存在出发,分析了“国防文学”和“民族革命战争的大众文学”这两个口号的论争是坚持阶级理念的努力,重点选取抗战小说中关于农民、知识分子、土匪、国军的抗日斗争的叙述,考察和论述了它们如何从阶级观念出发,对谁在抗战进行论证,使革命和阶级理念纠缠在它们所营造的抗战图景之中。第三节从抗战对革命的制约出发,分析了有的战时抗战小说摆脱了革命理念和阶级意识的纠缠,叙述出了联合抗战、民间抗战、两种政治力量主导下的抗战,把抗战营造成为民族御侮的救亡图景。第四节主要是探讨在革命和抗战话语制约下的觉醒和人性人道场景,并对启蒙问题进行了探讨。第二章探讨了抗战结束至文革结束期间的小说叙述对抗战历史图景的革命化的营造。第一节是本章的引论,从抗战小说和抗战文学研究中“革命”对“抗战”的修饰入手,分析了关于抗战的文学叙述被覆盖于关于革命的文学叙述的具体表征和现实政治需求,论述了这个时期关于抗战的文学叙述并非为了叙述抗战,而是以“革命”为出发点和落脚点,对抗战历史进行革命化的组织与叙述。第二节到第四节分别探讨抗战结束到十七年时期地小说把抗战叙述为一场革命的三个手段。第二节主要是通过分析党对抗战的领导、工农兵的抗战如何被强化突出和国民党、地主等其它阶级的抗战如何成为抗战的弃物,具体论述了这个时期的抗战小说作品如何通过选择性叙述追求本质真实,营造革命化的抗战历史图景。第三节从建国初期关于历史的革命记忆和合法化论证的现实需求入手,考察了抗战小说如何通过上溯和后延、通过突出阶级斗争、通过把抗日战争放在阶级斗争的框架中展开,把抗战历史覆盖于革命历史,把抗战历史图景叙述为革命历史图景。第四节主要是通过分析战时小说中存在的民间抗战、人性人道潜流等非革命性的抗战场景和工农、地主、土匪、地主等非革命性抗战力量在这个时期的小说中被革命化,探讨革命化的抗战历史图景的营造。第五节探讨的是建国前后和十七年期间的小说所营造的革命化的抗战历史图景并非一个十分纯粹的革命图景。由于《讲话》的理论空间、批判运动之间的间歇等原因而产生的罅隙使得革命化的叙事努力在覆盖、简化抗战历史图景时仍然存留了一些非革命化的抗战场景。第六节是对文革期间抗战小说的专论,讨论了这个时期的抗战小说如何向样板戏靠拢,继续革命化的努力,从而使革命化抗战历史图景的营造达到了极致。第三章探讨的是新时期以来的抗战小说如何叙述抗战,重构抗战历史图景。第一节是本章的引论,通过讨论新时期以来引起革命话语被质疑和解构的诸多因素和革命理念及其影响的存留、阐明1985和1995这两个重要年份,论述了重述抗战的时代语境。第二节论述了以往革命化的抗战叙述如何在文革结束初年的反思小说中被不经意地反思和质疑,进而以往的革命化抗战历史图景如何被后来的作家所解构和重构,并且结合典型作品的具体分析,通过它们对革命理念影响下的阶级革命场景和抗战场景所进行的解构的比较,进一步分析了解构和重构能达到什么样的极致,又有什么样的限度。第三节通过分析以往特别是文革时期的革命化叙述中的弃物如何被重新拾起和重新表现,来探讨新时期以来的文学创作中关于抗战的文学叙述如何重述和重构了什么样的抗战历史图景。第四节探讨的是新时期以来的作家在其小说创作中所表达的关于民族觉醒的两种不同的文学记忆。一种是肯定了民族觉醒,营造了以遍地英雄为特征的全民抗战的历史图景。这是以摆脱革命话语的制约、重拾以往革命化抗战图景的弃物为前提的。另一种则是在历史与现实的链接中对民族觉醒问题的焦虑思索。第五节探讨的是革命化的抗战叙述和抗战图景在新时期以来的小说创作和文学活动中的存留问题。结语除对本文的意旨和内容进行简约的概括之外,对研究和撰写过程中遇到的主要难题的解决方法和存在的遗憾进行了说明,对文中个别具体问题的处理做了交待,并提出了一些与本论题有关的需要学界和本人在今后的研究中共同思考和深入探讨的几个问题。

【Abstract】 This thesis for the Doctorate discusses the times changes of the Anti-Japanese War scenes in the contemporary novels.The Anti-Japanese War has been the important contents of the contemporary novels.Though the war is a constant history fact once happened, the scenes of it described by the novels of different times is not the same in the recent several decades, and even entirely different. This thesis studies the difference, probes what is the difference, probes how and why it is described, discovers the reasons, appearances and trails of the times changes of the Anti-Japanese War scenes in literature, In addition, this thesis tries to solve those defects of the studies concerned.In addition to introduction and conclusion, this text is totally divided into 3 chapters.The introduction includes three aspects. The first, it elaborates the relation between history, narrative and the war. Because history affairs’ present is the result of narrative which is always subject to the predominant social ideology, the different times’ narratives about the same history affair are different, so they create different scenes of the same affair. So does the narrative of the Anti-Japanese War. Secondly, The introduction elaborates "revolution" is the key word which can be used to comprehend the Anti-Japanese literature and the times variation of the Anti-Japanese War scenes in literature. The times variation has perplexing relations with the total times context and its changes of which the proletarian revolution ideology is an important part. The proletarian revolution ideology changes with the variation of times, so the narrative of the Anti-Japanese War and the war scenes it creates also change. Because the close relations between the proletarian revolution and the war, the proletarian revolution ideology and its variation is the important point and clues of the thesis.Thirdly, The introduction elaborates the present condition of concerning research and the thinking, objects, methods and purpose of study of this thesis. The objects are the novels describe the Anti-Japanese War and related literature phenomenon which are called the Anti-Japanese literature in recent more than 70 years. The defects in present research are mainly the following aspects: the general history is very seldom, those novels created in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution are seldom studied, the study of the Anti-Japanese literature is not independent etc. This thesis tries to solve them. This thesis mainly concern about the composing and variety of the army resisting aggression, the variation of some concrete scenes of the war described in the novels, the change in nature of the war in the novels.Chapter 1 inquired into the Anti-Japanese War scenes the wartime novels describe under the dual restriction and influence coming from proletarian revolution ideology and the context of the war against invading. Section 1 mainly discusses some wartime novels tries to describe the Anti-Japanese War as a rank revolution which national and race boundary, but because the class consciousness can not crosses over the national consciousness under the times background when the national salvation is very urgent and the national contradiction ascend rapidly, the effort must be encounter many difficulties of narrative. The revolution theories of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong are the origins of the effort. Section 2 analyzes the contestation of the two slogans is effort which insists a rank principle from the realistic existence of the rank antinomy and the class struggle, selects those narratives about the struggle and battle of the farmers, intellectuals, bandits and Kuomintang army against the invasion of Japanese, investigates and discusses how they try to expound and prove who resist aggression on the basis of class viewpoint, make the Anti-Japanese War scenes entwined by the revolution and rank principle. In term of the comprehension about how the context of the war against invading restrict proletarian revolution and rank principle, Section 3 analyzes some novels how to shake off the fetters of revolution and rank principle and narrate the scenes of resisting aggression by alliance, nongovernmental resisting aggression, resisting aggression led by the two political parties. Section 4 mainly inquires into the scenes of awakening and the humanity influenced and restricted by proletarian revolution ideology and the context of the war against invading, discusses the problem of enlightenment.Chapter 2 discusses those novels created in the period from the end of the Anti-Japanese War to the end of the Great Cultural Revolution how to narrative the war scenes as revolution scenes. Section 1 is the general introduction of this chapter. It elaborates the "revolution" modifies the Anti-Japanese War, analyses that how and why the narrative of the war are covered over with the narrative of revolution, expounds the narrative of the war during this period does not intent to narrative the war, but describe the history of the war as a period of revolution history, the war scenes as revolution scenes. Section 2-section 4 respectively inquires into the three means by which those novels describe the war as a revolution. Section 2 analyses how the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party are strengthened, the struggle and battle of workers, peasants and soldiers are projected, the struggle and battle of other classes such as Kuomintang, landlord are abandoned, expounds how the novels created during this period describe the war scenes as revolution scenes by selective narrative. Section 3 discusses the revolution remember concerning history and the realistic political need of argument about decriminalization, studies the novels how to covered over the war with the revolution, how to describe the history of the war as a period of revolution history by expanding the narrative of the Anti-Japanese War in the frame of class struggle, by outstanding class struggle, by tracing back and postponing. Section 4 discusses how the revolutionary war scenes were constructed in the novels by elaborating how those non-revolutionary scenes such as nongovernmental resisting aggression, phenomenon of humanity, how those non-revolutionary forces resisting aggression such as workers, peasants, landlords and bandits. What section 5 expounds is that the revolutionary Anti-Japanese War scenes in the novels created during the seventeen years after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China are not very pure. Because of many reasons such as the theoretical space of Talks at the Yan’ an Forum of Literature and Art, the corruptions between those political criticize movement in the realm of literature and art, some cracks exists which make some non-revolutionary scenes still exit when the Anti-Japanese War scenes are tried to be covered with revolutionary scenes. Section 6 specially discusses the Anti-Japanese novels created during the Great Cultural Revolution. It expounds that those novels tries to keep up with the model operas, make the efforts of revolutionizing the war scenes come to an extreme.Chapter 3 discusses the Anti-Japanese novels created from the end of the Great Cultural Revolution on how to re-narrate the Anti-Japanese War and re-constructed the scenes of the Anti-Japanese war. Section 1 is the general introduction of this chapter. It expounds the times context in which the Anti-Japanese war are re-narrated by explaining the factors which make the proletarian revolution ideology be queried and to some extent still exist, explaining 1985 and 1995 are two important annual years. Section 2 discussed how some novels wrote in the first years of the new period query the revolutionary narrative about the war, how the revolutionary war scenes are deconstructed and reconstructed by later writers. It makes further analyze about what extent the deconstruction and reconstruction come to and what limit the deconstructed and reconstructed have by the comparison between the deconstruction the class revolution scenes encounter and the war scenes encounter. Section 3 discusses the narrative of the Anti-Japanese war in those novels created in the new period and then on how to re-narrate and reconstruct the Anti-Japanese war scenes and what scenes are reconstructed by analyzing how those throw-out thrown away in former works, especially those in the Great Cultural Revolution, are re-picked up and re-narrated. What section 4 discussed are the two kinds of entirely different literature memories about the national awakening from the Anti-Japanese war what writers express in their novels from the new period on. One affirms the awakening and proves it by constructing the spectacular view of total nation’s resisting invasion in novels, which based on shaking off the restriction of proletarian revolution ideology and re-picking up those throw-out. Another is the anxious pondering about the national awakening in the chain of the history and the today reality. What section 5 discusses is the existence of revolutionary scenes of the Anti-Japanese war in the literary works and literary activities.The conclusion carries on the brief summary to this thesis’s gist and contents, explains the methods and discounts of settling the difficulties encountered in studying and writing, gives an account of methods of handling with some certain concrete questions. In addition, it puts forward some questions related to this thesis which are necessary to be studied further and commonly in the academic community.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期

