

【作者】 赵海丽

【导师】 徐传武;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 从中国古典文献学研究领域来说,北朝墓志具有十分重要的文献价值、地位与意义。对现存数量庞大的北朝墓志进行全面系统的整理研究,是摆在我们文献学工作者面前的一项重要而艰巨的任务。本文力求从文献学入手,对北朝墓志试图进行断代式深入的文献考察与研究。第一,对墓志进行溯源,较为全面地梳理了墓志起始说以及与墓志衍生相关物,着重考察了墓志名与物的演变,而且还涉及到北朝墓志兴盛的社会文化背景与分期、北朝墓志文献研究的成果与问题、北朝墓志文献研究意义、目标及方法等诸多方面。同时,阐述了北朝墓志的形制问题,分北朝墓志的材料与制作、定型与异型、志石等级三个专题进行论述,探讨了北朝墓志形制的形成与意义。第二,条析北朝墓志的出土著录及研究情况,按清代以前、清代、民国时期、建国后四个时段,从墓志出土的地理分布以及著录与研究的重要学者进行了系统的梳理研究,使之脉络清晰,认识全面。第三,围绕墓志文体、语言特色、墓志文作者、文学观念四个方面,就北朝墓志的文学特性展开论述。墓志文始终独自作为一个特殊文体存在,与其他文体有异。从一定意义上来说,北朝墓志文具有北朝文代表性,其志文结构初期形式多样,发展至北朝时已趋于规范化、模式化,其结构层次概括起来包括:首题、序、志传、志铭、尾记,由于志传与志铭在墓志文中放置的位置不同,北朝墓志的结构组成形式可以罗列为:“前志传+后志铭”型、“前志传+中间铭+后志传”型、“志传”型、“志铭”型。北朝墓志文使用的是中古时候的语言,在当时的政治、经济、社会尤其是文学环境下,既深刻地打上了时代的烙印,又显示出墓志文文学语言的魅力。第四,考究了北朝墓志文献的历史价值。运用王国维提倡的二重证据法,将正史文献与地下出土石刻文献相结合,深入挖掘北朝墓志的文献资料,填补现有资料的不足与空白,以便做到无证不史,做到“释古”与“正古”。北朝时期大量的墓志材料多记载确凿的历史事实,就墓志志主而言可分两种情况:一是正史中有传的,但墓志记载的内容更加详实;二是正史中无传的,仅靠志文见其姓名事迹。整理北朝出土墓志的志主关系,更为完备地显现北朝帝王别宗、代姓贵族、汉族官僚的家族谱系。墓志还可以证史之误,墓志与《魏书》或《北史》所载有所不同,将这些互异的记载汇录对比,有助于断定正误。一般说来,墓志早于《魏书》与《北史》,为比较原始的资料,失误的可能性较小,具有以志证史之功,但也并非绝对正确,复杂的情况经考证后方可得出正确结论。第五,北朝墓志包含着众多社会民俗方面的信息,具有相当的社会文化学意义,如墓主年龄所反映的当时人口寿命,墓志尺寸所反映的性别地位差异,丧期习俗所反映的社会规范,婚姻选择所反映的民族融合状况,等等。以所收集到的北朝墓志671方作为统计样本,该样本对应的墓主为691人,其中具有明显男性特征或男性倾向的有494人,具有明显女性特征或女性倾向的有174人,另有性别不明者23人,而年龄不明者为208人。在北朝整个过程中,从抽样调查来看,人口的平均寿命为47岁,其中男性的平均寿命为46岁,女性的平均寿命为50岁,女性的平均寿命略高于男性。这样一种平均寿命状况能够反映出当时的社会政治、经济、文化、科技发展水平相对是比较低的,也反映出当时生产力水平同样的相对较低,因为大多数人口是不能进入老年时期就夭折了。何况出土墓志的志主生前属于上流社会,其生活水平应该说大多超过当时社会的平均水平的,由此可以推论,当时人口寿命的平均值比目前统计的数值可能还要低一些,这才符合当时社会发展的实际水平。北朝墓志反映出男女性别地位。通过对男女职官、夫妻、家族墓志外形尺寸进行排列对比后,发现后妃女官墓志外形尺寸比同品级的男性官员低一级;夫妻墓志外形尺寸基本上是夫志大,妻志小、妾志更小:家族墓葬亦遵循此制,均体现了男尊女卑的社会现实。通过将确切记有卒、葬年月的北朝各个时期的墓志加以汇集统计,也可以看出男性墓主的葬期相较女性墓主为长,北魏时期女性墓主葬期大多在3个月以内,3个月以内葬期的女性墓主占到57.4%;而男性墓主葬期停丧1个月和1个月之内下葬的少,而2个月到8个月之间下葬的数量则为多数。女性墓主停丧时间较长的样本一般也不会超过2年,只有个别案例超长;而男性墓主停丧时间在2年以上者十分普遍,有的甚至可以至6年以上,北魏时期墓主葬期6年以上占总体比值为26.7%;北齐时期为25.4%;东魏时期为22.9%,皆不为少数。从北朝墓志反映出北朝的婚姻状况来看,北朝存在逆缘婚、同姓婚、再婚、门阀婚姻等现象,至于北朝实际结婚年龄,如果仅就墓志中的33位已婚者的结婚年龄来分析,14岁确是北朝女子的基本婚龄,但其整体平均婚龄却已到17岁,故可推测,北朝女子的实际婚龄应在17岁左右,也就是说,北朝女子的一般实际婚龄是要晚于社会规定的适婚年龄。值得注意的是14岁以前的成婚者多是皇室或贵族之家,普通百姓嫁娶年龄则高于14岁适婚线。第六,从文献载体的角度探讨北朝墓志的鉴定与保护,北朝墓志除了以原出土物方式收藏与传播之外,人们又创造出拓片形式予以保存与流传,这既有利于加大对于原出土墓志的传播,又为原出土墓志添加了些许附庸成分。但北朝墓志存在重刻、翻刻、伪刻现象,需要予以必要的辨伪与鉴定,并对珍贵的墓志刻石与拓片予以收藏与保护。本论文的创新之处及较为鲜明的特色主要有这样几个方面:第一、全面而综合考察北朝墓志文献,建立起北朝墓志文献研究体系,填补了古典文献领域在北朝墓志方面研究的空缺,以丰富石刻文献学的研究内容。第二、将墓志与史传等文献相结合,对北朝墓志形制,包括选材、制作、定型与异型、志石等级进行系统研究。尤对北朝墓志的发生、演变及定型以及墓志与拓片的鉴定、辨伪、收藏、保护,做出更为细致、切实的探讨。第三、从文学、历史、社会诸方面对北朝墓志进行全面考察,解读蕴藏在北朝墓志中的文化信息,填补北朝文学、历史学、社会学等学术研究领域的一些空白。第四、借鉴数理统计方法,对北朝墓志资料进行必要的分门别类的统计分析,开辟墓志计量文献学的新模式。

【Abstract】 The Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs have very important literature value, high status and great significance in the field of Chinese classical bibliography research. It is an important and arduous mission for bibliographers and philologists to carry out an all-round systematic research on extant Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs. This paper tries to deeply carry through the bibliographical inspection and research in the history division style through philology and literature.Firstly, this paper sorts out the schools of theories of origins of the epitaph and correlative ramification, emphatically inspects the evolution of epitaph word and epitaph stone, and also it refers to the stages of Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs, the background of prosperity of Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs, the achievements and problems in exploring Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs, the significance and goal and method and so many aspects of the research of Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs. And it explores the formation of the Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs, and discusses the formation and information of Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs from three parts that is material and manufacture, form taken and hetero-type and the tomb tablet ranks.Secondly, this paper analyses the description and the research situation of the unearthed Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs. It makes a clear and all-round research of the geography distributing and correlative writings of the Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs and the research of important scholars in the time sequence, before Qing dynasty, Qing dynasty, the period of the Republic of China and after the foundation of the People Republic of China.Thirdly, this paper discusses the literary characteristics of the Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs from the aspects of epitaph writing style, language characteristic, authors’ intention and literature concept. The epitaph is a special literary style, which is different from other literary styles. In some sense, the Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs have the representatives of Northern Dynasties’ articles. The contents of the epitaph were various in forms in initial stage and it became standardized and in a certain pattern. The topic, the foreword, the biography, the verse and the end are four parts of its structure. Because of the biography and the verse located in different place in epitaph, the formation styles of Northern Dynasties’ epitaph can be divided into the styles of "the front biography + the behind verse", "the front biography + the middle verse + the behind biography", "the biography" and "the verse". In that political, economical, social and especially literary environment, the Northern Dynasties’ Epitaphs were written in the language of the middle ancient times, which was put the brand of time and also shows the charm of the literary language.Fourthly, this paper focuses on the historical value of the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs. It employs the dual evidence method of Wang Guowei, which is combining the historical documents with the unearthed inscriptions, and excavates further information on the epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties, and fills in the deficiency and blank space of the historical documents so as to testify to the history better and also to explain and rectify the history as well. The large amount of inscriptions on tomb tablet in the period of Northern Dynasties mainly accounts the authentic history facts. The persons who are inscribed on the tomb tablet fall into two categories: one is that there is biography in the authorized historical documents with full and accurate contents in the epitaph; the other one is that there is no biography in the authorized history, with only epitaph revealing its name and life story. Sorting out the relations among the dead persons through the epitaphs on the tomb tablet in the Northern Dynasties will help to fully and clearly show the family trees among the emperors and aristocrats of Northern Dynasties and senior officials of Han Dynasty. Besides, the epitaphs can rectify the mistakes of the recordings in "Book of Wei Dynasties" and "History of North Dynasties", which is conducive to making clear the truth or mistakes through making comparison between the different written records. Generally speaking, the epitaphs as original materials happen more early than "Book of Wei Dynasties" and "History of North Dynasties", and thus have smaller probability of making mistakes and play an important role in testifying the history, but not absolutely being true, with the conclusion to be obtained as a result of textual research with regard to complicated matters.Fifthly, the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs contain a large amount of social folk custom, have considerable significance in the aspect of social culture. For example, the life-span of that time indicated through dead person’s age, the gender disparity in position through the gravestone’s dimension, social norm through the social custom during the funeral period, and the national amalgamation situation through marriage choices etc. let’s take the 671 tomb tablets in the Northern Dynasties as the statistical sample. The sample gravestone should contain 691 persons, among whom 494 has obvious male characteristics or male inclination, and 174 has obvious female characteristics or female inclination, and 23 has unclear sex inclination in addition, and 208 has unknown ages. In the whole process of the Northern Dynasties, from the sample investigation, the population average life-span is 47 years old, and the average life-span of male is 46, female being 50, with the female being a bit longer than male in average life-span. This average life-span situation can reflect that the social political, economical, cultural and technological development level is relatively very low at that time, and that the productivity power is correspondingly poor with a large majority of people being dead before entering old-age period. In addition, the dead persons with tomb tablets, most of who belong to the upper-class society, have higher living standard than the average level. Therefore we can infer from the above analysis that the average life span of that time might be shorter than the statistical figure at present, which is more in line with the development reality of that society.The epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties reflect the male and female’s sex status. By comparing with different shape and size of the gravestones of the male and female official, the husbands and wives, the family members, we can discover that gravestones of queens, imperial concubines and female officials are smaller in size than male officials; comparing husbands and wives’ gravestone, husbands’ are bigger, wives’ are smaller and the concubines’ are even less smaller. The clan gravestones also abided by this system, which proved a social reality that women are treated as inferiors to men. Through the statistics of the gravestones on which have definite mark of persons death and bury in Northern Dynasties, we also can make a judgment that burying period of male grave hosts are longer than female grave hosts. In the Northern Dynasties, the burying period of most of the female grave hosts is within 3 months, which take 57.4% of whole female grave hosts. However, few of male grave hosts were buried within one month or lay at home for only one month after their deaths, and most of them were buried within 2 to 8 months after their deaths. The longest burying period of female grave host sample is no more than two years and only few individual cases are extra-long. But it is very popular for male grave hosts lay at home for two years after their deaths, besides someone even lay at home for over 6 years. Accounting for overall ratio, it takes 26.7% in the Northern Wei Dynasty, 25.4% in the Northern Qi Dynasty, 22.9% in The Eastern Wei Dynasty.The epitaphs on the memorial tablet within a tomb in the Northern Dynasties reflected the marriage situation in that era which consisted of marriage among a family, marriage between same-surname families, marriage between influential families and remarriage, etc. As to the actual marriage age in the Northern Dynasties, 14-year old was the marriageable age for girls, which we can get from the analysis to the marriage age of 33 mentioned in an inscription on the tomb tablet, but the average marriage age as a whole was 17-year old, from this, we can infer that the actual marriageable age of female in the Northern Dynasties should be around 17-year old, say, in the Northern Dynasties female’s real marriage age was generally older than that fixed by social conventions. It’s worth noticing that most of women got married before 14-year old were from royalty and aristocracy, while the marriage age of common people was elder than 14-year old.Sixthly, this paper investigates the evaluation and protection of the epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties from the perspective of document material, we can learn that tomb tablets were kept and disseminated, besides, human creatively adapt rubbings(Tapian) to keep and spread the epitaph which is favor for strengthening the dissemination of the original epitaphs and adding subordinate ingredients to them. But there were duplication, copy and forging epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties, so they needed to be distinguished and evaluated, and the precious epitaph stones needed to be protected and kept.The innovation and typical characteristics in the dissertation are reflected through several factors. Firstly, doing research thoroughly and comprehensively on the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs to build up the research system of the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs fills the omission of the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs in the field of ancient documents and extends the research content of the epitaphs. Secondly, combining the epitaphs and the history records, we do research systematically on the formation of the Northern Dynasties’ tomb tablets, which includes choosing materials, making, finalizing the design, changing the design, carving the stone, keeping and protecting tomb tablets, testing and distinguishing inscriptions, especially making meticulous and real description on the origin, development and finalization of the epitaphs of the Northern Dynasties. Thirdly, making overall investigation on the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs literarily, historically and socially and analyzing the cultural information contained in the Northern Dynasties’ epitaphs fill the omissions in such fields as the Northern Dynasties’ literature, history and sociology. Fourthly, doing statistical analysis in categories on the epitaph resources in the Northern Dynasties by the method of mathematical statistics pioneers a new method of the measure philology in the field of epitaph researches.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】K877.45;K239.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2845
  • 攻读期成果

