

Grammar Teaching from the Perspective of Teacher Cognition

【作者】 高强

【导师】 刘振前;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文是关于外语教师语法教学认知情况的一项调查,旨在揭示我国大学英语教师的语法教学认知模式。作者以普通教育学中的教师认知研究为基础,构建了外语教师认知研究的框架,并将之应用于外语教师语法教学认知研究,提出了五项假设:(1)大学英语教师有成熟、稳定的语法教学理念,有良好的语法知识储备;(2)他们的个体差异对其语法教学理念与语法知识储备有显著性影响;(3)大学英语教师的语法教学理念有多个来源;(4)大学英语教师的语法教学认知与教学实践部分地吻合,但也存在不一致性;(5)大学英语教师的语法教学理念与实践同非英语专业学生的语法学习理念之间存在差异。为验证以上假设,本文调查了山东省14所普通本科院校的392名大学英语教师与884名非英语专业大一、大二学生。研究工具为四份问卷,分别为(1)大学英语教师语法教学理念问卷,由里克特五点量表与开放式问题组成;(2)大学英语教师语法知识问卷,由主、客观测试题目组成;(3)大学英语教师语法教学实践问卷,由里克特五点量表与开放式问题组成;(4)非英语专业大学生语法学习理念问卷,由里克特五点量表组成。问卷一数据分析表明,教师既接受交际语言教学的基本原则,也吸收传统的语法教学方法。工作环境、学位、教龄、研究兴趣四项个体差异均不同程度地对他们的语法教学理念产生显著影响,但这些影响主要体现在对待传统语法教学的态度上,而在对待交际语法教学的态度上没有差异。他们的语法教学理念有许多来源,其中最重要的是教学经历与以前的英语学习经历,仅有约1/5的教师提到教师职业教育与学术研究。除工作环境外,其余三项个体差异均不同程度地对语法教学理念的来源产生显著性影响。问卷二数据分析表明,教师的语法知识得分刚刚超过50%。同时,除学位外,其余三项个体差异均未对他们的语法知识量产生显著影响。而且,无论全体教师还是将他们按照四项个体差异分组,问卷二中四个部分的得分顺序从高到低几乎总是单句改错、语法术语识别、语法术语表达、语法规则解释。问卷一与问卷三的数据比较表明,教师的教学理念与教学实践有正相关关系,但两者之间存在显著性差异。问卷二与问卷四的数据比较表明,教师的语法知识量与教学实践几乎不存在相关关系。问卷一与问卷四、问卷三与问卷四的数据比较表明,教师语法教学理念与学生语法学习理念之间、教师教学实践与学生语法学习理念之间均存在显著差异。本项调查从教师认知的角度探讨了我国高校非英语专业的英语语法教学,对外语语法教学与研究、外语教师教育、外语教师自身专业发展、我国大学英语教学中的教学环境问题均有较大的启示。然而,教师认知非常复杂,问卷调查有不可避免的弊病,本研究仅是初步的探索,结果难免以偏概全,有待更大的样本与更多研究方法来验证补充。因此,本文最后提出了一些进一步深入研究的建议,以期探索出一套适合我国国情的外语教师教育与发展模式,从根本上促进我国外语教学改革。

【Abstract】 This dissertation presents a survey of the cognitive patterns of grammar teaching held by college teachers of English to non-English major undergraduates in the mainland of our country. On the basis of teacher cognition research in mainstream education, the author develops a framework for teacher cognition research in L2 teaching and applies it to research upon L2 teachers’ cognitions about grammar teaching. It is hypothesized that (1) college teachers of English have well-established belief systems about grammar teaching and large repertoires of grammatical knowledge; (2) their individual differences have significant effects upon their belief systems about grammar teaching and repertoires of grammatical knowledge; (3) they draw their beliefs about grammar teaching from a variety of sources; (4) there are both consistencies and inconsistencies between their cognitions about grammar teaching and their common practices in the classroom; (5) their beliefs and common practices about grammar teaching significantly differ from their students’ beliefs about grammar learning.To test these hypotheses, a survey is conducted with the participation of 392 teachers of English to non-English major undergraduates and 884 non-English major freshmen and sophomores from 14 colleges and universities in Shandong Province. The instruments adopted are a battery of four questionnaires: (1) Teachers’ Beliefs Questionnaire, which is composed of five-point Likert statements and open-ended questions, (2) Teachers’ Grammatical Knowledge Questionnaire, which consists of testing items of both objective and subjective types, (3) Teachers’ Common Practices Questionnaire, which comprises five-point Likert statements and open-ended questions, and (4) Students’ Beliefs Questionnaire, which is totally made up of five-point Likert statements.Data from the Teachers’ Beliefs Questionnaire show that not only do the participant teachers accept the general principles of communicative language teaching, but they also integrate traditional ways of grammar teaching. The four individual differences—working contexts, academic degrees, years of teaching and research interest—all make a significant difference in their beliefs about grammar teaching. However, the difference is only identified in their beliefs about traditional grammar teaching, and no difference is found in their beliefs about communicative grammar teaching. In addition, the participant teachers draw their beliefs from a variety of sources, with teaching experiences and previous English learning experiences heading the list. However, only around a fifth of the respondents cite professional coursework and academic research as their belief sources. With the exception of working contexts, their individual differences also have significant impacts upon their belief sources.Data from the Teachers’ Grammatical Knowledge Questionnaire reveal that the participant teachers achieve only a little more than half of the total score. Except academic degrees, none of their individual differences have significant effects upon their amount of grammatical knowledge. What is more, no matter whether the participant teachers are treated as a whole or divided according to the four individual differences, their mean scores of the four sections in the Teachers’ Grammatical Knowledge Questionnaire roughly share a similar distributional pattern: Error correction ranks first, which is then successively followed by metalanguage recognition, metalanguage production and error explanation.Comparisons of data from the Teachers’ Beliefs Questionnaire and the Teachers’ Common Practices Questionnaire demonstrate that the participant teachers’ beliefs about grammar teaching are correlated with their common practices; however, there are also significant discrepancies between the two. On the other hand, comparisons of data from the Teachers’ Grammatical Knowledge Questionnaire and the Teachers’ Common Practices Questionnaire indicate that there is almost no correlation between their amount of grammatical knowledge and their common practices. Moreover, comparisons of data from the Teachers’ Beliefs Questionnaire and the Students’ Beliefs Questionnaire and comparisons of data from the Teachers’ Common Practices Questionnaire and the Students’ Beliefs Questionnaire suggest that the participant teachers’ beliefs and their common practices about grammar teaching both significantly differ from their students’ beliefs about grammar learning. The findings of the present survey have many an implication for L2 grammar teaching and its research, L2 teacher educational programs, L2 teachers’ self-developments, and contextual problems of college English teaching to non-English major undergraduates. However, teacher cognition is complex in nature and questionnaire-based surveys have their unavoidable drawbacks. The present survey, which is only a tentative exploration, needs to be confirmed and complemented by more research. Therefore, toward the end of the dissertation, some suggestions for further research are offered in the hope that an appropriate model for L2 teacher education and self-developments would be constructed so as to fundamentally promote foreign language teaching reform in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期

