

The Technology Spreading System and Society Modernization

【作者】 周飞

【导师】 吕伟俊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 1901——1937年山东地区经历了清末“新政”、北洋政府统治、国民党入主等政局变动。这一时期不仅是中国现代化承前启后的阶段,也是山东社会遭遇前所未有的激烈变动、发展曲折、步履沉重之时代。在这30多年的发展中,山东地区的政治、经济、教育、文化、科技和社会等领域都有不同程度进步。技术传播体系的现代化演进更是其中的一个重要方面。棉花作为农业中最大的经济作物,其生产技术的提高与推广无疑具有很大的代表性。因此,本文以20世纪前30多年山东地区棉花种植业生产技术提高与传播为整体,包括引起技术传播的动因、技术传播的主体变化、技术传播的途径或方式,以及技术传播的效果等进行系统的研究。进而,对技术传播体系现代化演进对于社会现代化的影响进行了深入地分析。第一部分对20世纪以前山东省棉花种植情况进行总体性的概括与研究。依据正史、地方志、档案资料中的相关记载,并参考古今学者的相关研究成果考察了20世纪以前山东棉花种植业的情况。其中包括中国栽种棉花的历史及种植地域、山东的自然条件、20世纪前的山东农业经济等内容。由于地理、气候、地质等方面的适宜条件,山东的棉花种植具有悠久的历史,并且由于种植广泛,产量巨大使山东成为我国北方重要的产棉省。但是,此时山东棉花种植业的技术提高是自然经济框架下的传播与推广,不仅传播的主体限于政府机构,过于单一,传播的途径也主要是依赖棉农“自然”状态下的传递与交流,对于生产的影响细微且迟缓。第二部分研究清末“新政”时期技术传播体系的变化及其折射出的现代化特点。在经济现代化启动的冲击下,尤其是清末“新政”对于生产的巨大推动,“自然”状态下的棉花种植技术发生了初步的变化。这主要表现为:一方面政府组织通过引种外国优良棉种和农事改良试验、创办现代教育等方式逐步介入到生产过程中来;另一方面在烟台开埠、青岛港建成后,初入山东的外国商人、传教士也由于种种原因致力于促进技术的提高与传播。这些变化促使技术提高取得了不少成果,这包括优质美棉种的引进、现代棉花选育工作逐步展开、新式教育开始影响棉作技术等等。不足之处在于棉种改进不尽人意,科学意识滞后。总之,这一时期山东地区棉花种植业技术传播仍是在自然经济框架下进行,其提高与传播实质上是对于经济现代化的被动接受。虽然自然经济下的封闭的生产状态被打破,新式的现代生产技术开始引进,但纵观技术传播体系的现代化,其演进只限于器物层面的推进。而技术传播体系的演进主要是对于传统社会的冲击,表现为树立积极开放的思想和开启现代性的生产方式。第三部分研究北洋政府统治时期技术传播体系的现代化向纵深层次的演进。辛亥革命爆发后,尤其是成功地推翻了封建专制政府的统治后,山东现代化迎来了快速发展的历史机遇,这包括初步具有现代经济职能的政府的推动;棉纺织业迅速发展的迫切要求;一次世界大战期间国际市场扩大的要求;改善农村经济的迫切需求等因素。北洋政府统治时期是中国由传统的封建专制制度向现代政治经济制度转型的重要时期,政府为棉花种植业的发展采取了诸多措施:颁布法规努力推广植棉、进行棉花选种与栽培的科学试验、设立棉花专业性试验机构、不断扩大现代教育等措施。不仅如此,发展后的民族纱厂、开明之士、传统的欧美势力以及羽翼初丰的日本商人也通过各种各样的方式介入到棉花生产过程中。在这些主体的合力下,在诸多措施的推动下,山东的棉花种植业取得了长足的发展,这体现在新式棉业教育开始实施、棉业科学试验开始起步、棉业试验场逐渐发挥效力、美棉得到大范围推广、棉花单位面积产量和总产量不断提高等多个方面。在取得这些成果的同时,也产生了科学植棉不够重视、鼓励措施未能有效推行、深受外国经济势力的干扰等问题。但是一系列资本主义政策、法令的规范与约束,使棉花种植业改变了过去散乱、无序、不规则的发展状况,逐步走上规范、合理、有序的现代经济发展轨道。这意味着这一时期棉花技术传播体系逐渐向制度层面的方向演进。同时,技术传播体系也大大加速了北洋政府时期社会的现代化演进,表现为促进社会的法制化建设和推动现代科学的传播。第四部分研究国民党入主山东时期技术传播体系现代化的高峰演进。国民党入主山东后,由于政局的平稳、现代交通网络与商贸体系的扩展、快速发展的棉纺织工业的带动、棉作经济厚利的刺激、新兴棉业合作事业的推动等因素的影响,山东的棉花种植业得到了良好的发展环境。与此同时,南京政府和山东地方当局通过设立棉产改进指导组织、推行产销合作、进行棉业科学研究、培养植棉科技人才、大范围推广美棉良种、大范围推广美棉和棉花良种等措施推动棉花生产技术提高与普及。此外,包括民族纱厂、产销合作社、乡村建设研究院等民间组织,以及日本经济势力也都推动了棉花生产技术的提高。因此在国民党入主山东后,棉花种植业的技术传播体系的现代化有了迅速的发展。这表现为科学的育种方法和程序的建立、棉花新品种不断选育及推广、棉花栽培技术进一步提高、棉花产量大幅度增加和专业产棉区形成、棉业合作事业广泛推广、科学植棉思想与现代科技知识得以广泛传播。随着政府对棉作教育的推广,新知识的普及,科学精神深入人心,棉农在思想上尊重科学知识,生产实践中自觉学习科学知识,注意采用科学方法并且主动运用现代先进科学思想指导生产,使山东棉花种植业的技术传播体系在这一时期达到其在解放前演进的最高峰,并且逐渐呈现向思想层面演进的趋势。技术传播体系的发展也使近代中国社会现代化初显成效,表现为现代化成果惠及广大劳动者和社会生产初步具有现代性。

【Abstract】 From 1901 to 1937, Shandong have experienced the political situation alteration of Qing dynasty "New deal", Bei Yang government, National Party enters and hosts . This time have not only been the China modernizes stage serving as a link between past and future , but also been the stage that Shandong society had experienced the altered and heavy time. In development of this more than 30 years, political, economy, education , culture , science and technology ,society of Shandong all make great progress. The technology spread ’s system modernized evolution have also been an important aspect among them. Cotton as the greatest Cash crop in the agriculture , whose technology rised and extened have very big representativeness beyond doubt. Therefore, the article make the main body that Shandong area cotton crop farming technology improves and spreads as entirety in 20 centuries more first 30 years, including the reason that make technology rised and extened, the way of technology spread, the technology spread arousing the agent , technology propagation that the technology spreads. The effect that technology rised and extened system to society then has been analysd in depth.The Part I Summarization and studies haved been to cotton farming condition in 20 centuries Shandong Province. Judging by history books written in biographical style , annal of local history , relevance in file data recording, and consulting at all time, scholar’s relevance studies achievement has inspected 20 centuries Shandong in the previously cotton crop farming condition. Include content that the Shandong agricultural economy before 20 century, the history and the region of Chinese planting the cotton, the Shandong natural conditions. Because of the proper condition including geographical feature , the climate and geology, the Shandong cotton is cultivated having age-old history. And because cultivate broad and output enormous , Shandong becomes the important producting cotton province of our country north. But,now, the improve of Shandong cotton crop farming technology is lower natural economy frame propagation and spreads. Not only the main spreading body is confined of government organization, excessively unitary, but aiso the spreading approach is depended on cotton grower’s delivery and communication in the "natural" state. It affct production minutely and slowly .The Part II Study has been to the change of technology spreads system of the powder "new deal" period. And study the modernized characteristic that system have refracted. Preliminary change has happened in the technology of the cotton under "natural" state, under pound of modern starting in economy, especially under the great powder of the Qing dynasty "new deal" drives to production. This shows by: one aspect , mainly organization of government gets involved in production by the fact that introduction foreign good cotton seed and farm work ameliorating an experiment, establish modern education; another aspect, after open the commercial port of Yan Tai city and establish Qingdao harbor , foreign businessmen entering Shandong for the first time , concentrate efforts on rise and propagation promoting the technology for a variety of reasons. These changes make the technology having got many achievement, including introducing to US cotton seed of high grade , modern cotton breeding job spread out step by step , new style education beginning to affect cotton. Defects have been on cotton seed improves leaving much to be desired , science consciousness lags.In short, Shandong cotton farming technology propagation still is in progress under natural economy frame , whose improves and spreads is accepted to modernized economy passivity in substance. Though enclosed childbirth state under the natural economy is broken, the new-style modern technology begins to be introduced in, modernization , technology spreading system is limited to matter fact. The technology spreads system evolution is the impingement to tradition society mainly, shows setting up positive open thought and beginning the mode of the modernized production.Part III. Study has been in the technology spreads system modernized the evolution to depth fact in Bei Yang government period. Xin Hai Revolution breaks out, especially have overthrown the feudalism autocratic government ruling successfully, Shandong modernized meet the history opportunity. This included this government that has modern economic functions has drived; an urgent demand of prompt cotton textile job development; a request that international market expands during world war; the urgent need improving rural economy. The period of Bei Yang government have ruled is that China rotates important type period from the tradition feudalism dictatorial system to modern politics economic system. The government has adopted a lot of measure for development of cotton crop farming, this including: making law and regulation to extend the seed selection planting cotton , carrying out cotton and helping advance career tests , sets up cotton special organization, expanding modern education. Not only that ,the abundant Japan businessman, Europen and American ,the developing nation cotton mill, enlightening scholar all have been involved in.Under all these body make great efforts and a lot of measure push , Shandong cotton crop farming get rapid development. This embody in new style cotton education begin be put into effect, cotton science experiment begin break the ice, cotton proving ground gradually bring into effect, US cotton has been extended, cotton production per unit area yield and gross product unceasingly rise and so on many aspect. While getting these achievement, have also produced problem such as planting cotton pay not enough to science , encouraging measure have not an effect, foreign economy influence disturbance very much. A series of capitalism policy, decree norm and constraint makes the cotton crop farming have been changed over. No order , development irregularly, walk up the standard , rational and order modern economic growth step by step gradually. This means the cotton technology spreads system have the direction evolution to system. At the same time, the technology spreads system having accelerated society’s modernized evolution. This shows that behaviour promot society’s institutionalize construction and the propagation drive modern sciences’.Part IV. The technology spreads system have develop in evolution peak in Nationalist Party enters and hosts the Shandong period. After Nationalist Party enters and hosts Shandong, because political situation have been stability graduately, cotton textile industry has spur on , the modern traffic network develops with commerce and trade system expansion , fleetness do factors such as economy large profits stimulation and emerging cotton job cooperation have done effect , the Shandong cotton crop farming have got the fine development environment. Meanwhile, Nanjing government and Shandong local authority set up guide organization for cotton product improvement, be carried out production and marketing work together, be in progress cotton job study of science, cultivate establish cotton skilled person, big range be extended US fine cotton breed and so on measure to push cotton technology rise and universal . Besides, they have driven cotton technology rise include popular organization, and Japan economy influence such as nation cotton mill , production and marketing cooperative , country construction research institute also.After Nationalist Party enter and host the Shandong , the modernization of the cotton crop farming’s the technology spreads system have prompt development. This shows building-up including that new cotton breed have been breeded, the science breeding method and procedure have been extentded, the culture of cotton technology improves further, the cotton output increases, special field cotton-producing area have formed, science thought and modern technology knowledge have been propagated. Under new knowledge popularizing, scientific spirit are deeply rooted among the people, the government does education to cotton grower, the cotton grower respect science knowledge on thought, the science study have been conscientiously in practice, pay attention to adopt the scientism and the cotton farmer own initiative apply modern advanced science thought to guide production, Shandong cotton crop farming technology spread system have reached the peak period before liberation and display that develop to thought tier of face evolution gradually. The development of the technology spreads system also made Chinese society modernized have obvious effect. This dispiay that modernized achievement favor mass of employees and the social production have modernity first step.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】F326.12;K295.2;K25
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】723
  • 攻读期成果

