

Study on Structural Characteristic of Heavy Crude Oil and the Preparation of the Viscosity Reducer

【作者】 关润伶

【导师】 朱红;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 光学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 稠油是指粘度高、相对密度大的原油,由于流动性差,用常规的石油开采技术难以有效开采。通过添加各类流动性改性剂以辅助解决稠油在开采、集输、炼制等过程中的流动性问题,若改进稠油的流动性即降低稠油的粘度,必须对稠油的化学组成及其结构特点进行深入研究。本文通过紫外光谱与荧光光谱的测试,分析了王庄稠油中胶质、沥青质的主要组份。结果表明,稠油中的胶质和沥青质的主要组份是由芳香结构组成的,是由多环状的复杂组份构成。胶质、沥青质主要含有3-4个芳香环,沥青质含有少量5个芳香环。红外光谱分析结果表明,稠油中的沥青质、胶质存在大量的极性基团,如羟基、胺基、羧基、羰基等,这些极性基团的存在,使原油中胶质分子之间、沥青分子之间及二者相互之间产生强烈的氢键作用,具有很强的极性。稠油中的重质组份胶质和沥青质的结构特点决定了王庄稠油的宏观性质,如粘度高,密度大等。为了进一步探究王庄稠油粘度大的原因,分别研究了稠油中重金属含量、沥青质含量、胶质含量、温度及稀释剂对稠油粘度的影响。结果表明,重金属V、Ni的含量高是造成王庄原油粘度高的重要因素之一。沥青质的含量对王庄原油的粘度有很大的影响,通过回归分析,稠油的粘度随其中沥青质含量的增加而呈指数函数升高。胶质含量对稠油粘度的影响较为复杂,含量较低时,由于其在原油的胶体结构中具有分散介质的作用,可使稠油的粘度降低,超过50%后,稠油的粘度急剧升高,这是由于胶质本身的粘度对稠油体系起作用,宏观表现为原油的表观粘度急剧增加,说明了胶质的质量分数对稠油粘度有很大的影响。温度对稠油粘度的影响很大,随温度的升高,稠油粘度呈指数函数增大,当升高到一定温度时,如50℃以上时,稠油粘度随温度的升高变化趋缓。所以稠油粘度受温度的变化在一定的范围内较为显著。稀释剂对稠油粘度也有很大的影响,稠油粘度随稀释剂的增加而急剧下降,到一定量时,下降的幅度趋缓。对于这种粘度高,密度大的稠油,常规的开采方法难以奏效。通过添加各类流动性改进剂可以降低稠油的粘度,以便于稠油的开采、集输。本文针对胜利油田王庄稠油开采难的问题,首先尝试研制了油溶性降粘剂,通过对其降粘效果的研究,表明油溶性降粘剂对王庄稠油的降粘效果不明显,距离实际应用尚有一定距离。乳化降粘剂因其降粘效果好、成本低而在实际生产中应用广泛,本文针对王庄稠油,筛选了乳化降粘剂的主剂,运用均匀设计的方法研制了开采稠油用乳化降粘剂JDLH。通过对其降粘效果的室内实验,表明其具有较强的降粘性能及抗盐性,是一种效果好,使用方便、成本合理的稠油开采用降粘剂。

【Abstract】 Heavy crude oil is characterized by their high viscosities and low-degree API gravities. It is difficult to exploit because of its bad fluidity. The fluidity of the heavy crude oil is improved by adding various kinds of flowing remover in the course of its expoliting, transportation and refinery.It is necessary to investigate the chemical component and structure of the crude oil deeply if improving the fluidity of the heavy crude oil. The resin and asphaltene in the Wangzhuang heavy crude oil is composed by armotic structure by the analysis of UV and floresence spectrum. The conjugated aromatic rings in unit sheet are mainly three rings or four rings, whose connection is linear order, namely cata-condenesed The difference between asphaltenes and resins is that the resin has mainly less than five aromatic rings in conjugated aromatic unit and the asphaltene has more than five aromatic rings.In order to find out the polarity and the distribution of number of the aromatic ring in the asphaltenes and resins the asphaltene and resin in the Shengli viscous crude oil have been studied by FT-IR, UV-VIS spectrophotometry and synchronous fluorescence spectrometry. The results of FT-IR spectrum show that the molecules of the asphaltene and resin include hydroxy, amido, carboxyl, carbonyl which can produce hydrogen bond. It shows that there is the strong hydrongen bond interaction between the molecules of the asphaltene and that of the resin. It is the heavy components(the stucture of the resin and asphaltene)which brings the property of the Wangzhuang crude oil, such as high viscosity and density.In order to find out the reasons of the high viscosity of the Wangzhuang crude oil some experiments have been done. The experiments include the following infactors which influence the the viscosity of the crude oil. The infactors are the content of the heavy metal element, the concentration of the resin and asphaltent, temperature and diluent. The result shows that the amount of the heavy metal element V and Ni is the important factor which result in the high viscosity of the Wangzhuang crude oil. The concentration of the asphaltent has a very important inflenence on the viscosity of the crude oil. The viscosity of the crude oil increases with the concentration of the asphaltent. The concentration of the resin has a complex inflenece on the viscosity of the crude oil. When the concentration of the resin is low the resin can reduce the viscosity of the crude oil because of its despersant effect in the micellar structure of the crude oil solution. But the viscosity of the crude oil increase sharply the when the concentratio of the resin is above 50%. The reason is that the viscosity of the resin itself can increase the viscosity of the crude oil. The viscosity of the crude oil increases sharply, it shows that the mass fraction of the resin has a great influence on the viscosity of the crude oil.Temperature has a great influence on the viscosity of the crude. The viscosity of the crude oil reduces exponentially with the increase of temperature, but reduces slowly when temperature is above 50°C.The diluent has a great inflence on the viscosity of the crude oil, too. It reduces sharply with the diluent increasing, but reduces slowly when the diluent is up to a constant.The usual expoition has little effect on this kind of high viscous crude oil. The viscosity can be reduced only when some viscosity reducers are added so that the heavy crude oil can be exploited and trasnported easily. The polymer viscosity reducer is developed to deduce the viscosiy of the Wangzhuang crude oil. But the polymer viscosity reducer has a little inflence on the Wangzhuang heavy crude oil.The emulsifying viscosity reducer has been used widely because it has an evident effect on the crude oil. The emulsifying viscosity reducer JDLH has been chosen by the way of uniform design. The viscosity of the Wangzhuang heavy crude oil is reduced when adding JDLH viscosity reducer. It is a kind of the viscosity reducer which is used conveniently and economically.

  • 【分类号】TE81;TE869
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2591
  • 攻读期成果

