

Resarch on Market Mechanism and Competition Mode of Hydro-thermal Optimizing Configuring and Application

【作者】 吴至复

【导师】 曾鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 水火电是我国未来电力市场中参与市场竞争交易的主要电源类型,水火电优化配置市场机制是我国电力市场设计的一个核心问题和全新课题。由于我国目前电力行业内部之间的经济(价格)关系以及与上游的资源行业或用户侧之间的经济(价格)关系尚未理顺,因此目前实现我国水火电优化配置仍需政府集中统筹地考虑市场上、中、下游的资源协调配置问题。本文以我国电力市场化改革为背景,从水、煤资源的优化配置,水火电竞价上网,电力输配和销售四个环节来分析探讨市场机制的构建及其相互之间的协调的相关理论方法及其应用问题,试图使得这些理论方法能够对于如何通过市场机制和需求侧的响应进行整个系统资源的优化配置,以实现价格合理反映资源价值和稀缺程度,并创造良好的竞争环境,同时引导合理的增量投资、促进环保政策的落实等方面起到理论指导作用。目前国内外有关电力市场机制及其交易模型的研究成果中一般都只以火电机组作为研究对象,而对于水火电系统内部与外部协调优化的市场机制和交易模型的理论和应用研究成果则较少。本论文以经济学理论和电力市场理论为研究基础,并重点考虑水火电基本特性及其同时参与市场竞价交易面临的特殊问题(如水火电成本之间的差异、水电优先利用问题、水电来水波动带来的风险问题),研究构建水火电竞争交易的市场机制、交易模型和有关措施,以实现水火电之间的协调优化;同时,论文还围绕水火电市场交易机制和交易模型这两项核心研究内容,统筹考虑电力市场的上游和下游的资源优化配置,分析建立了水火电优化配置的市场机制体系,以实现市场上、中、下游的协调优化。论文采用理论研究与实证分析相结合的研究方法,不仅以我国电力市场化改革为背景,研究确立了水火电优化配置的有关理论,还将研究这些理论与方法,结合实际课题进行了实证研究,以确保研究成果具有较强的现实意义。本文的主要研究成果可为我国未来水火电优化配置的市场机制设计与运作提供理论指导和决策参考。本论文的主要研究成果:(1)提出了水火电优化配置的市场机制框架,并从实现水火电系统内部及其与外部资源协调优化配置角度,研究论证了电价与上游资源价格联动机制和上网电价与销售电价联动机制;(2)提出了水、煤资源优化配置的理论框架,分析论证了适合我国现阶段的水、煤资源优化配置机制;(3)提出了水火电参与主电能市场和辅助服务市场竞价、梯级水电站竞价与协调、发电权交易的多种模式,并分别对各种模式进行了详细的对比分析;(4)建立了基于发电机组出力最优化机制、基于供应函数投标机制和基于博弈论的三种水火电同台竞价交易模型;(5)提出了适合我国国情的输配电价形成机制; (6)对所提出的理论模型方法进行了相应的实证研究。通过查新与国内外已有研究成果对比,以上研究成果中(1)、(2)和(4)具有明显创新性,其他研究成果具有部分创新性。

【Abstract】 Hydrodynamic power and thermal power are the dominating power types which will bid in the power market in China. The optimization configuring market mechanism of hydro-thermal power system is one of the core contents of the power market design and fire-new task in our country. As the economic relation(pricing) inside the eletricity industry and between the eletricity industry and the upriver resource industry and downriver consumers hasn’t been radically settled, in order to optimization harmonizing and configuring of hydro-thermal power system, the upriver, medial and downriver configuring problems have to be made overall plans and take all factors into consideration. Under the background of the eletricity reformation of China, this paper discuss the theories and methods and their application of market mechanism establishing and harmonizing mode in four tache of water and coal resource optimization configuring, hydro-thermal power system competitiion, power transmission and distribution, selling, in oder to provide theoretic instruction in processing the whole resource system optimization configuring through market mechanism and demand side response, price reflecting the resource worthiness and rarity, creating well competition environment, inducting reasonable enhancive investment and putting the policy of circumstance protection into effect.The subsistent excogitations of the power market mechanism and competition model are popularly designed for the thermal power only and less for the interior or exterior of the hydro-thermal power system harmonious optimization. Based on the economic and power market theories, this paper studies and designs the market mechanism, competition models and concerned measures for the hydro-thermal power system in allusion to the characteristic and the especial problems they have to face in competing in one market, such as the cost difference between hydrodynamic power and thermal power, preferentially utilizing hydrodynamic power and the risk from water fluctuation. In the same time, this paper considers optimization configuring in the uprive and downrive of the power market and the two former core contents as a whole, and establishs the market mechanism system of optimization configuring of the hydro-thermal power system in order to realize harmonious optimization among the power market and its uprive and downrive. The paper adopts the method of combining on theories studying and application analysis, studies the theories of the market mechanism system of optimization configuring of the hydro-thermal power system under the background of the eletricity reformation of China and applies these fruits in the demonstrations through the factual research tasks to insure them practical foreground. So the fruits of this paper can be used as theoretic instruction and decision-making reference for in designing and operating the the market mechanism for the hydro-thermal power system optimization configuring in China.The central fruits of this paper: (1)The whole frame of the the market mechanism designing for optimization configuring of the hydro-thermal power system is put forward,and the linkage mechanisms between the power price and the uprive resource price and the linkage mechanisms between generationg side and selling side are all argumented in the view of resource optimization configuring inside and outside the hydro-thermal power system; (2)The theories system of water and coal resource optimization configuring is brought forward and the congruent mechanism for the near future in China is analysised and argumented; (3)A lot of modes of hydro-thermal power system bidding in the primary market and in the auxiliary market, ladderlike hydrodynamic power competition grouping and harmonizing mechanism and generating might trading are advanced and contrastively analysised; (4)Three competition models of hydro-thermal power system respectively basded on mechanism of optimizating of generator unit output, mechanism of biding of providing function and game theory are constituted; (5)The pricing mechanism for power transmission and distribution being congruent for China nowadays is educed; (6)The demonstration processed for theories, modes and methods which are put forward in the paper. Among these fruits, the central contents of (1), (2) and (4) and partial contents of the other fruits have comparatively innovative contribution.

  • 【分类号】F426.61;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】827
  • 攻读期成果

