

【作者】 陈星

【导师】 王天义;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 自然资源是自然界长期自身运动所形成的,在人们现有的知识、科技水平条件下,通过开发利用,能够带来一定经济价值的资源,是人类赖以生存的物质条件和经济社会发展的物质基础。经济社会的发展中,自然资源作为生产商品的基本要素,也是经济发展的基本要素,对自然资源的“价值”的认识与“价格”管理机制的优化,关系到对商品经济规律的认识与利用,关系到市场经济的完善与发展。对自然资源的认识与利用,关系到科学技术的发展,关系到国民经济的发展和经济素质的提高,特别是关系到整个国民经济能否快速、协调、稳定、可持续发展。本文在研究自然资源价格问题上,从逻辑与历史相结合的原则出发,基于“价值”的哲学意义和经济学意义为基础,探讨价值本质特征,界定自然资源“价值”的本质和内涵,深化研究“价值”与“价格”间关系,通过分析自然资源的“价值”因素的本质回归,对自然资源的价格构成与量定,进行深入研究,结合自然资源代际分配和价值补偿问题,导出自然资源的价格构成公式,并以自然资源价格构成公式为基础,对自然资源价格管理机制的完善提出对策。本文的主要构成分为六个部分。第一章是对自然资源及其哲学价值的综合分析。从哲学意义上讲,价值是概括的两个层次的问题:一是价值的类型与层次的问题,二是价值的意义与标准的问题。价值虽有不同的类型,但又必有共同的本质,价值的哲学本质:就是人类主体与客观事物在特定的环境下,相互作用的一种客观量度,在此所谓的价值,其哲学意义体现为文明社会的经济生活中,人们相互之间需要彼此尊重和维护的那种东西。自然资源的价值属性,有其特殊规定性,在基于自然科学的进步与唯物辩证法的发展对价值理论的认识上,本文提出自然资源具有哲学意义上的价值,并对哲学上的“价值”理念与自然科学的融合——能量通约性,做出分析。第二章是对自然资源的经济学价值分析。本章首先对历史上的经济学流派的价值理论进行了比较分析,深入分析了马克思劳动价值理论的基础——劳动的时间通约性,在对恩格斯对劳动价值理论的发展——费用和效用共同决定价值的基础上,提出自然资源价值观的形成基础。最后结合可持续发展观,提出自然资源经济学意义上的“价值”内涵拓展。第三章是对价值与价格关系的再认识。首先综述讨论了经济学理论关于价值与价格关系,然后从纯经济学意义上对“价值”与“价格”做出逻辑思辨,对“价值”与“价格”的成因及经济学本质探索,进一步深化认识“价值”与“价格”间的关系。第四章是对传统意义上的自然资源价格形成评析。运用PESE模式,综合评述了影响自然资源价格的因素,并对传统意义上的自然资源价格形成进行了评析,总结出关于生产劳动、产权、管理行为、外部性消除等因素与自然资源价格的关系。第五章关于自然资源经济学“价值”回归与“价格”量定是本文的创新重点。基于自然资源的哲学特征与经济学特征,对构成自然资源经济学“价值”因素的本质,作以回归分析,提出几个新的概念:质能( Qe )—-自然资源客观存在的哲学特性凝结,价能( Pe )――主体认知的自然资源经济学特性凝结,息值(I )――影响主客体之间相互作用的事物或环境。在此基础上,得出自然资源的“价格”公式,并基于自然资源经济补偿理论,对自然资源“价格”计量进行深化分析。第六章是基于自然资源“价格公式”的价格管理机制完善。首先对自然资源价格“基本构成”的完善进行分析,对自然资源“息值”之一——产权的代际公平分配与补偿进行研究,在分析我国自然资源价格扭曲状况及原因的基础上,提出解决我国自然资源价格扭曲的对策,在完善我国自然资源管理制度法律体系、政府行政手段、经济手段的基础上,提出化解“公地悲剧”的自然资源产权交易之路。在现代经济社会中,但随着人口数量的增加和社会科技水平的发展,自然资源不但变得越来越有用,而且也变得越来越稀缺,资源供需矛盾越来越紧张。而在我国对自然资源的开发利用的历史上,形成的总体价格格局可以概括为:“产品高价,资源低价,环境无价”。这样的概括或许不够精确、不够全面,但它的精炼与形象性,远远胜过那些繁杂的描述,而且,事实也已证明,这种价格格局是不合理的。2005年10月28日,在全国资源价格改革研讨会上,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理曾培炎强调,深化资源价格改革,是完善社会主义市场经济体制的重要内容,也是促进经济增长方式转变,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要举措。本文对自然资源价格的构成与量定分析,结合了自然科学的发展,既有对基础理论的思考,也有实际操作层面的研究,并对现实问题提出了对策,希望通过本文的研究,为实现深化资源价格改革,优化资源配置献出应有的力量。

【Abstract】 Natural resources are long-term in nature formed their own movement, it is the people’s existing knowledge and technology conditions, through the development and use can bring a certain economic value of the resources, mankind’s survival is the material conditions of economic and social development in the material foundation. Economic and social development, natural resources as a production value of the basic elements of economic development is the basic element natural resources "value" of the "price" of the management mechanism optimization, of the commodity economy and understanding of the law governing the use of market economy development and perfection. Understanding of natural resources and utilization of the development of science and technology, related to the development of the national economy and improve the quality of the economy, especially of the entire national economy can rapid, stable, sustainable development.Based on the study of the price of natural resources, from the logic of combining history and the principles, Based on the "value" of the philosophical significance and economic significance as the foundation, to explore the nature of value, natural resources define "value" of the nature and content, to study "value" and "price" intergovernmental relations, By analyzing the natural resources of the "value" factor in the return of the nature of the prices of natural resources and the volume, conduct in-depth analysis, combining natural resources generation distribution and the question of compensation value is derived form the natural resources of the price formula, and the price of natural resources constitute a formula based on the prices of natural resources management mechanism perfect countermeasures. This paper is divided into six major component parts.The first chapter is the value of natural resources attribute analysis. Philosophical sense, the value of the general level of two problems : First, the value of the type and level. Second, the significance and value of the standards. Although the value of different types, but there must be a common essence, the value of the philosophical nature : humanity is the main objective things with the specific environment, the interaction of an objective measure of the so-called value its philosophical significance of a civilized society is the economic life, people need each other mutual respect and uphold the kind of things This value shall be the philosophical significance. Attribute value of natural resources, its special provisions, Based on the progress of science and materialist dialectics value of the development of understanding of the theory, In this paper, natural resources philosophical sense of value, as well as the philosophy of "value" concept and the integration of natural sciences -- about energy links, make analysis.Chapter II is the economics of natural resources value analysis. First chapter in the history of the School of Economics on value theory comparative analysis in-depth analysis of the Marxist labor theory of value -- the time was working about, Engels right on the labor theory of value -- the cost and effectiveness of a common decision on the basis of value, proposed the formation of values of the natural resources base. Finally, the concept of sustainable development, natural resource economics and significant "value" content extensions.Chapter III of the value and the price again. First discussions on the economic theory of value and price, Then from a purely economic sense of "values" and "prices" make the adoption of logic, the "value" and "price" of the cause and nature of economics exploration, further deepen the understanding of "value" and "price" the relationship between them.Chapter IV of the traditional sense of the natural resources prices Pricing Model Evaluation and Research. PESE model with the analysis of the impact of natural resource prices, as well as traditional natural resources on the price formation of assessment, summed up the production of labor, property rights, management practices Externalities and the elimination of natural resources such as price relationship. Finally, the current domestic and international pricing model assessment of natural resources, the light views.Chapter V of Natural Resources Economics "value" and the return of "price" the volume of this essay is to focus on innovation. Based on the philosophy of natural resource economics and characteristics of natural resource economics constitutes "value" factors of nature, as a regression analysis, and several new concepts : quality energy (absorbency) -- Natural Resources objective characteristics of the condensation of philosophy, price of energy (Pe) -- Cognitive main characteristics of the natural resources economics condensation, income (I) -- affect the interaction between the subject and the object of the things or the environment. On this basis, natural resources reached the "price" formula, based on the natural resources and economic compensation theory, on natural resources "price" measures for deepening the analysis.Chapter VI is based on natural resources "price formula" the management mechanism. First prices of natural resources "basic components" of sound analysis, Then the natural resources "interest value" of property rights one of the generation and the equitable distribution of the compensation study on the analysis of natural resources and price distortions on the basis of reason, solve our natural resources price distortion strategy in improving natural resource management system legal system, administrative means and economic means on the basis of the proposed resolution "tragedy of the commons" natural property rights trading market.In a modern economy, but with the increase in population and social development of the technology, natural resources is becoming not only useful but also becoming increasingly scarce resources increasingly tense conflict between supply and demand. In China on the development and utilization of natural resources in the history, the formation of the overall price pattern can be summed up as follows : "high-value products, low-cost resources, the environment is priceless." This generalization may not be precise, is not comprehensive enough, but its refining and image, are far better than those complicated to describe, Moreover, the facts have proved that the price structure is unreasonable. October 28, 2005, the nation’s resource price reform conference, the Party Central Committee Political Bureau member, Chinese Vice Premier ZENG PEIYAN stressed that deepening resource price reform, improve the socialist market economy, an important content, is also to promote the transformation of economic growth modes, the construction of a resource-saving and environmentally-friendly society of the important initiatives.In this paper, the prices of natural resources and the composition of the volume, with the development of science, based on both theoretical thinking, a practical level, as well as practical issues of countermeasures, through this research, To achieve deepen the resource price reform, optimizing the allocation of resources should be given the power.

【关键词】 自然资源价值价格可持续发展
【Key words】 natural resourcesvalue pricesustainabledevelopment
  • 【分类号】F062.1
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1386

