

【作者】 杨吉华

【导师】 李道中;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 文化产业政策是政府制定和实施的旨在促进和规范文化产业发展的一系列政策的总和。从产业政策来说,文化产业政策是国家产业政策的重要组成部分,是以“文化产业”为政策对象的产业政策。但文化产业政策又不同于一般的产业政策,它必须充分考虑文化产业的特殊性,这种特殊性就是文化产业在具有经济属性的同时,还具有很强的政治和意识形态属性。政府的产业政策对文化产业的健康发展具有重要的影响,这种影响可以概括为四个方面,即对文化产业发展的“加速”作用:对文化产业结构调整的“引导”作用;对市场竞争秩序的“规范”作用;对产业国际竞争力的“提升”作用。从上世纪80年代开始,我国政府出台了大量促进和规范文化产业发展的政策措施,每年都源源不断有新的政策出台。从近30年的政策实践来看,我国文化产业政策对推动文化产业发展的作用是明显的,成就是主要的。但不可否认的是,我国文化产业政策的实践也存在一些不足和缺陷,制约我国文化产业健康发展的政策瓶颈同样大量存在。我国文化产业政策存在的问题可以用6个字来概括,就是“缺、弱、变、散、乱、粗”。所谓“缺”就是政策的缺失;“弱”,就是政策对产业的扶持力度不够,政策措施偏软;“变”,就是政策多变,缺乏必要的稳定性;“散”,就是政策重点不突出,政策针对性不强;“乱”,就是政策不统一,缺乏必要的协调性;“粗”,就是政策过于粗线条,可操作性不强。要提高我国文化产业政策的绩效,充分发挥产业政策的作用,就必须认真解决实践中存在的问题。要制定科学的产业政策,首先必须确立先进适度的政策目标。从我国的实际看,我国文化产业政策的总的目标应该是国家通过产业政策的实施,在15年内(2020年)使我国的文化产业成为国民经济中的重要支柱产业,文化产业增加值在我国GDP中的比重由目前的2.15%上升到5%以上,并在未来50年接近美国,成为世界一流文化产业强国。我国文化产业政策的具体目标则包括增长速度目标、效益目标、结构目标和国际竞争力目标等方面。文化产业政策从内容体系来说,主要是由文化产业结构政策、文化产业组织政策和文化产业发展政策三个方面组成。其中,文化产业结构政策主要调节资源在不同产业之间(包括不同行业之间)的优化配置,文化产业组织政策主要调节资源在文化产业(行业)内部不同企业间的优化配置,文化产业发展政策主要调节资源在区域空间和不同代际间的优化配置。它们共同作用,促进文化产业的持续、快速、健康、协调发展。文化产业结构政策就是政府制定的旨在优化文化产业结构的政策总和。当前我国文化产业结构存在着两大问题,一是宏观产业结构不合理,文化产业在国民经济中的比重偏低;二是文化产业内部结构不合理,文化产业各行业发展失衡。针对文化产业结构存在的问题,一方面,政府需要加大政策扶持力度,引导资源从产能过剩的产业流向文化产业,提高文化产业在宏观产业结构中的比重;另一方面,要通过有效措施优化文化产业内部结构,促进文化产业的协调发展。目前我国政府对文化产业的扶持力度偏弱,有必要对现行的政策作一定的调整,加大政府对文化产业的扶持力度。我国文化产业组织存在的问题主要是“小、散、乱、弱”。根据我国文化产业组织的现状和演变趋势,我国文化产业组织政策的基本政策取向也应该是鼓励文化企业做大做强,提高文化产业集中度,实现规模经济,提高专业化协作水平,鼓励有效竞争。这一政策取向概括起来说就是“抓大、兴小、治乱”。抓“大”,即抓“龙头企业”,使“龙头企业”做大做强;兴“小”,即繁荣中小企业,鼓励中小文化企业走“专、尖、特、新”道路;治“乱”,即防止产业内的过度竞争、恶性竞争,维护正常的竞争秩序,提高竞争效率。大企业“做强”,小企业“做专”、竞争适度有序,是我国文化产业组织的理想状态。近几年我国实施文化产业组织政策取得了积极效果,但大而不强、小而不专、竞争秩序混乱仍然是目前产业政策要解决的主要问题。文化产业发展政策主要包括文化产业区域布局政策、文化产业技术政策、文化产业贸易政策等几个主要方面。数据表明,我国文化产业发展的地区差距要大于GDP的地区差距。政府需要进一步加大财政转移支付力度,实施更加有效的政策措施,充分发挥各地区的比较优势和竞争优势,缩小地区差别,促进各地区文化产业的协调发展;从产业技术政策来说,主要解决目前我国文化科技投入不足、创新能力不强的问题。要加大政府对文化科技的投入力度,建立多元科技投入主体,提高我国文化企业技术创新能力,加快文化产业的技术升级,促进产业融合;当前我国文化贸易存在着10:1的巨额贸易逆差,不仅影响了我国对外贸易的健康发展,而且不利于国家的文化安全。根据我国的文化贸易现状,现阶段我国文化贸易政策应该是具有一定保护性质的贸易政策。具体地说,我们一方面要利用WTO文化贸易的有关条款对我国文化产业中的薄弱环节给予适当而有效的保护,控制文化产品进口数量,优化调整进口结构。另一方面,要采取有效措施,提高我国文化产品和服务的国际竞争力,千方百计扩大文化产品和服务的出口,鼓励文化企业“走出去”。政策目标是在近期内逐步缩小文化贸易逆差,进而实现我国文化产品进出口的大致平衡。长期目标是使我国文化产业具有较强的国际竞争力,成为世界文化贸易强国。

【Abstract】 Cultural industry policy is an aggregate of a set of policies that promote and standardize the development of cultural industry stipulated by the government. Cultural industry policy is an important component of national industrial policies and it is a policy that set "cultural industry" as its policy objective. Meanwhile, cultural industry policy is quite different from other industrial policies due to its complicated attribute. The particularity comes from the fact that, besides its economic value, cultural industry has quite conspicuous political and ideological functions.Governmental policies pose a heavy influence on the development of cultural industry. Such influence can be summed up as: to "accelerate" the growth of cultural industry; to "channel" the reshuffle of improper structure of cultural industry; to "rationalize" competition order of players; to "cement" global competitive force of national industry.Since the 1980s of last century, China’s government has given out numbers of official policies concerning promoting and guiding the development of its cultural industry. Such policies have played a crucial role in the onrush of China’s cultural industry. But it should also be admitted that there are some shortcomings and defects in China’s existing cultural industry policies which hold up the further development of cultural industry. The problems can be shortly expressed as "lack, weak, over-changed, highly-scattered, inconsistent and over-abstract". "Lack" means that some necessary policies have not been mapped out by policy makers. "Weak" means the force that the government supports national cultural industry is not strong enough. "Over-changed" implies that the governmental policies are unstable and unpredictable. "Over-scattered" implies that the issued policies have no focus and no inclination. "Inconsistent" suggests that the different policies promulgated by different administrative departments are not consistent and harmonious. They are often against each other. "Over-abstract" means that the policy items stipulated are too vague and too principled so that they are unworkable and impracticable in reality. In order to improve the policy performance of cultural industry and give full play to industrial policy, Chinese government must solve above problems in the future.To make a scientific and practicable industrial policy, first thing the policy-makers should do well is to spell out an advanced but realistic policy goal. According to China’s circumstances, the long-term policy goal of cultural industry is: through implementing constructive and effective industrial policies by the government, China’s cultural industry should grow into one of the China’s strategic pillar industries in the next 15 years (by 2020). The proportion of cultural industry to the GDP should be up to 5 percent from 2.15% in 2005. It should catch up with the U.S.A and become a powerful nation in term of cultural industry. Under such long-term goal, the policy-makers must set concrete objectives as to growth, quality, structure and global competitiveness and so on.Cultural industry policies are comprised of structure policy of cultural industry, organization policy of cultural industry and development policy of cultural industry. Among them, the structure policy is to optimize the allocation of resources between different industries; the industrial organization policy aims to optimize the allocation of resources among different enterprises in the inside cultural industry and development policy aims to optimize the allocation of resources among different regions and different generations. They work together to achieve a sustainable, rapid, and sound development of the cultural industry.Industrial structure policy of cultural production is formulated by government to rationalize structure of cultural industry. There exist two problems in the industrial structure of China’s cultural production. One is that the industrial macro-structure is unreasonable and the share of cultural industry is relatively low in the GDP. The second is that the inner structure of cultural industry is unreasonable. The development of different sectors of cultural industry is unbalanced. In order to handle such problems, the government should, on one hand, strengthen the force financing the development of national cultural industry, channel more resources to flow into cultural industry from those oversaturated industries so as to increase the percentage of cultural industry in the GDP. On the other hand, government should take the initiative to optimize the inside structure of cultural industry in a bid to realize a relatively balanced development among different cultural sectors. The present force that the government supports its cultural industry is feeble. So it is necessary for the government to adjust its existed policies and give cultural industry more useful help.The problems existing in China’s cultural industry organization include: the sizes of domestic cultural enterprises are too small compared with their foreign rivals; the industrial organization of cultural production is too splintered; the order of competition is too anarchy. On what conditions, the basic orientation of the industrial organization policy is to encourage big enterprises to become bigger and powerful, enhance the concentration ratio of industry, improve the economies of scale, up cooperation level on the basis of specialization and encourage efficient competition. This policy orientation can be denoted as "encourage the big, reinvigorate the small and cure of the anarchy". "Encourage the big" means that the governments give more preferential policies to big enterprises to help them become bigger and competitive. "Reinvigorate the small" implies that governments adopt effective policies to make small firms more specialized so as to ameliorate survival ability of small firms. "Cure of anarchy" means that governments use legal measures to prevent over-competition, vicious competition, maintain rational competition order and improve competition efficiency. The big grow stronger, the small grow specialized and the competition is rational-that is an ideal environment for China’s cultural industry. Over the past years, China’s governments have carried out the above organization policies of cultural industry and attained considerable success. The governments should take more effective policies to tackle such problems as big but not strong, small but not specialized and chaotic market order.The development policies of cultural industry include the district policy of cultural industry, technology policy of cultural industry and cultural foreign trade policy. The official data indicate that the disparity of cultural industry between different regions is larger than the disparity of GDP. China’s government should offer more fiscal transfer payment to undeveloped regions; beef up its efforts to narrow the gap in the development levels of cultural industry among different districts and promote a common prosperity and development. As for industrial technology policy, the problem that should be solved is the insufficient investment in R&D and weak innovative competence. The governments ought to carry out vigorous technology policies such as pumping more funds into R&D, build a multi-entity investment system, promote technological innovative competence of cultural enterprises, accelerate technological upgrade of cultural industry and expedite industrial amalgamation. As for foreign trade of cultural goods, the fact is that China’s cultural trade with foreign countries has a 10:1 trade deficit, which not only goes against sound development of China’s foreign trade, but also threatens national cultural safety. In order to reverse such disadvantageous situation, China’s cultural trade policy should be a somewhat protected trade policy. Concretely, the government should take advantage of relative items to provide necessary protect to those weak links of domestic cultural industry, curb the volume of import of foreign cultural goods and optimize import structure. At the same time, the government is required to adopt favorable policies to expand more export of China’s cultural good to overseas market and drive more domestic cultural enterprises to go out. The target of policy is to narrow the trade deficit of cultural trade and reach an approximate balance between import and export of cultural goods in the near future. The long-term goal of policy is to boost international competitiveness of China’s cultural industry markedly and make China’s enterprises to become a global heavyweight in the international cultural arena.

  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】91
  • 【下载频次】9797

