

【作者】 张蔚

【导师】 孙惠柱;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 一直以来,秧歌作为我国民间“庙会”、“社火”中的歌舞戏沿承了正统的仪式性,同时又具有节庆狂欢化的反仪式特征。在各区域秧歌展演的仪式性程序中,普遍的功能意义是祭神、祭祖,传达一种人界对神圣世界秩序的依从。更不容忽视的潜层功能指向是:在与中国传统的傩仪、迎春仪式、元宵仪式时间一致的情况下,秧歌这种群体参与的仪式展演成为了加强性的象征仪式——人类随自然节气的更替而表现出的自我调适。同时,秧歌在民间的表演包含了很多粗朴、天然的特质,搀杂着怪诞、色情与挑逗的反仪式成分。这其中包括秧歌队丑角的狂欢与胡闹;歌、舞、戏中性暗示、性吸引的动作或唱词。所以,秧歌展演不仅有仪式性的贯穿始终,反仪式性也存在于仪式活动特定的时区内。从“仪式性和反仪式”的角度来研究秧歌,是前人的研究中没有直接、明确指出过的。仪式性和反仪式两方面在每一省域种类的秧歌中,侧重体现的程度并不完全一致。即使是本文所研究山东省域的三大秧歌:鲁中平原的商河鼓子秧歌、胶东半岛烟台地区的海阳秧歌、胶东半岛青岛地区的胶州秧歌,由于地理人文、人口迁移、民俗传统等原因,所分别体现出的仪式与反仪式性质和形态也有很大不同。本人通过在对上述地方多次实地田野调查的基础上,考证山东地区秧歌的节庆仪式过程与反仪式因素;乡土社会的等级秩序与表演体系等几方面的相互关系。论文在以山东省三种尤具代表性的秧歌民俗为基础,着重考察表演活动中仪式性与反仪式的分流共存,揭示中国乡土社会“闹节”这一独特现象,分析这一现象背后的深层原因及其与西方狂欢的本质不同,从中国传统节庆时令表演中的秩序与无序中审视仪式与反仪式的适用性及象征意韵。本文还强调指出秧歌的是:秧歌并不仅仅是中国民族民间舞蹈的一种,而是元宵节前后在北方各地农村化妆表演的歌舞戏,是一种综合性的表演形式。它浓郁的戏剧性表现在角色行当齐全、男扮女装、歌舞小戏多表现男女调情的内容情节。为了阐述秧歌在节令展演活动中体现出的仪式性与反仪式因素及两者之间的相互关系,更加全面地认识乡土社会仪式表演活动的整体过程,本文还涉及了中国乡土社会的现状和变迁这一现实问题,秧歌在北方各地农村是“村内”或“村际”的仪式性活动。现代农村的生活方式、村落秩序、村际关系整体上的变动不可否认地影响了民间传统文艺节目的展演。此外,秧歌还与乡村宗族关系、宗教信仰、等级制度、节令娱乐有着密不可分的渊源和纽结。

【Abstract】 All along, Yangge as an singing and dancing drama of civilian“temple fair”,“gam”evolutes traditional ceremony, and takes on anti-ceremony characteristic of fest ival bashing. In ceremony program of Yangge performing all regions, the general function significance is divinity worship, ancestor worship, transmit a compliance of human to holiness word order. The hidden function direction, which no allows to be ignored, shows that With the same time as Chinese traditional Spring and lantern ceremony Yangge which participational performing becomes a reinforcing symbolic ceremony, which the self-adjustment of the replacement of the natural cycle of human performance. While Yangge based on civilian performing includes much crude, natural characters and Mixed with weird, pornography and flirting anti-ceremony ingredients, such as Harlequin’s Carnival with monkeyshine, singing, dancing, drama sex hinted and attracting of the action or libretto. Therefore Yangge performing not only holds ceremony through to the end, but also possess anti-ceremony at special time of ritual.From "ceremony and anti-ceremony " angle of view to research Yangge is not directly, clearly pointed out at previous studies. Ceremony and anti-ceremony both in Yangge of each province, the degrees of emphasized on is not exactly the same. Even though three yangge of Shandong province which we investigate, Shanghe drum Yangge of Shandong middle plain, Haiyang Yangge of Yanyai region, Jiaozhou Yangge of Qingdao region. For anthropogeography, populace moving and folk-custom, the character and form of ceremony and anti-ceremony are showed with very difference. Through on the spot researching to above regions, we validate feast celebrating ceremony process and anti-ceremony factors of Shandong Yangge, the relation of village society rank and act system.Based on introduction of three best representative Yangge of Shangdong province, this paper emphasizes on that describing distribution and coexistence of ceremony and anti-ceremony in performactivity, demonstrating“Carnival festival”that special phenomena of Chinese village society, reviewing deep-seated reason of the phenomena and difference from west carnival, Surveying applicability and symbolize significance of ceremony and anti-ceremony from order and no-order in performing at Chinese traditional festival.This paper also emphasizes on that Yangge is not only a Chinese folk dance, but also a dressing, singing and dancing at north villages in festival of lanterns, it is a all-around playing form. Its dramatis exhibits on scenes of player completing, man playing woman, playlet representing man and woman flirtation. In order to expound ceremony and anti-ceremony factors of Yangge in performing at traditional festival and both relation, understand more roundly whole process of village society ceremony activity, this paper also involved the problem of Chinese village society status and flux. Yangge is an inner or border Ceremony activity in north villages. The modern country life style, village order and village relation changing do no question to influence performing of folk traditional literature program. Moreover, Yangge also inseparably relates to village agnation, religion, grade and feast amusement.

【关键词】 闹节秧歌秧歌戏仪式性反仪式
【Key words】 Carnival festivalYanggeYangge dramaceremonyanti-ceremony

