

A Study on Chu His’ Shangshu Researching

【作者】 陈良中

【导师】 朱杰人;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 朱子《尚书》学在《尚书》学史上具有转关作用,成为了“尽信《书》”向疑辨《尚书》转变的关键,开启了《尚书》研究的新方法与路径。唐韩愈首倡弃传求经,至宋疑古惑经蔚为大观,这一思潮为朱子疑辨诸经提供了思想资源和学术氛围,是朱子疑《书》成果可以被学界接受的前提。宋代《尚书》研究,二程以来的理学家为《尚书》这部古老经典灌注了理学思想的新鲜血液,理学一派《书》学逐渐成为核心,为朱子以理学思想解《书》提供了思想基础。王安石、苏轼、林之奇、吕祖谦宋四名家《书》解以个例鲜明地呈现了宋学义理解经特色,反映了经学家以经为工具展开的思想斗争,揭示了疑《书》由点滴而成系统的过程。四家《书》学与朱子《书》学的关系充分反映了宋学独尊到汉宋结合的转变,以及朱子对时贤《书》学的批判与继承。淳熙十三年(1186年),朱子开始着手《书集传》工作。朱子与学侣弟子书信来往论《书》者共十八人,《朱子语类》中论《书》者七十二人,讨论《尚书》的活动主要在其晚年,朱子《书》学思想在讨论中逐渐形成。朱子注《书》五篇引书达四十五部,在实践上体现了汉、宋学的融合。朱子注《书》数篇反映了他对《尚书》训诂与义理的创新,为蔡沈《书集传》奠定了基本原则及体例。朱子对《大、小序》、《古文尚书》、《孔安国传》展开了系统疑辨,影响其后研究尤巨。朱子早年出入佛老,师事李侗后归本伊洛,以《四书》为核心开始建构其理学大厦,晚年其学术重心在《礼》学,《尚书》文本整体始终未进入朱子思想的核心。庆元党禁严重制约了朱子的学术活动,朱子未能完成《书集传》的撰著,这与他生平学术价值取向及晚年遭遇有关。蔡沈家族与朱子有深厚的学术渊源,蔡沈著《洪范皇极内篇》传蔡元定独得之学,这是朱子托《书集传》予蔡沈的主要原因。蔡沈解《书》思想层面上一本朱子理学精神,但在体例上却与朱子有较大的差异,后者成为援朱反蔡者口实。朱子解《书》通过对传统命题内涵的改造,蕴含了他解经修身、淑世、护教的价值取向。朱子解《书》重训诂与义理的结合,由此展开的对汉、宋学的批评触及了解释循环性的理论问题。朱子疑《书》改《书》及以理学思想解《书》揭示了朱子对解经历史性具有清醒的认识。

【Abstract】 Chu His’s The Book of History studying had critical influence on the following scholars. Since then, scholars began to doubt The Book of History’s reliability. Chu His opened up a new field in the study of The Book of History.Han Yu, a famous scholar in Tang Dynasty, suggested expounding The Spring and Autumn Annals liberally, and abandoning the basis of ex-scholars’ interpretations. This skeptical attitude on the Five Classics grew to be a trend of thought in Song Dynasty. It provided thoughts for Chu His and made Chu His’s achievements on the study of The Book of History accepted easily . Cheng Hao and Cheng yi, two great thinkers in Song Dynasty, began to interpret The Book of History in Neo-Confucianism. And Chu His expounded The Book of History just on the basis of the Neo-Confucianism. Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Lin Zhiqi and Lv Zuqian advanced to explain the hidden meanings of The Book of History. They put forward their individual ideals by explaining Confucian Classics and struggled each other in ideological field. Chu His carried on their achievements fully.In the Chunxi thirteenth years(DC. 1186),Chu His began to prepare to explain The Book of History. In his later years, Chu His discussed many problems on The Book of History with his friends and students. During the course of discussion, his thoughts on The Book of History formed gradually. Chu His only interpreted five articles of The Book of History and quoted forty-five books. In The Book of History’s research , He absorbed the merits of the way by which the scholars in Han-Tang Dynasties and Song Dynasty had done their scholarly research, and attained many achievements. The five articles which Chu His explained were the outstanding examples for Cai Chen’s Shujizhuan. Chu His doubted the reliabilities of the total preface and essay preface, and doubted the reliabilities of Guwenshangshu and doubted if Kong Anguo had interpreted The Book of History. These thoughts influenced the following scholars greatly.Chu His had great interests in Buddhist philosophy and Taoist scriptures in his early years. When he was a disciple of Li Tong, Chu His concentrated his attention on Confucian Classics and formed his theory in his middle years. In his late years, Chu His paid more attention on The Book of Rites. The Book of History did not take key role in Chu His’ thoughts. Chu His’ value judgments and life experiences in his late years had something to do with his unfinished interpretation on The Book of History.Cai Chen’s family had scholarly origin with Chu His. Cai Chen continued his father’s learning about Hongfan and completed a work of Hongfanhuangjineipian. So Chu His passed on his research on The Book of History to Cai Chen. But Cai Chen’s explanation had differences from Chu His in stylistic rules. So some scholars quoted the viewpoints of Chu to oppose Cai.Chu His had changed meanings of many concepts and it embodied his value judgments. To Chu His, explaining Confucian Classics was just a tool that can cultivate one’s moral characters and make the society turn a new leaf, and also protect Confucianism. Chu His paid not much attention to explain Confucian Classics word by word. He doubted the reliabilities of The Book of History and changed its word order. He recognized that the formation of The Book of History had experienced a long period and could be interpreted by Neo-Confucianism.

  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】6
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