

A Study of Ge Hong’s Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi

【作者】 武锋

【导师】 章义和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 《抱朴子外篇》是葛洪思想体系中最为重要的组成部分之一,此次著述的完成为更好地了解葛洪以及两晋时期的思想状况提供了鲜活的样本。作为其时南中国区域非常突出的一部子书,这一著作也为研究江南学术风尚保存了珍贵的资料。全文共分五章,依次对葛洪家世、《抱朴子外篇》的文本、《抱朴子外篇》的思想以及其与时代思潮的关系进行了某些探讨,试图对葛洪其人其书所蕴含的内容进行一定程度地梳理。第一章主要探讨了葛洪的家世。葛洪虽自述为丹阳句容(今江苏句容)人,但其先祖却在西汉末季、东汉初叶由北方迁入。本文经过考证认为,葛洪其先为梁国宁陵(今河南商丘宁陵一带)人,后因反对王莽统治被迫移居琅邪(今山东诸城东南)。其后,葛氏一支离开政治中心南迁句容,由一武力强宗逐步向文化世族过渡。在前贤时哲研究的基础上,本章对葛洪的家族世系进行了进一步的清理,明晰了葛洪自十世先祖以来的世系情况。对争论较大的葛洪卒年问题,本章经过对文献的重新分析,认定葛洪享年八十一岁。通过对葛洪家学、师承、交游等的分析,本章明晰了葛洪生平、时代与其思想的关系。第二章主要探讨了《抱朴子外篇》的文本情况。葛洪撰著《抱朴子外篇》主要源于成一家之言、表达现实关怀、驰骋辞章三方面的考虑,而《抱朴子外篇》的著述前后经过了酝酿、草稿、定稿、订补、修订诸阶段,主体部分的写作绵延近十五、六年,是葛洪倾尽心力之作,是其思想成熟的集中体现。《抱朴子外篇》著成之后在当时即引起较大反响。但是,现存《抱朴子外篇》的文本缺佚情况是大量存在的,这从历代史志对《抱朴子外篇》的著录情况可以考见,也能从唐、宋类书征引《抱朴子外篇》文字不见于今本者得知,其佚亡的时间主要集中在梁、隋之际与唐、宋之间,战火频仍或许是其中一个重要因素。现今可知最早的《抱朴子外篇》版本是明本,其与原始形态已有较大差异。根据葛洪的自述和历代史志以及目录书的记载,六朝本《抱朴子外篇》当有手写本五十卷。宋本《抱朴子外篇》出现十卷本、二十卷本、三十卷本、五十卷本等多种版本,主要以刻本的形式流传。明本《抱朴子外篇》以四卷本与五十卷本为多。而清本《抱朴子外篇》也主要以四卷本与五十卷本的形式流传,其版本不论从数量还是质量上都是颇为可观的。特别是清代学人对《抱朴子外篇》的校勘成就突出,为后来学者的研究奠定了良好的基础。本章还探讨了《抱朴子外篇》在当时以及其后所产生的影响,从中可以略窥其价值之一斑。第三章探讨了《抱朴子外篇》的政治和社会思想。葛洪的政治思想有很强的法家意味。葛洪强调严格的君臣之分以及君臣关系,认为两者各负其责、不可逾越,如此方能有效地维护政治秩序。他对废立君主的行为抨击有力,并不惜借批评伊尹、周公、霍光等圣贤名臣来强化这一批评。显然,葛洪如此看重君臣关系的措置有其现实背景的刺激,是与魏晋之际篡弑严重的社会历史实际相联系的。同样,葛洪也异常看重刑法的作用,强调严刑重法,认为刑法从积极作用上可以惩奸除恶,从消极作用上可以预防犯罪的发生,他也指出了人君赏罚不当的恶果,强调了执法者的素质。葛洪在选举上提出了许多有价值的意见。他指出,汉晋之际选举弊端丛生,主要表现在名实不符、徇私舞弊、大族垄断三个方面,为了矫正这一不良状况,葛洪建议应该扩大察举策试的广度、加大惩治选举不法行为的力度、注重基层吏治建设与人才选拔来改善选举的弄虚作假情形。葛洪对选举的设想颇与以后的科举制度相契合。在仁明思想上葛洪主张明先仁后、舍仁用明,这种思想与儒家大异其趣,实受魏晋之际才性论以及社会现实的影响甚深,也是魏晋之际知识发展水平的一种体现。《抱朴子外篇》的社会思想均是针对魏晋之际的社会、风教、礼俗有感而发,对其时的社会状况多有批评,并多愤激之辞。葛洪批评了放达之风、婚丧无礼、酗酒无度等等诸种恣意妄为、不遵礼法的行为,认为这些行为败坏了社会风气,消弱了政治统治力,十分有害而危险。通过这些批评,葛洪希望社会能够做到遵礼守法、节制私情、稳定有序。通过葛洪的论述,我们也能了解魏晋之际个人与社会、礼法与情感、名教与自然等冲撞与协调的历史面貌。第四章主要探讨了《抱朴子外篇》的士人精神、学术思想以及历史人物评价问题。葛洪的人生观表现出很大的内倾趋势,即对外物的追求欲望极少,甚至不屑一顾,而对内心的自我调试、自我满足非常在意,有一种高扬精神的气度。重内轻外、抱朴自守是其表现。这种思想倾向的进一步发展,就是轻物重生,非常看重个体生命的如何安顿,不为外物的掠取而损害生命。葛洪强调士人气节对于士人人格的重要作用,那就是不能屈服权力与富贵,而要以学识与道德为修养、为富贵,从而力图超越传统的富贵观点,重塑士人人格。葛洪议政救世、不计成败的政治态度,也为士人的批判性人格与独立性人格树立了榜样。葛洪的学术思想主要包括历史观、文章观、礼制观等。葛洪的历史观认为历史是发展变化的,同时认为当代历史并不比古代历史差。葛洪的礼制思想主要包括两个方面,一方面他指出礼制在社会政治中的重要作用,阐明礼制之必要及不可缺乏;另外一方面,他又指出对待礼制不能采取信守不变的方针,主张礼制应该切于实用,所以提倡删礼省烦,删减礼制中繁冗浮杂之处,并分门别类排列以便于指导现实。葛洪提出前者是为了反对两晋之际不遵礼法、群趋放诞的社会风气;提出后者主要是反对礼学家的繁琐之弊,使礼制切实可行。葛洪的文章观主张文行并重、尊崇子书、注重实用、今不弱古。葛洪在历史人物评价上,表现出与常人不一样的眼光,他视伊、周为乱臣贼子,视吕尚为无仁屠夫,葛洪之所以如此评论,前者是为了维护君臣关系,后者是为了替隐士辩护。因此不难看出,葛洪的历史人物评价往往是为了以古刺今,有其现实的考虑在内。第五章主要探讨了《抱朴子外篇》与《抱朴子内篇》的关系。葛洪著《抱朴子》内、外篇,两书基本完成于东晋初年,时当葛洪三十五、六岁左右,代表了葛洪成熟的思想。葛洪同时著有《抱朴子》内、外篇,这绝不是简单的篇目划分,也并非是思想的断裂,而实是葛洪思想一致的贯穿。葛洪在道本儒末的思想基础上,打通儒、道、墨、法诸家,采取批判继承的态度,创立了自身的思想体系。葛洪是通过处理儒家与道家、治身与治国、出世与入世的关系上具体地表现了其以《内》统《外》的思想。所以,《抱朴子》一书分内、外篇,以《内》统《外》、两者贯通,是葛洪思想浑然一体的表现,这一思想样态的出现与魏晋之际的时代思潮以及葛洪道教理论学者的身份息息相关。只有视《抱朴子》内、外篇为一整体,才能更全面、更具体、更准确地理解葛洪的思想,也才能更好地把握葛洪思想在当时的时代意义。

【Abstract】 Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi was Ge Hong’s representive one of his works. It provided the fresh and live sample about thought conditions in Wei and Jin Dynasties. This work kept the precious data for studying scholarship vogue of JiangNan.The full text was divided into totally five chapters. One by one in order studying the family background of Ge Hong, the text of Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi, the thoughts of Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi and the relation of the ages current of thought.The first chapter studied the family background of Ge Hong. Ge Hong household was LiangGuo NingLing. The last year of West-Han Dynasty and the early year of Dong-Han dynasty, they moved to Lang Ya under the pressure of Wang Mang. Again afterwards, they moved to JuRong in the early year of Dong-Han dynasty. Gradually, the household transited from force family to culture family. The chapter proceeded to further tidy up the seniority of Ge Hong. The chapter affirmed that Ge Hong lived 81 years old passe by to analyze the related data.The second chapter studied the test of Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi. Ge Hong composed the book there was three purposes. One, acquired the immortal fame; Two, express realistic concerning; Three, manifested liking literature. The book cost very long time. It included primarily fermented, drafted, completed, repaired and revised five stages. After completed, Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi caused big influence at that time. But its incomplete circumstance was large quantity exists. These appeared primarily at moment Liang-Sui Dynasties and Tang-Song Dynasties. Six Dynasties text had handwritten 50 volumes. Song Dynasty text had various editions, such as 10 volumes , 20 volumes , 30 volumes , 50 volumes. Ming Dynasty text had 4 volumes and 50 volumes. Qing Dynasty text main spread with 4 volumes and 50 volumes. Its edition was all very considerable in spite of from a quantity still a quantity.The third chapter studied the politics thoughts and the society thoughts of Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi. The politics thoughts of the Ge Hong contain very strong Legalist meaning. He emphasized relations the king and his ministers. He thought the relations can’t exceed. Then can support the political order availably like these. This kind of standpoint there was the incitement of its realistic background. Ge Hong also thought greatly of the function of the law unusually. From the positive effect, the law punished the bad persons. From the negative effect, the law can prevent the occurrence of the crime. He pointed out that election irregularity was many. His suggestions were that extended wide degree of "ChaJu" test, punished the illegal actions and valued officialdom selection of places. He criticized social values of corrupting. He hoped society can attain obeying the rite and the law, forbearing the personal feeling and maintaining stability.The forth chapter studied the intellectual spirit, scholarship thought and the evaluation history person. Ge Hong thought the intellectual should safeguard the inner spirit. He insisted that the body excel the material. He emphasized that the intellectual’s moral integrity was very important. These set up the model for the intellectual in independent personality and judgment personality. He thought history was developing and variety. The rite thought of the Ge Hong included two aspects primarily. On the other hand, he pointed out the rite had important function in social political of. Another on the other hand, he thought the rite should match the actuality. His article view asserted that the literature and virtue had similar value, respect the Zi-book, make a point of practical and today not weak before.The fifth chapter studied the relation Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi and Inner Chapter of BaoPuZi. Ge Hong wrote the two works at the same time. This was a express of consistent through of Ge Hong. He mastered various thoughts established at the foundation of Tao was initial and Confucius was end. He established the systems of thought oneself through this kind of method. Its emergence of this kind of thought was vitally related to ages thought. Of course, it was related to Ge Hong oneself as a Taoism theory scholar. Only united Outer Chapter of BaoPuZi and Inner Chapter of BaoPuZi as one, then we can specific, accurately and completely to comprehended the thought of Ge Hong.

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