

Interest Games in the Process of China’s Public Policy Implementation

【作者】 谢炜

【导师】 蒋云根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 公共政策作为一个动态的过程,包括制定、执行、评估、终结等若干逻辑阶段,其中政策执行是实践政府公共管理活动的中心环节。利益博弈是研究公共政策问题极为重要的视角之一。公共政策既是一定利益的确认形式,也是利益的调整工具和分配方案,公共政策所体现意志的背后乃是各种利益的调和,而且相关群体从事政策执行活动的动力也与利益密切关联。考量和整合诸多利益关系是研究中国公共政策执行过程需要解决的基本问题之一。中国公共政策执行过程涉及复杂的利益关系——执行主体(各级政府和部门)、各种类型的政策目标群体、大众传媒、公众等均参与到政策执行过程中,为实现自身利益最大化而与其他局中人展开竞争或合作。如果不了解利益与政策文本、利益与政策执行行为、利益群体与利益群体之间的关系,我们就无法深刻理解政策执行的内在机理,不进行利益博弈分析,我们将很难找出政策执行偏差发生的症结及对策。论文以中国公共政策执行过程中多个层面的利益博弈关系为分析对象,共分成六个章节。第一章在界定基本概念的基础上确立了整篇论文的立论依据。“假设”是理论演绎和科学论证的前提,任何遵循规范、科学的认知程度的理论体系都必须有明确的假设或假设体系,公共政策执行过程中的资源相对稀缺假设和“经济人”假设是论文适用的两项基本假设;范式指与研究相关的定律、世界观、范例、模型、方法、手段、标准、应用等,论文所采用的研究范式主要包括制度分析、成本一收益分析和博弈模型;由一系列逻辑相关的假定所组成的理论,旨在解释一组客观存在的现象,公共选择理论和公共政策过程理论的相关内容贯穿整篇论文始终。第二章探讨了中国公共政策执行过程中执行主体之间的利益博弈关系。中国公共政策的执行主体,主要指各级政府机构,既包括国务院各部委、各直属机构、办事机构等中央级行政机构,也包括省、地、县、乡等地方行政机构。论文重点对中央政府与地方政府利益博弈、政府部门间利益博弈、地方政府间利益博弈的表现进行了分析。第三章论及公共政策执行过程中与执行主体人格化角色密切关联的那部分内容,指出行政人利益扩张的客观性与行政人利益博弈的可能性,并分析了上下级行政人利益博弈、同级行政人利益博弈的表现。第四章以公共政策执行过程中政府与目标群体间的利益博弈关系为研究对象。在中国,公共政策直接作用的对象一般可分为微观经济主体、事业单位、非营利组织以及特定的公众等。第五章分析了中国公共政策执行过程中政府与大众传媒、大众传媒与公共舆论、公共舆论与政府行为之间的关系。第六章在强调整合多元利益关系是保证公共政策执行契合政策目标的必要手段的基础上,就如何实现利益关系和谐均衡提出了具体的对策。

【Abstract】 As a dynamic process, public policy includes many steps such as establishment, implementation, evaluation and expiry. Public policy implementation is the core step to realize governmental administration.For public policy research, interest game is an important visual angle. Public policy, which represents consonance of all kinds of interests, not only notarizes interests, but also rectifies and distributes interests. What’s more, the motive to implement public policy is connected with interest tightly.How to consider and how to conform various interests are the basic issues in the research field of China’s public policy implementation that relates to complicated relationships. The principal implementation parts including governments and departments, object groups, media, and the public are all involved in the public policy process. They compete or cooperate with each other for their own interests. If we know nothing about the relationship between interests and public policy text, relationship between interests and implementation activities, relationship between concerning groups, it is for sure that we cannot understand the laws of implementation process, the sticking point and the countermeasures of implementation deficit.The dissertation based on the manifold interests’ game in the process of China’s public policy implementation includes six chapters.The first chapter establishes the gist of the whole dissertation. Assumption is the premise for deduction and demonstration. Any theory system following criterion and scientific knowledge should have specific assumption. Assumption of Resource Scarcity of public policy and assumption of Economic Man exist in this paper. Paradigm means law, Weltanschauung, example, model, measure, instrument, standard, and application. Here we use institutional analysis, cost-income analysis and game analysis. Theory composed by a series of logical assumptions is to explain extension phenomena. The theory of public choice and theory of public policy process run through the whole paper.The second chapter discusses the interest game between the principal implementation parts, which consist of state department, subordinate agencies, and local governments in the process of China’s public policy implementation. This part analyzes the details of governmental interest game.The third chapter concentrates on the content anthropomorphizing the principal implementation parts in the process of China’s public policy implementation and points out the objectivity and feasibility of outstretched interests. The author works over the interest game between public servants.The fourth chapter studies the interest game between government and object groups that include microeconomic organizations, project departments, nonprofit sector and given public.The fifth chapter analyzes the relationship between government and media, relationship between media and public opinion, and relationship between public opinion and governments’ implementation.The sixth chapter stresses that conformity of multifarious interest relationship is necessity to assure public implementation tallying with public policy goal. There are also some idiographic countermeasures in this part.

【关键词】 公共政策执行过程利益博弈
【Key words】 Public policyImplementationProcessInterest games
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】68
  • 【下载频次】8901

