

The Contrastive Study on Teaching Methodology Systems between Chinese and English as Second Languages

【作者】 陶健敏

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 当前普遍认为,对外汉语教学在引进西方教学和学习理论的同时,需要深入探讨汉语本质特点和教学规律,力求在汉语教学理论和学习理论方面,建构自己的理论框架和模式。这是对外汉语教学的努力方向,也说明了教学研究现状的不足。在过去的一百年间,第二语言教学理论的核心是教学法理论的发展。对最佳教学方法的追求成为了第二语言教学理论发展的动力。因此,我们认为,在这宏观的目标下面也包含着具体的要求,可以归结为两个基本方面:一是对外汉语教学长期以来形成了唯西方二语教学法理论马首是瞻的被动发展局面,因此需要在理论建构上正确处理西方二语教学法理论和对外汉语教学法理论之间的关系。二是正确认识对外汉语教学中汉语的本质特点及其教学规律。我们主张将这两个问题以“教学法体系”为平台加以整合,将洪堡特的语言对比思想延伸到汉英语作为第二语言的教学法体系对比中,从历时和共时的两个维度着重探讨它们在语言教学理论建构上的特点,特别是在关涉诸多教学要素的教学法原则以及教学过程安排中所表现出的独特之处。通过对比,我们可以发现对外汉语教学法体系建构中的理论创新动力不足、语言本位观的错位和教学方法扭曲等问题归根结底是在借鉴吸收西方二语教学理论的同时,对历时教学传统缺乏批判性地借鉴和继承。因此,我们建设性地主张,借鉴“后方法时代”教学理论,构建一个以教师自主教学为原则的对外汉语教学法体系,这为建构符合汉语特点和汉语教学与学习规律的理论框架模式提供了一种可能。本论文共分七章。第一章“绪论”如何在引进西方教学理论和学习理论的同时,更多地关注汉语教学本体的独特性,是当前对外汉语教学理论发展的一大趋势。我们从中析出两条主线:即如何正确评判对外汉语教学已有的理论建构,以及如何认识汉语教学中的本体特性。我们提出应辩证认识西方第二语言教学法理论的影响,并简略分析了对外汉语教学本体理论构建的前期探索。提出解决上述两个基本课题,应借助语言世界观的哲学思想,在汉英语作为第二语言的教学法体系对比框架中,发掘并整理符合汉语自身特点的对外汉语教学思想和手段。并为之划定了对比的范围、提出了研究的方法,也探讨了本研究可能具备的意义。第二章教学法体系:教学理论实践化、教学实践理论化这一章是教学法体系研究的文献综述。针对中西方教学法理论中术语混淆以及译语不对称等问题,在教学法体系构建中加以辨析。提出以“教学法原则”为核心的“教学法体系”概念,分析评价中外第二语言教学理论所作的相关研究。以此为基础,提出教学法体系的立体建构模式,向内分析教学法原则的核心作用及其内在建构,向外探讨教学法体系如何衔接第二语言教学学科的其他层面,论证教学法体系所具有的教学理论实践化、教学实践理论化的特性。第三章教学法体系对比研究的哲学基础和对比构建这一章主要探讨语言观的概念及其哲学基础,提出语言观影响第二语言教学法原则的途径:语言观影响教学法原则中基本语言教学内容和教学目标的确定;进而决定教学组织,影响语言教学方法择选。特别是通过对比几种典型的语言观,强调语言世界观是对语言本质的最真切的反映,而且突出它对于教学法体系对比的意义:首先,语言世界观为对比研究提供了哲学基础,为第二语言教学研究提供了独特的对比视角;同时,以汉语为例,语言世界观可以重释第二语言教学的语言本体特点。语言世界观强调语言特点背后的民族思维、民族文化特性,能够真实体现目的语的特点和内容,进而完善第二语言教学的目标。第四章“前教学法体系阶段”对比这一章首先回顾汉英语对外教学的历史起源,以及特定的历史背景,概述两者的宏观教学性质。在构拟的“教学法体系”中,从语言观到“教学方法设计”中的“教学法原则”和“教学方法过程”,进行了详细的分层对比,从而总结出历史上汉英语对外教学各自具有的鲜明特点和不同性质。在本章中,我们还通过专题研究,重点分析了元末明初的对外汉语教材《老乞大》所隐含的先进教学思想和方法。第五章“教学法体系阶段”对比在本章中,基于基础教学理论的共性,我们认为汉英语的二语教学均先后建构了“结构主义”教学法体系和“功能主义”教学法体系,但是两者在体系外在模式构成和内部的历时建构上均呈现出诸多不同,我们也在教学法体系框架中,从语言观到“教学方法设计”中的“教学法原则”和“教学方法过程”,进行详细的分层对比,重点突出标志理论建构的不同体系“教学法原则”的差异。第六章基于教学法体系的教学理论建构和教学本体再思考本章基于上文对比结果,从具体的教学法原则形成及教学理论建构轨迹两方面总结两种语言教学理论建构的基本特征,并试图从中西民族传统思维的深度诠释两者间的差异和独特性。本章还针对以“结构”为主的对外汉语教学语法系统,作了分析和反思,提出“字本位”理论与应用既有助于反映对外汉语教学中的语言本体的真实特点,也有助于对外汉语教学理论建构的古今传承。本章认为,在某种意义上,这些问题的出现可归结为对外汉语教学法体系理论建构中所存在的历史传承危机。代结语:“后方法时代”语言教学观与对外汉语教学法体系构建本章分析了以Kumaravadivelu为代表所提出的“后方法时代”语言教学观,它通过反思传统方法,倡导对教师自主性和创造性的回归,主张构建一个“由下至上”,适应具体教学情景的教学实践者自身的教学理论体系。以此为理论基础,我们结合“方法时代”对外汉语教学法体系构建及其存在的问题,主张超越传统教学法体系的视阈,构建一个以教师自主教学为原则的、富有个性化的对外汉语教学法体系,并初步构拟了相应的体系构建模式。

【Abstract】 It is widely acknowledged that the theoretical frame or model of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) should be based on the combination of both Western and Chinese teaching and learning theories, particularly with stress on the uniqueness of Chinese Language and its specified teaching methods. It indicates the direction for TCFL to develop in the days to come and its current imperfection. In the past century, the development of teaching method has become the kernel of the Second Language Teaching Theories. The macro-objective of TCFL is believed to embrace two basic requirements: first, we need to reconsider the rational relationship between the Western Language Teaching Method Theories and the TCFL’s, since TCFL has long been passively affected by the Western’s in the theory development. Second, we need to probe into the uniqueness of Chinese language in TCFL and its relevant teaching methods.This dissertation initiates the reconstruction of language Teaching Methodology System (TMS) as a platform on which both requirements could be integrated for study. We suggest the contrast measure contained in Humboldt’s Language’s World Outlook be extended to the contrastive study of language Teaching Methodology Systems of both Chinese and English as second languages. The study should be carried out both diachronically and synchronically to discuss the characteristics in the construction of both Chinese and English language teaching theories, especially, the uniqueness demonstrated in the construction of language Teaching Methodology Principle (TMP) and Teaching Procedure concerning the arrangement of many key teaching factors. By means of the detailed contrastive study, we conclude that the ignorance or the lack of critical reference and inheritance of the unique language teaching traditions could be the source of those problems obsessing TCFL, such as the backwardness in TCFL’s theory, faulty view on Chinese language basic structural unit and distortion of TCFL’s teaching methods. Finally, based on the "Post-method Era" theory, this study constructively suggests a reconstructed TCFL’s teaching methodology system with Teacher Autonomy as its essential principle, which is believed to provide one possibility to construct a theoretic model genuinely reflects Chinese language uniqueness and its relevant teaching and learning rules.This dissertation consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1: IntroductionIt is a general tendency of TCFL in theory development how to focus on the uniqueness of Chinese language while importing the Western teaching and learning theories. From which we draw up two considerations: how to correctly common on TCFL’s existed theoretical frame and how to understand the uniqueness of Chinese language in TCFL. We suggest that it be important to dialectically judge the impact of the Western second language teaching theories and also review the prophase studies on the Chinese language uniqueness in TCFL. These two basic topics should be based on the Language’s World Outlook in the frame of contrasting TMSs of both Chinese and English as second languages. This chapter sets an objective to sum up the teaching thoughts and methods in conformity with Chinese language uniqueness in TCFL. It initiates the scopes and research approaches for the contrast and discusses its possible significance.Chapter 2: Teaching Methodology System: Practicing the Teaching Theory and Theorizing the Teaching PracticeThis chapter is on the research review of TMS. In TMS’s theoretical construction, this chapter mainly differentiates some basic concepts concerning language teaching method and emphasizing the TMS concept with the TMP as its core. Based on which, this chapter initiates a cubic construction model of TMS, inwardly focusing on the key functions and construction of the concept of TMP and outwardly discussing the status of TMS in the discipline of Second Language Teaching. It demonstrates the special feature of TMS to practice the teaching theories and theorize the teaching practice.Chapter 3: The Philosophy Foundation for Contrast and Construction of the Teaching Methodology System in Second Language TeachingThis chapter is mainly about the concept of Language Outlook and its philosophical foundation, proposing two approaches by which the Language Outlook affects the TMP: the Language Outlook determines the formation of basic language teaching content and objective, further manipulating the teaching procedures and selection of language teaching methods. Taking some typical Language Outlooks for comparison, this chapter states that the Language’s World Outlook is the most genuine expression of the language nature, and spotlights its significances to the TMS: first, the Language’s World Outlook makes a philosophical foundation for the contrastive study and provides a unique approach of contrast for the second language teaching research. Second, taking Chinese Language for example, the Language’s World Outlook may reexplain the language nature in the second language teaching. This Outlook stresses the traditional thoughts and cultural characteristics of the specified nations behind language, and may reflects the traits and content of the target language, thus it may upgrade the objectives in the second language teaching.Chapter 4: The Contrast Study on the Teaching Methodology Systems of both Chinese and English as Second Languages in the Preceding TMS PhaseThis chapter mainly retrospects on the origins and the specified historical backgrounds of teaching both Chinese and English as second languages, briefly summing up their macro teaching characters. In the falsely framed TMS at this stage, this chapter makes detailed hierarchical contrasts between the two from the Language Outlook to the Teaching Methodology Principles and the Teaching Procedures on the level of Teaching Methodology Design. Accordingly, it concludes distinctive features and traits of teaching both Chinese and English as second languages in the history. This chapter also makes a case study on the advanced teaching thoughts and methods implied in Lao Qida, a typical textbook of teaching Chinese overseas popular in the Korean Peninsula during the transitional period from Yuan Dynasty to Ming Dynasty.Chapter 5: The Contrast Study on the Teaching Methodology Systems of both Chinese and English as Second Languages in the TMS PhaseThe teaching of both Chinese and English as second languages is diachronically divided into two phases of TMS, separately the one based on "Structuralism" and the one on "Functionalism". There exist many differences between the two in both external and inner structures of the system. This chapter synchronically makes detailed hierarchical contrasts between the two language teachings from the Language Outlook to the Teaching Methodology Principles and the Teaching Procedures on the level of Teaching Methodology Design. It mainly highlights the differences of the TMPs which symbolize the theoretical construction of different systems.Chapter 6: Reflection on the Theoretical Construction and Language Nature in Teaching based on the Teaching Methodology SystemBased on the discoveries from the above contrasts, this chapter summarizes typical features in the theoretical construction of the two language teachings from detailed formation of TMP and general development of teaching theory, and tries to explain the uniqueness and difference between the two by analyzing both Chinese and Western traditional thoughts. This chapter also studies TCFL’s teaching grammar based on the "structuralism", and argues that the theory of "Zi" as the basic structural unit well reflects the Chinese language nature in the application, and helps TCFL’s theoretical inheritance from the past up to now. This chapter concludes that to an extent, the confusions in TCFL’s teaching theories and language natures could be ascribed to the crisis of historical inheritance.Chapter 7: "Post-method Era" Language Teaching and the Construction of TCFL’S Teaching Methodology SystemThis chapter analyzes "The Post-method Era" language teaching theory of Kumaravadivelu’s which critically negates the limitedness of traditional concept of teaching method, and advocates constructing a new "down-up" teaching methodology system geared to the real teaching situation, with stress on teacher autonomy. Based on it, this chapter, comments on the current construction and relevant imperfection of TCFL’s teaching methodology system, proposing a flexible paradigm of methodology system with teacher autonomy principle highlighted.

  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】7483

