

Research on Chinese University Students’ Physical Activity with Trans-theoretical Model

【作者】 尹博

【导师】 季浏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 跨理论模型(The Trans-Theoretical Model,简称TTM)作为综合性的心理研究模型,近年来在健康行为领域极为成功,这个模型已经被用于为数众多的健康行为改变研究,被引证为过去10年里最重要的理论健康促进发展模式之一。随着在锻炼心理学领域的逐步应用,跨理论模型再次成为研究者关注的焦点,受到了人们的重视。近年来我国部分研究者也对于这一理论模型陆续进行了简要的介绍,但目前尚缺乏对该理论模型的系统阐释,以及对该理论模型进一步的验证、修订和实证研究等深入的研究。在体育锻炼应用研究领域,随着我国大学生体质状况的持续下降,大学生群体的体育锻炼行为改变和行为习惯的养成教育越来越被国家和政府主管部门所重视。2002年我国出台了《学生体质健康标准》并在部分学校试行,2003年在50%的中小学和所有高校实施,2004年在全国各级各类学校全面实施;2006年12月23日全国学校体育工作会议召开,国务委员陈至立、教育部部长周济发表了重要讲话,启动“全国亿万学生阳光体育运动”,提出用三年时间使全体学生都要做到每天锻炼一小时,至少掌握两项日常锻炼的运动技能,形成良好的体育锻炼习惯,体质健康水平得到明显提高。2007年初,国家教育部、国家体育总局颁布了《关于进一步加强体育工作,切实提高学生健康素质的意见》;2007年4月23日中共中央政治局召开会议,研究加强青少年体育工作和网络文化建设工作,中共中央总书记胡锦涛主持会议并强调,广大青少年身心健康、体魄强健、意志坚强、充满活力,是一个民族旺盛生命力的体现,是社会文明进步的标志。当前和今后一个时期,要认真落实健康第一的指导思想,建立健全学校体育工作的机制,充分保证学校体育课和学生体育活动,广泛开展群众性青少年体育活动和竞赛,加强体育卫生设施和师资队伍建设,全面完善学校、社区、家庭相结合的青少年体育工作网络,形成全社会珍视健康、重视体育的氛围,培养青少年良好的锻炼习惯和健康的生活方式,在广大青少年中形成热爱体育、崇尚运动、健康向上的良好风气。学校要把增强学生体质作为教育的基本目标之一,把健康素质作为评价学生全面发展的重要指标,全面实施《国家学生体质健康标准》,切实抓好青少年学生体育工作的落实。在此背景下,各级教育行政部门采取多种措施提高学生体育锻炼意识、能力和行为习惯,研究机构也加大了对大学生体育锻炼问题的研究力度。在此前提下,本研究以跨理论模型为理论基础,对如何有效地促进大学生体育锻炼行为改变进行初步的理论探索,在前人研究的基础上编制、修订《中国大学生体育锻炼行为改变量表》,并对该量表进行信效度检验,运用改良后的量表对全国大学生进行大样本的横向调查,并对北京地区部分高校大学生进行纵向干预实验研究,以期运用跨理论模型促进中国大学生的体育锻炼行为改变。本研究分为以下六个部分:第一部分文献综述主要介绍在体育锻炼研究中所涉及到的相关理论模型,包括:社会认知理论、健康信念理论、保护动机理论、合理行动和计划行为理论以及其他理论框架。在此基础上对跨理论模型的理论起源、概念和理论建构、测量以及研究现状进行详细的综述,并对国内外已有研究成果进行分析,形成研究定位。第二部分研究构思与方法在总结前人研究的成就与不足的基础上,提出跨理论模型的理论探讨中存在的可待进一步研究的问题,以及应用跨理论模型对大学生体育锻炼行为改变研究所面临的问题。对整个研究的缘起和研究目的进行阐述,提出本研究的研究假设。介绍本研究的整体构思和研究设计,并明确提出本研究所采用的研究方法。第三部分中国大学生体育锻炼行为的跨理论模型量表的编制、修订和检验在本研究中,以跨理论模型理论为研究背景,修订和参考国外已有的量表,对中国文化背景下的大学生体育锻炼行为改变进行调查,提出具有中国大学生特点的体育锻炼行为变化的跨理论模型,并修订和编制量表,然后根据量表标准化原则,通过项目分析、信度和效度检验等研究,完成中国大学生体育锻炼行为变化阶段、变化程序、自我效能和决策平衡等四个分量表的研制,最终形成《中国大学生体育锻炼行为改变量表》。经检验,四个分量表具有较好的结构效度和内部一致性,符合心理测量学的标准,能够为我国体育锻炼心理学对大学生体育锻炼行为变化的研究提供一个有效、可靠和具有可操作性的测量工具。第四部分基于大学生体育锻炼行为改变跨理论模型量表的全国性调查研究在运用跨理论模型对中国大学生体育锻炼行为的现有研究中,尚缺乏经过大样本的全国调查后对体育锻炼行为变化阶段的判定研究和精确的分析、解释。在大样本的全国调查后,本研究不仅要简单地区分变化阶段和变化程序,还要找到它们之间的对应关系,以及在不同阶段上区分变化程序的权重。因此,本研究主要采取随机抽样的方法,选取全国8大区、17个省市、40所高校的9050名在校大学生,一次性问卷发放、回收、数据录入和统计分析。在此基础上建立大样本的全国大学生体育锻炼行为标准化后的常模,为研究大学生体育锻炼行为提供可靠、有效、有价值的参考数据。第五部分应用跨理论模型理论对大学生体育锻炼行为的纵向干预实验研究本研究包括以下两个方面:(一)应用跨理论模型对大学生体育锻炼行为改变的主客观评价研究针对中国目前缺少在不同变化阶段上量化的心理变量与客观测量之间的对应关系研究的现状,采用客观可靠的Polar表,配合三日回忆和七日回忆的主观评估方法,对大学生能量消耗进行精确的主客观测量。考察这三种测量方式的差异,并建立以心理变量(自我效能和决策均衡)和主观测量(三日回忆和七日回忆法)去预测客观能耗(Polar表数值)的回归模型,揭示心理变量与身体活动量(能量消耗数据)之间的关系。(二)对大学生体育锻炼行为改变的纵向干预实验研究在没有跨理论模型直接干预大学生体育锻炼行为的研究背景下,首次采用跨理论模型和自然以及运动处方的干预比较,可以得到支持跨理论模型干预效果的直接证据。在理论和实践上,都有助于解决如何有效干预大学生(甚至扩展到其它人群)体育锻炼行为的问题。在理论实践上,通过变化阶段与变化程序的对应关系,根据这些变化程序的影响因素(维度)设计相应的干预手段,对不同阶段的研究对象制定不同的心理干预措施。并针对某一阶段最敏感的问题和因素,采用最小的心理教育投入,力求取得最大干预效果,达到促使研究对象在最短时间内向更高级的体育锻炼行为阶段转化的目的。第六部分研究的总讨论与总结论在本部分中,通过对本研究的整个研究结果进行整体性的分析讨论,最终得到本研究的如下总体结论:(一)大学生体育锻炼行为改变的变化阶段、变化程序、自我效能和决策平衡量表都是根据跨理论模型的理论构建,为研究中国大学生体育锻炼行为的变化阶段、变化程序、自我效能和决策平衡提供了可操作性的工具。经检验,四个量表均具有良好的结构效度和内部一致性,符合心理测量学的标准。(二)根据《中国大学生体育锻炼行为变化量表》得到了全国大学生体育锻炼行为变化的标准常模;各个量表内部、量表间均具有显著的相关;量表结构清晰,维度间具有较好的结构;变化程序作为一个中间变量直接对应变化阶段,并使自我效能和决策均衡这两个心理变量与变化阶段高度相关。(三)各个变化阶段上的大学生体育锻炼人数呈现出倒U形的趋势,并且这种趋势在不同的地区、性别、年级等方面都具有稳定性。采用大学生体育锻炼行为变化阶段(连续性测量)量表的得分对被试所处变化阶段的判定是有效的。(四)在各量表得分上存在显著的地区、性别、年级和锻炼时间上的差异;不同变化阶段上的被试在心理变量(自我效能和决策平衡)得分上存在显著差异。(五)被试在不同变化阶段上明显起作用的变化程序不同;与前人研究有一定的差异,显示了中国大学生体育锻炼行为改变的特性;并且可以根据这些不同的体育锻炼行为变化程序来进行行为干预。(六) Polar表、三日回忆和七日回忆法三种测量指标两两之间均具有显著的相关;但是无论是哪个行为变化阶段,三日回忆法所测得的能耗均高于Polar表所测得的客观能耗;七日回忆法所测得的能耗均低于Polar表所测得的客观能耗;在Polar表的客观能耗和三日、七日回忆法的主观能耗上具有显著的变化阶段差异,不同干预模式也有显著差异。(七)心理变量(自我效能和决策均衡)和主客观测量(Polar表、三日回忆和七日回忆法)具有显著的相关。心理变量(自我效能、决策均衡)和主观能耗测量(三日回忆法和七日回忆法)都能够显著预测Polar表所测得的客观能耗;(八)不同的干预方式对被试心理变量(自我效能和决策均衡)的改变是不同的;自然组最小,运动处方组在行动阶段和维持阶段变化明显,跨理论模型组在各个变化阶段都有显著的效应。不同的干预方式对被试变化阶段的提升是不同的;自然组最小,运动处方组在行动阶段和维持阶段较为明显,跨理论模型组在各个变化阶段都有显著的提升效应。跨理论模型作为我国体育锻炼心理学领域的新兴研究热点,对大学生体育锻炼行为改变具有明显的促进作用,对解决我国大学生体质下降的状况具有直接的实践价值。本研究在后续研究中提出需要加强以下几个方面研究:1、进行跨理论模型的本土化探索,验证不同文化背景下该理论模型的适用性;2、用变化阶段理论认识大学生体育锻炼行为,并对变化程序和变化阶段的相关性进行多次实验验证研究;3、加强基于跨理论模型的干预措施研究;4、把大学生体育锻炼行为改变的促进与素质教育相结合,提高大学生对体育锻炼的认知和操作能力。

【Abstract】 Being a comprehensive psychological research model, the Trans-theoretical model (TTM) was extremely successful in the healthy behavior domain in recent years. It has been already used in multiple healthy behavior change researches, and is referred to as one of the most important theories healthy promotion development patterns in the past ten years. Along with the application of the trans-theoretical model in the exercise psychological domain, it becomes the focus again and obtains the researchers’ attention. In recent years some researchers in our country have briefly introduced this model, but the systemic introduction was still needed, and further researches should be done to test, modify and establish the model in the physical activity application research domain, along with the decrease of university students’ physique condition in our country, the change of university students community’s physical activity and the education of forming the behavior habit have received more and more emphasize from responsible government department."Student Physique Healthy Standard" was issued in 2002, which was implemented trially in partial school in the same year, and implemented in fifty percent of primary and middle school and the whole universities in China in 2003, in the different levels of school in the whole country in 2004. The national school sports workshop conference was held in 23th December, 2006. Chen Zhili, State Council member, and Zhou Ji, minister of Ministry of Education, gave important speeches respectively, starting "the national hundred million students sunlight sports" campaign, proposing that in the future three years all the students should be encouraged to do exercise one hour a day, master at least two routine exercise items of physical skill, develop good physical exercise habit and their physique health condition is substantially improved."The Ministry of Education, the National Sports Bureau about Further Strengthens Sports Work, Practically Improves Student Healthy Quality Opinion" is promulgated in 2007. All levels of educational administration departments take many kinds of measures to raise the physical activity consciousness, the ability and the behavior habit in university students. The development facility launches many and intense researches on university students’ physical activity.Under this premise, on the basis of trans-theoretical model theory, this article makes a preliminary explore on how to effectively promote the change in university students’ physical activity, and edits and revises "Chinese university students’ Physical activity Change scale" on the summary of previous studies, and test the reliability and validity of this scale. Modified scale is used to make a massive sample transverse investigation on national university students. The longitudinal intervention experimental study is done on university students in Beijing area to promote the Chinese university student’s physical activity change with the trans-theoretical model.This research is divided into six parts as following:Part I LiteratureThe literature makes the brief introduction of the related theoretical models which involve in the physical activity research, including: social cognition theory, healthy faith theory, protection motive theory, reasonable motion and plan behavior theory, and other theory frames. On the basis of this, the detailed description of the origins, the concepts, the theory constructions and measurements in trans-theoretical model as well as current research condition is made, and develops study localization by means of analyzing the domestic or foreign research achievements.Part II Research conceive and methodsResearch questions need to be answered in the trans-theoretical model theory are proposed in this part on the basis of summary of success and deficiency in previous studies, as well as the questions facing the appliance of using the trans-theoretical model to study the university students’ physical training behavior change. The aim, the original conceive and research designs are addressed in this part. The research hypothesis is established and research method is made clear as well.Part III Establishment, revision and examination of Chinese university students’ physical activity trans-theoretical model scale.In this part of research, the change of Chinese university students’ physical training behavior is investigated in the Chinese culture background, trans-theoretical model featured Chinese university students’ physical training behavior change is proposed. The scale is modified and edited and four scales of Chinese university students physical exercise behavior are established which are stage of change, process of change, self-efficiency and decision balance, according to standard principle of the test scale, and tested their reliability and validity by means of t-test and path analysis. In the end, "Chinese University student Physical training Behavior Change Scale" is developed. The four scales have good constructive validity and inner reliability according to statistics analysis, and fall in the psychological measurement standard, and can provide an effective, credible and operative tool for Chinese physical exercise psychology on study physical exercise behavior change of the university students.Part IV Nationwide investigation based on the university students’ physical exercise behavior change according to Trans-theoretical model scaleAmong the current studies on the Chinese university students’ physical exercise behavior with the trans-theoretical model, there are not accurate analysis and explanation on Chinese physical exercise behavior change stage determination based on massive sample nationwide investigation. In this research, after nationwide massive sample investigation, the change stages and change program are determined; the interrelationship between them and the importance of the process of change in different stages are found. In this part, the random sampling method is used to select 9050 university students in eighty universities from eight districts involved seventeen provinces. Questionnaires are put out and callback, data are recorded and statistics is done. On the basis of the results, the standard model of massive sample of Chinese university students physical exercise behavior is established.Part V Longitudinally intervention experimental study on universitystudents’ physical exercise behavior using trans-theoretical model theoryThis part includes following two part of research:1 Subjective and objective evaluation research on the university student physical exercise behavior change using the trans-theoretical modelObjective and reliable Polar measurement is used cooperation with three-day and seven-day recall subjective method to measure the energy consumption of university students subjectively and objectively. The difference among the three measurement methods is observed and the regression model is established which can predict energy consumption objectively by psychological variation (self-efficiency and decision balance) and subjective measurement (methods of three-day and seven-day recall). The interrelationship between psychological variation and physical exercise (energy consumption) is revealed.2 Longitudinal intervention experimental study on university students’ physical training behavior changeTrans-theoretical model and natural, exercise prescription intervention comparison are used for the first time, and the direct evidence supporting trans-theoretical model intervention effect is obtained which would help to solve the question on how to effectively intervene the university students’ physical exercise behavior both practically and theoretically. The intervention is designed according to affect factors of the change program and the interrelationship between change stage and change program. The minimum psychological input is given pointed to the most sensitive question and factor in a stage in order to prompt the study object to turn to the more advance stage of physical exercise behavior.Part VI Total discussion and conclusion(1) The university students’ physical training behavior change which includes the stage of change, process of change, self- efficiency and decision balance scale is established according to the trans-theoretical model theory construction and provide a reliable and valid tool for studying Chinese university students’ physical exercise behavior change. By the statistics test, the four scales have good construction validity and inner reliability that fall in to the standard of psychological measurement.(2) The national university student physical training behavior change standard model is established according to "Chinese University Student Physical training Behavior Change scale". There is significant correlation in the inner of each scale and among separate scales. The construction of the scale is clear. There are good constructions among the influence factors. Being a middle variation directly corresponding to the stage of change, the process of change makes two psychological variables (self-efficiency and decision balance) and the stage of change have highly correlation.(3) The university students’ physical exercise population in each change stage presents a reverse "U" shape tendency, and the tendency has the stability in the different area, gender and grade. It is effective using the university student physical training behavior change stage (continuous survey) scale scores to determine which stage one is on.(4) There are differences among different area, gender, grade and exercise time according to the separate scale scoring. There are significant differences in the objects that are in different stages by psychological variables (self-efficiency and decision balance). (5) There are different stage programs play main roles in different objects. And this result has some discrepancy with previous study, and the discrepancy may display the characteristic of Chinese university student’ physical exercise behavior change. These different physical exercise behavior change program can be used to intervene behavior.(6) There is significant correlation between the measurement variation of Polar, three-day recall and seven-day recall. And in each change stage, the energy consumption obtained from the three-day recall is higher than from Polar; the energy consumption obtained from the seven-day recall is lower than from Polar. There is a significant difference in the change stage where the energy consumption obtained from the three-day recall, seven-day recall and the Polar. And there is obvious difference among different intervention model.(7) There is a significant correlation between psychological variables (self-efficiency and decision balance) and subjective or objective measurement (Polar, three-day recall and seven-day recall). And the psychological variables and the subjective measurement (three-day recall and seven-day recall) can both predict the objective energy consumption obtained from the Polar.(8) Different intervention has different influence on the psychological variables in different objects: The influence is smallest in the natural group; in the exercise prescription group the influence is obvious in the action stage and the maintenance stage; in the trans-theoretical model group all stages have significant effects. The different intervention has different promotion to the objects’ change stages: In the natural group the promotion is smallest; in the exercise prescription group the promotion is obvious in the action stage and the maintenance stage; in the trans-theoretical model group all stages have promotion effects.Being the hot research recently in Chinese physical training psychology domain, the trans-theoretical model obviously promote Chinese university students’ physical exercise behavior change, and has the direct practice value to face the fact that university students’ physique decrease in our country. There are some aspects as followings at which we should continue to research in the future:1 Explore continuously the Chinese trans-theoretical model, and testify the application of the model in different culture background.2 Recognize the university students’ physical exercise behavior with change stage theory, and carry on experimental studies on the correlation between process of change and stage of change. 3 Strengthen the intervention research based on the trans-theoretical model. 4 Unify the promotion of university students’ physical training behavior change with the education for all-around development. Enhance the university students’ cognition and the operation ability to the physical training.


