

Knowledge, Transmission, Civilization

【作者】 李世宏

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 中国人有句俗话:“一日为师,终身为父”,尊师重教是中华民族的传统美德,更是一种绵延了几千年的淳美风俗。尊师风俗来说在一定程度上沟通人类社会生活,反映某一社区或某一群体间的认同的教育行为方式,并通过人作为载体而传播和传承。在教育活动中,尊师风俗其实是一种不成文的习惯法,尊师风俗能规范人们的思想、行为,能为教育活动提供一个公认的明辨是非的模式、尺度,是相对于法律、政令等硬控形式的软控制,具有巨大的约束力。论文力图通过对尊师风俗的研究来加深对中国教育的认识。首先,论文力图从尊师风俗的本身出发,探讨尊师风俗的变迁轨迹,考察尊师风俗的形成、发展和演变过程,从而勾画出我国尊师风俗的流变、特点。再次,论文将系统的分析尊师风俗与中国教育之间的互动关系,试图从尊师风俗的变迁轨迹考察中国教育的发展,同时考察尊师风俗对于我国教育活动的影响,从而加深我们对中国教育发展的理解。最后,通过对尊师风俗的研究,论述尊师风俗所具有的教化作用,从而为当前的我国教育事业全面、健康的发展提供一个借鉴作用。在研究方法上,坚持以马克思历史辨正唯物主义为指导,论文着重运用分析法、比较法、统计法、历史文献法、实地考察法以期全面的、历史的、客观的反映出中国古代尊师风俗的流变、与教育事业的互动关系,从而揭示出中国古代尊师风俗所具有的历史和现实意义。论文前六章主要论述中国古代尊师风俗的流变,分为中国尊师风俗的起源、春秋战国时代、两汉、魏晋、隋唐、两宋、元明清七个时代进行论述。论文第七章则对前六章进行总结,进一步深入分析,得出研究结论。论文的研究结果表明,尊师风俗所传递的教育信息是丰富的,反映的教育问题是深刻的。对当代教育的发展,尤其是教师群体更加具有现实意义。其一,尊师重教离不开政府的支持。其二,要改善教师的工作环境,提高教师的工作待遇,避免出现教师群体的分化。其三,要吸取中国古代尊师风俗流变过程中的经验教训,避免把教师当成是个人发展、谋利的“工具”。其四,中国古代尊师的本义就在于通过教师自身的“楷模化”形象获得他人的尊重。因此,我们说尊师重教,离不开教师自身综合素质的提高。

【Abstract】 As Chinese proverb says: "be a teacher for one day, be a father for all life ". Teacher’s being respected is the traditional Chinese virtues, and it is also a rustic and nice mores that being continued for thousands of years. The teacher’s being respected custom unites the social life of human beings, and reflects the educative manners which are identified by some communities and some groups, and it is transmitted and inherited by people. In educational activities, The teacher’s being respected custom is an unwritten law. it can rule one’s mind and manners, and it is a soft control which is compared with laws, government orders, etc. it has huge power of restriction, and can provide a pattern which is acknowledged by us for making a clear distinction between right and wrong for educative activities.The paper tries to study the teacher’s being respected custom in order that we can grow on the china’s education. In the first place, the paper embarks from the custom itself, probe into its vicissitudinous track, see about its process of forming, developing, and evolving. Thereby, it can draw the outline of evolvement and trait about the teacher’s being respected custom. In the next place, the paper will analyze the relationship among the inner of Chinese education systemically. And it also review the effect which the custom acts on our education activities.Then we can enhance the comprehension on China’s education development. Finally, with the study on the custom,the treatise of the civilized action which the custom brings, it can provide a use for reference for the progress of current edbiz.With the aspect of disquisitive method, the article stands by the historical dialectic and materialism, use analytical method, comparatively method, statistical method, historical literature method, autoptical method. Then it can reflect the evolvement of Chinese teacher’s being respected custom,the relationship with edbiz. Therefore, it will open out the historical and realistic meaning of the teacher’s being respected custom in Chinese ancient times.The anterior 7 chapters mainly discuss the evolvement of the teacher’s being respected custom in Chinese ancient times.It contains the origin of the teacher’s being respected custom,period Chunqiu-Zhanguo,LiangHan,WeiJin,SuiTang,YuanMingQing The 8th chapter sums up the former 7 chapters, and analyze more deeply, then educe the conclusion.The outcome indicates that the information which transmitted by the teacher’s being respected custom is abundant, and the educational problem being reflected is also profound. It has realistic meaning to the development about today’s education, especaily to the group of teachers. First, teacher’s being respected depends on the auspice that our government gives. Second,we shuold improve the teacher’s working conditions,increase the wage treatment, and avoid the polarization among the iner of teacher’s groups.Third,we should learn from the custom’s evolutive process,absorb its experience and learn its lesson.Then we can avoid the notion of regarding the teacher as himself(herself) development and figuring for benefit.Fourth,the original meaning of the custom lies in the respect which can be obtained through teacher’s himself paradigmatic figure.Thus ,the teacher’s being respected relies on the elevation of their own integrative diathesis.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【下载频次】811

