

Schooling Reform in Saint Lucia

【作者】 黄凯玫(Cadelia Lane Ambrose)

【导师】 范国睿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育原理, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 未来教育是一项颇具挑战性的工作,其需要通过富有敬业精神的教育工作者来完成。他们将协助学习者避免挫折,并成功地去把握机遇。——米勒(Millar,2000)当代社会中所反应出的文化、社会、经济和政治动态无不带有全球化的特点,这与以往传统的社会特征相比,有着很大的不同。具体表现为全球性的竞争、经济、政治、技术、环保和社会关系之间的相互依赖以及多元文化、多种族和多民族特点,这使得当代社会比以往更需要教育。这也就是说当代社会的公民需要具备较高的参政能力,并积极地参与到社会活动当中去,在应付各类问题和挑战时,都能够从容不迫,他们应该保持其个性和文化上的独立性,而不被全球化所同化。此外,一个国家发展程度的衡量标准在于其为公民所提供的物质和文化基础:换言之,国家的发展将依赖于其教育的发展水平(尤其是正式教育或学校教育)。具体是指可向国民所提供的知识和技能。因此,一个国家教育系统所应当承担的义务是培养颇具爱国心,但同时又关心天下事的国民,这样的国民具有较强的适应性,并可以很好的应对当代社会发展的需要。这意味着教育体制需要进行深入的改革来适应那些社会需求。本论文首先将集中阐述学校教育对于解决圣卢西亚社会中所存在的某些问题所发挥的作用,随后将谈到为解决社会文化方面所存在的问题,教育部所采取的一些相关措施和随之所产生的影响。为此,从某种程度上,通过对圣卢西亚社会问题的剖析,可以得出教育对社会所起到的贡献和作用。本研究表明:有必要对教育机构进行改革,以增强其在培训、技能、职责和资源方面的活力,从而得以应对来自社会的挑战,并可以满足学龄儿童对义务教育的需要。在相关的教育体制改革中,必须要制定有效的政策,从而使教育机构可以积极并富有责任心地开展工作。学校教育应当确保能够为16岁以前的学生提供义务教育,使他们可以在正式的教育体系下成长。为了能使所有的学生都可以适应义务教育,课程的设置应得到广泛的认可,同时尤其需要注重在技能、价值观和道德修养方面的发展。在笔者看来,教育是变革社会强有力的工具,并可以促进经济的增长。教育的成功性与否将由其所服务的社会反应出来。教育通过其隐性的(道德、价值和文化)和显性的(正式学校教育、行为准则、政策及规章制度)这两大领域的播种,必将最终收获一个进步而又繁荣的社会。鉴于此,教育和行之有效的教育系统对于消除社会弊端以及防止社会问题发挥有着十分积极和重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Contemporary societies reflect the dynamic cultural, social, economic and political changes that have been set in motion by globalizations. These societies are far different from their traditional counterparts. Their realities of global competitiveness, economic, political, technological, ecological and social interdependence; diversity in the emergence of new forms of multi-culture, multi-race and multi-nations have forced contemporary societies to demand more from education. This aptly implies that citizens of any society should be well rounded, equipped with heighten level of political consciousness and be able to functionally integrate into society as critical thinkers and problem solvers who will prudently meet those challenges without losing their identity, individuality, cultural footing and subsequently not become submerged and lost in this global fiasco.Additionally, the wellness of a nation is measured on how capable it can provide for and sustain its citizens: Likewise its progress can be determined based on how effective its education (particularly formal education or schooling) can cater for the intellectual, personal and skills development of its citizens. Hence, the onus is on the education system of a country is to produce citizens who are patriotic and yet at the same time have a sense of global sensitivity, who can easily adapt and effectively respond to the demands of modern societies. This means that education systems must employ profound reform mechanisms and strategies which are geared to address those demands. The focus of this research discourse is to first, explicate how schooling contributes to some of the existing social challenges in the Saint Lucian society; and then to determine the effectiveness of the educational reform measures undertaken by the Ministry of Education in addressing those social-cultural challenges and demands. In so doing, the researcher is of the hypothetical assumption that the very education system has to an extent contributed to the challenges faced by the Saint Lucian society; and has endeavored to illuminate that problem.Research findings have indicated the followings: That there is a need to empower vital social institutions with training, skills, duties and resources to assist in addressing the social challenges and demands faced by many compulsory school age children. For this empowerment to be effective policies needs to clearly articulate duties and responsibilities to the right social institution to enable them to perform effectively. Very importantly schooling should provide students with an avenue through which they can grow within the formal education system at least up to the compulsory school leaving age of 16. To ensure the ability to cater to all students the curriculum should be balance with an essential focus on skills, value and civic development. The researcher is of the view that, education being the powerful social institution that it is can be used to transform and transcend social changes and catalyze much needed economic growth.Society, particularly through its social aspects is a medium that reflects the success of the kinds of education that it has been served with. Education through its teachings be it implicit (morals, values, culture) or explicit (formal schooling, codes of conduct, policies, rules and regulation) sow seeds, which if cultivated carefully will ultimately blossom into a successful, progressive and productive society. Hence, it is on that premise that education and an effective education system are forwarded as the vaccine to cure and medicate existing social ills and difficulties and the anti-dote to immunize against further social challenges that may arise.

  • 【分类号】G519
  • 【下载频次】276

