

A Study of the Dynamic Mechanism and Innovation Models of Development of Economic Spaces of the Creative Industrial District

【作者】 肖雁飞

【导师】 沈玉芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着新经济和后工业社会的到来,城市发展经历了从工业经济为主转型为服务经济为主的演进历程。在此大转型中,出现了一种新的经济空间现象:基于人脑创意创造力的新兴产业在城市衰败地区集聚发展而形成了“创意产业区”。作为一种新的经济空间形式,它是集不同行业高端价值部分(研发、设计和营销等)于一体的新经济发展模式,并成为城市新经济的增长引擎和源头,推动着增长方式转变、产业结构升级和功能空间的转换与提升,成为世界经济最为活跃和亮丽的区域之一。作为一种新经济空间,创意产业区由于源于个人创造力的开发,对文化的生产功能关注又使其形成独特的空间和竞争优势,具有无限创新的经济空间,同时使其成为城市发展中最具活力和魅力的产业空间。因而一经出现,就受到了政府部门和学术界的关注,不仅主宰着当今发达国家的精神文化生产、消费和生活,也日益成为目前发展中国家城市化、现代化和工业化发展的新模式。但需指出的是,创意产业区虽然早在20世纪80年代就已经出现在美国的SoHo,但直到最近几年才引起学术界的关注。目前,创意产业区的研究虽已成为世界各国区域经济学、产业经济学、经济地理学、城市规划学等相关学科共同关注的热点和前沿领域,同时也引起决策部门和规划部门的极大关注。但总体而言,当前国内外对于创意产业区的研究还刚起步,理论不足和滞后十分明显,已有研究主要集中在产业发展对地区经济增长的作用、个案研究等,在学理探索方面主要借鉴于产业群落理论,相比之下对于空间动力关系、作用机理和动力机制的研究更少,理论探讨不够,已成为妨碍学科发展的一个大问题,实际需求十分迫切。本文认为,创意产业区的主要意义在于空间创新、新经济发展和城市功能空间更新,因此,开展创意产业区的经济空间动力研究是十分必要的。鉴于此,本文借鉴经济空间动力学、系统论和演进经济学等理论,开展了创意产业区发展的经济空间动力机制和创新模式研究。根据以上思路和研究目标,在已有研究的基础上,本文主要从三个方面对创意产业区发展的经济空间动力学关系、作用机理、动力机制和创新模式等进行了探索:第一,将空间研究作为创意产业区研究的重点,分析了创意产业区发展的经济空间动力因素、关系和作用机理。指出柔性劳动力市场、创意人才、地方文化、创意氛围、新经济和制度是其主要动力因素,这些动力因素构成了多维发散的网络空间动力关系。其中另类空间新增长理论可以很好地揭示作用机理和过程;第二,将创新研究作为创意产业区研究的目标,分析了创意产业区在区域发展和创新中的作用、作用方式(即动力模式研究)以及形成的空间结果(即空间创新模式)。指出创意产业区发展的经济空间动力模式主要有三种类型:市场主导下的渐进式模式、制度主导下的“蛙跳式”模式、市场和制度共同主导下的协同式模式。这几种动力模式的交互作用产生了四种空间创新模式:空间转换模式、价值链接模式、互动增长模式和系统集成模式;第三,将创意产业区视为一个复杂的自组织系统,通过分析和探讨,系统内具有自我增强演进功能的动力机制,揭示了创意产业区具有自我增强的系统形态演进特征和无限创新的生命周期演进特征。在开放系统条件下,内外动力机制的共同作用构成了创意产业区发展的经济空间综合作用模型,以此形成不同的动力模式和空间创新模式。归纳而言,本文主要回答以下几个问题:1)创意产业区发展的产业基础是什么?2)这种新经济空间在区域发展和创新中的作用和功能是什么?3)与地区经济发展和创新有什么样的动力关系?4)表现出什么样的作用机理和动力机制?5)在这种动力机制作用下形成什么样的动力模式和创新模式。针对以上问题的探讨,本文的研究内容大致可分为四个部分:第一部分包括第一章、第二章、第三章和第四章,为基础理论探讨部分,重点在于分析和阐述研究背景和视角、创意产业的内涵、创意产业区的概念、促进其形成和发展的背景与条件及理论基础;第二部分,主要是第五章和第六章,为理论分析和探讨部分,主要从创意产业区在区域发展和创新中的作用研究出发,研究和探讨了创意产业区与地区经济发展的经济空间动力学关系和相关机理,并在此基础上,建立了基于创意产业区的区域创新系统理论框架,认为创意产业区及其发展的最高级形态——创意城市是一种特殊的区域创新系统;第三部分即动力机制和创新模式研究,主要是第七章,是本文的核心章节。本文把创意产业区视为一个开放系统,以此构成经济空间综合作用模型,进而指出,综合作用机制有三种动力作用模式和四种空间创新模式;第四部分为理论验证和总结部分,主要是第八章和第九章,主要对上海创意产业区发展的经济空间动力机制和创新模式进行实证研究和验证,对本文的研究进行总结和反思,并作进一步思考。创意产业区是21世纪区域经济发展新的亮点和新经济空间,代表着城市创新和功能空间转换的重要方向。在经济全球化所引发的国际产业重新分工、外资快速流动和跨国公司的全球扩张背景下,创意产业区发展对地区经济发展和创新及其进程有着很大的影响。地方创意产业区如何在全球化背景下保持和萌发新的竞争优势,成为政府和学界需要认真思考的问题。本文通过详细分析创意产业区发展的经济背景、条件、演进路径、动力因素、动力学关系和动力机制问题,得出了创意产业区发展的经济空间动力模式和创新模式,期望对学科建设和国民经济发展有所积极贡献。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and the coming of post-industrial society, the cities have gone through industrial city to service city. In this big paradigm shift of city, culture is moving the centre stage of creativity. Culture heritage is the sum of our past creativities and the results of creativity is what keep society going and moving forward. Then, culture and creativity has inducing a new industrialspatial phenomenon-- creative industrial district, agglomerating the abandonedarea of urban with creative industrial. Creative industrial district refers to the spatial industrial organization gathering in certain urban areas by means of spatial division of production and creative competition between related extraversion creative industrial and relative institution, on base of creative of milieu from local culture and institutional backgrounds. In this, the main nature of creative industrial district is concerned with extraversion and multidimensional relations. As a new mode of industrial district, creative industrial district agglomerate the high value of different industrial, such as research and development, design and selling, so it has become the new engine of urban economic growth.As the new economic space of urban, creative industrial district are the most dynamic industrial space because of culture creativity, so they are concerned by government and academic circles since they were emerged in South of Houston Street of American in 1980’s. Consequently, the rise of creative industrial district is now a worldwide phenomenon, distributing not only in developed countries, but also lots of developing countries. Moreover, even though emerged long time ago, it is in recent year that has the academic cycles paid attention to it. And, it then becomes a hot and leading area of studies on regional and industrial economic, economic geography, urban planning and other relevant subjects around the world, and also, is concerned by decision-making and planning departments of the state. Moreover, the study on the creative industrial district is on the underway stage, the existing literature has being focused on their regional development function, case study and form theory study with industrial cluster. And according to literatures, an overall frame work has not been completed theoretically yet, especially the spatial study has short of special topic study. Thus, this thesis selects a study of the dynamic mechanism and innovation models of development of economic spaces of creative industrial districts, for the reason of thinking the principal meaning of creative industrial district is space innovation. On the basis of existing literature, this thesis from a new angle explores this new area of the creative industrial district. First, it includes spatial approach into the main research points on creative industrial district, analyzing the dynamic factors and relation form theory of the economic space, and point out that the local labor market, creative talents, local culture, creative milieu, the impelling of new economy and the function of government are the most important dynamic factors, and these factors constitutes a network relation multidimensional diffusion by the new economic theory of alternative space. Secondly, it considers creative industrial district as a innovative space, analyzing the function of regional development and innovation, dynamic mechanism and models, the models of spatial innovation, with the concludes of three dynamic models that are gradual advance model, frog-jump model and cooperative model and four models of space innovation that are spatial shifted model, value interlinkage model, interactive growth model and system integrated model. And, thirdly, it considers the creative industrial district as a complex self-organization system, analyzing the dynamic mechanism of interior and exterior effect of the system, with the character of self-intensification and limitless innovation of system revolution.The content of this thesis contains four parts: the first part is the basis of theory, includes Chapter one, two, three and four, mainly elaborating a brief introduction and general discussion of relation theories. The second part is the analysis of theory, includes Chapter five and six, analyzing the economic dynamic function, relation and theory of the economic space of creative industrial districts. The third part is the exploration of theory, includes Chapter seven, studying the dynamic and innovative model of economic space of creative industrial district. The fourth part is validation and summarization or theory, includes Chapter eight and nine. Chapter eight is the case study on Shanghai’s dynamic mechanism of economic space of creative industrial district and Chapter nine is summarization.Creative industrial district is the new economic space in 21 century, on behalf of the dominant direction of industrial structure upgrade and functional economic space shift of urban. This thesis explores spatial dynamic factors, relation, mechanism and model, as to construct a new, logical and theoretical framework of this subject, which has value theoretically and practically.


