

Research on the Thought of Wang Kaiyun’s Poetics

【作者】 朱洪举

【导师】 胡晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 湘绮诗学是一个与世俗诗学不同的古典诗学思想体系。“为己”之学是其诗学思想的开端,也是理解其诗学各个观点的入口,雅俗之辨、古今之分均围绕“为己”之学而展开,“《诗》通《春秋》,义取自治”也是由其延伸出的诗学命题。因此,湘绮诗学虽然贵情,但与袁枚等人不同处在于其更强调“治情”与“文情”,由“治情”出发进而提出“诗者持也”等观念;由“文情”出发进而掘发出“文”的本源性意义以入其诗学思想。湘绮诗学重在揭示诗之古法,即讲究“以词掩意”与“词多于意”,这并非不重“意”,而是论言意之法,由此而反对直言其情、质陋无文之诗,对以意为主、意多于词的陶渊明一派诗人提出批评,而建立起以谢灵运为宗的另外一个诗学谱系。摹仿是湘绮诗学寻觅诗之古法的重要途径,其诗所摹对象有些重诗法层面,如宫体诗及南朝民歌“词多于意”“以词掩意”之笔法,由此认为宫体乃“古之式也”;但湘绮所说的摹仿不仅限于纯形式层面,亦摹谢灵运、曹植、徐斡等人诗中之情意,此中隐含以古人之情“兴”己之情、以古人之情“约”己之情、以古人之情“隐”己之情的古典抒情诗学,这是与直言己情不重文辞的世俗诗学不同的诗学思想体系。湘绮诗学中所论“格调”与其摹仿说紧密相联,但不再限于明代复古派诗论多侧重论“音”“调”之格局,又没有背离格调说以“古范”祖格诗法之旨。湘绮对楚辞、《古诗十九首》等诗的释解方法直接与其特有的治学路径相通,即与今文经学重讲微言大义有内在关联。湘绮诗学由“治情”说进一步走向情下所掩的家国为政之旨,从而具有一种世俗诗学所缺乏的“天下”维度。湘绮反对“歧经史文词而裂之”,这种诗学思想在其诗歌创作中体现为讲究在一字一词中含纳训诂之学,且关联经史,由之而将其微言大义寓于字词之中。湘绮诗学重以古典言今事,录今事以存典礼。湘绮诗作以史事入诗的特征在于多写宫廷典掌及轶闻轶事,且多以歌行体录史事,此乃效由元、白长庆体发展出的梅村体诗,故与同样记史的由杜甫所开出的宗宋派诗属于不同的诗学体系,具有不同的美学特征。湘绮诗学思想属于古典诗学的特征在于:反对直言而重以词掩意;反对空言性灵而重摹仿与训练,反对纯粹言情而重为政之旨,反对“歧经史文词而裂之”而重“合经史文词为一”,总之,湘绮诗学是一种主“文”的诗学。

【Abstract】 Wang Kai Yun’ Poetics is classical and different from the common custom poetics. For own knowledge (Wei Ji Zhi Xue) is his thoughts beginning, also is the entrance of understanding his eachviewpoint. The resolution of elegant and vulgar, ancient and now, all center on it to launch. He thought "Poetry" and "Spring and Autumn Period" is interlinked. This idea also is extends by it. He proposed "the government emotion" (Zhi Qing) and "decorates the emotion" (Wen Qing) view. This two all is characteristic distinguishes between the common custom poetics and classical.Wang Kai Yun’s poetics thought emphatically promulgated the method of ancient times poetry writing. This method is concealing the meaning with words and expressions(Yi Ci Yan Yi), and let the words be many to the meaning which must express(Ci Duo Yu Yi). According to this principle, he give the criticism to Tao Yuan Ming. He established Xie Ling Yun as the example of ancient poem system.Imitation was a important way which he searches the ancient times poetry writing method. A kind of imitation’s object was the poetry writing method, for instance the palace body poem(Gong Ti) and the Southern Dynasty folk song, from this he thought the palace body poem was the ancient timespoetry model. He found one kind of classical lyric poetics, which is different from common custom poem with the directexpression emotion.In Wang Kai Yun’s Poetics thought, he proposed style theory(Ge Diao) related with the imitation idea. He surmounted the the Ming Dynasty poet to be restricted the tonality and the pattern in the style theory, but had not Violated the original intention of style theory with the ancient method restraining poetry writing.Wang Kai Yun’s poetics diligently casted the Phraseology, classics, and the history together, then causes the poem to present the ancient appearance, because in his poetics thought, the ancient poetry is these aspects fusesin together.In his Poetry theory, it is fastidious in the poem to use some historical stories and the literary reference. But the style of this kind poem is different form the school studying the Song Dynasty poetry. Because this kind of school mainly origined from Du Fu’s poetry, but Wang kai Yun’s relation that writing the historical story in the work is origined from Wu Mei Cun, and his work originated from Yuan Zhen and Bai Ju Yi, therefore Wang Kai Yun’s poetry theory still was one kind school studing Tang poetry.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】353

