

Research on Teachers’ Personal Knowledge

【作者】 吴卫东

【导师】 徐斌艳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 教师个人知识是指为教师个人所拥有的经验、体验和信念的整合体,是一种复杂的整合性、场景性和多元表征性的知识。它是教师教育教学活动的直接支撑;是教师专业发展的重要标志。关注教师个人知识体现了教育研究者的社会使命感。教师个人知识研究是研究者寓居于小学数学教师这一特殊群体,基于近十年的田野研究的具体成果,论文在探讨教师个人知识内涵与外延的基础上,构建了教师个人知识表征的立体结构,并以小学数学教师为例,运用具体的案例与叙事的方式探讨了教师个人知识的思维表征、言语表征与行为表征,以及影响教师个人知识发展的个人经历、教学形象、职业追求等因素。教师的个人知识是一个复杂概念,它可以通过内涵、特性、类型与表征方式加以描述。我们认为教师的个人知识可以依据其内容指向、知识的功能和获取的来源加以分类。鉴于研究者现有的能力,研究重点围绕教师个人知识的表征形式展开。我们构建了教师个人知识的立体表征模型,模型的三维分别是以命题、意象与图式为具体形式的思维表征,以教育隐喻与行话为命题性概念的言语表征,以及表现为教育智慧与疾病的行为表征。教师不同类型的个人知识其思维表征的形式表现出差异性。从心理学视角看,教师个人的陈述性知识主要通过命题、意象与线性顺序加以表征,程序性知识主要通过“产生式”加以表征;教师在教育过程中表现出来的个人知识是陈述性和程序性知识的结合体——图式这一综合表征形式。不同发展阶段的教师的本体性知识的命题网络表现出差异性,新手与专家教师对教学图式预设、展现与反思表现出显著的差异性。教师个人知识的言语表征,富有个体特性的原始言语方式就是隐喻与行话,教师在教育活动中的隐喻表述就是各种类型的教育隐喻。教育隐喻不仅体现了教师对教育问题的独特诠释,更是教师特有的认知方式,也是研究教师教育信念的重要依据。教师对各种教育信念的隐喻表述也反映了教师不同的学生观、教师观、教学观和数学观。教师在不同的职业言语场景中有丰富的隐喻表述,这些隐喻表述蕴涵着巨大的教育价值。教师个人知识的行为表征就其性质而言可以区分为教育技能、教育智慧与教育疾病三类。论文主要通过对教师行为中合伦理的创造性行为的案例分析,表明教育智慧在教学过程中的多元体现,它是教师个人知识中的精华与瑰宝,值得人们提炼与升华。教学过程中的教师病态行为是对教师行为的反向研究,论文探讨了师生交往过程中表现出来的“失明、失聪、失范、失控”四种病态教学行为,以及小学数学教师对教学各要素中表现出来的教学阻隔行为,并提供反思了具体的反思教学疾病的策略,以此促进教师个人知识的发展。为了情境化地展现教师个人知识的发展过程,通过对一个小学数学特级教师成长个案的研究,并运用教师个人知识的某些命题性概念,如形象、经历、追求等反映教师个人知识的发展历程与影响因素。

【Abstract】 Teachers’ personal knowledge is something integrated by teachers’ experience, thought and beliefs. It is a kind of complex knowledge which is combined, situated and multi-symbolized. It is a solid foundation for teachers’ educational practice and indicates how a teacher develops his professional capability. It is a social obligation for an educational researcher to pay attention to studying teachers’ personal knowledge.This study is based on field research which has been going on for nearly 10years with the researcher as a participative observer. On the basis of giving the denotative and connotative meanings of teachers’ personal knowledge, the paper constructs a multi-dimensional structure and three approaches of representing teachers’ personal knowledge: thinking, speech and behavior with concrete evidences from several narrative cases and it also deals with factors which influence the development of teachers’ personal knowledge: personal experience, teaching image, and professional pursuit.Teachers’ personal knowledge is a complex concept. It can be described with connotations, characteristics, types and ways of representation and can be classified according to its content, function and source. This study focuses on the approach of representing teachers’ personal knowledge: thinking representation by way of proposition, image and schema; speech representation by way of propositional concepts such as educational metaphor or jargon; behavioral representation by way of educational wisdom or malady.Different types of personal knowledge have different thinking representations. From the perspective of psychology, teachers’ personal declarative knowledge is represented by propositions, images and linear order, while teachers’ personal procedural knowledge is mainly represented by "production". Teachers’ personal knowledge used in the educational process is a combination of declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, namely schema. Propositional Network of noumenal knowledge of teachers in different stages of development is different. A novice and an expert show great difference in terms of prearrangement, implementation and reflection of instructional schema.The speech representation of teachers’ personal knowledge can be referred as metaphors and jargons used in teachers’ educational activities, which are of personal characteristic and originality. Educational metaphors used by teachers are teachers’ particular ways of recognition, which not only reflect teachers’ unique explanations of educational phenomena, but are important clue to looking into teachers’ beliefs. Teachers’ educational beliefs expressed through different metaphors reveal teachers’ different ideas and concepts about students, teachers, instruction and math. Teachers usually have rich metaphor expressions in different vocational speech settings, which are of great educational value.The behavioral representation of teachers’ personal knowledge can be classified into educational skills, educational wisdom and educational malady. On the basis of case analysis of teachers’ ethical and creative educational practice, the study points out that teachers’ educational wisdom, as gem of teachers’ personal knowledge, can be found in different instructional process, and is much worth refining. The reverse research on teachers’ behavior points to teachers’ maladies in instructional process. The paper reveals "four losses" in classroom instruction, namely, loss of sight, loss of hearing, loss of standards and loss of control, and other obstructing behavior of math teachers of primary school. Strategies for teachers’ reflection on their teaching drawbacks are proposed to facilitate their personal knowledge.The research also offers a case study about an expert math teacher, which discloses the developmental process of teachers’ personal knowledge and its influencing factors such as image, experience and pursuit.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】3602

