

The Tact of Teaching: An Improvised Quality Making the Wisdom Class

【作者】 刘徽

【导师】 钟启泉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 机智是一种与人交往的实践智慧,因此,它是一种善的身体行动,具有“品性之优”、“理性之优”的两维。机智的品性之优既表现为对人,也表现为对己,而置于实践逻辑之下的理性之优则不是指“缜密的反思”,而是讲求“在适当的时候,在适当的地方,对适当的人作出适当的行为”。机智是在强调了实践活动的“不确定性”和“紧迫性”下的一种即兴创作,它是由“惊异”引起的,所以,机智的理性之优表述为“面对惊异,契合情境发展的即兴创作”,这种即兴创作具有“被构成”的性质,即理论、规则、方案是作为一种线索内化于身体行动中的,机智具有新奇性、效用性、偶然性和瞬间性。机智往往是以一种忘我的直觉判断的方式发生的,是一种全身心投入的行动,它的发生和观察、暗示、选择联合有关,同时也受到情绪、意志的影响。教学机智是发生在课堂教学情境中的机智,置于美学视野下的教学观将机智视为教学的优秀性所在。教学机智,既具有机智的一般特性,也具有其独有的特性。它的品性之优表现在教学中师生一种不对称的“你我”相遇以及教学活动的自成目的性,关注教师的幸福。而它的理性之优,则体现在恢复了教学活动的实践样式的智慧性教学实践中,作为实践智慧的教学行动要求充分重视“人”的因素,在活动中内蕴目的,同时打破笛卡尔式的身心二元论。情境与时机成为关键词,教学在特定的情境中获得意义,将教学从技术性教学实践中的“是什么”变为不断发现的“可能是”的智慧性教学实践。时间也被重新引入实践,在拼图隐喻下的萎缩的时间轴拉伸成为画家作画的绵延的时间轴,教学情境的“瞬息断面”放入有力的时间流中成为一个连续体,突出了教学的“时机”概念。在这种情境观和时间观上,教学带有叙说的性质,教师要善于在学习共同体中敏锐地捕捉“惊异”,并将这种“惊异”推向深远。智慧型课堂犹如爵士乐演奏,“机智地教学”是智慧型课堂的外表特征,“机智地教学”意味着一种准备好了的即兴素质,也就是说,并不仅仅至于描述一个事件,而是符合“假如……,那么”的假言陈述。构造智慧型课堂意味着从一种技术式的“简单性思维方式”向一种更符合实践情境的“复杂性思维方式”转变,质疑明确的目标、有效的教学程序、预期的因果关系,涌现的教学目标、复杂的因果关系及返回教学事件提供了即兴生成的情境脉络。“机智地教学”是一个完整的实践过程,包括行动前,营造更为弹性化时和生活化的空间往往成为一种改造教学面目的契机。而预设是为了更好的生成,与旨在消除实践不确定性的“剧本式的教学计划”不同,“愿景式的教学设计”是带着教师对学科、教学和学生的热情,一种在实践中有创意空间的“未有最终答案”设计,从而呈现多线型、全景式、表象式和大步骤的特点;行动中是全身心投入的,“机智地教学”是一种身体行动,通过动作和表情、幽默、语言来表现,此外,智慧型课堂将教学中原有的悖论激发出来,机智地教学是在这种悖论的张力中行动的,发展教学节奏感、创建富有活力的常规、形成自我的教学风格、变换教学方法很重要;行动后的反思,是一个内外兼修的过程,要依靠个人和群体的双重力量,教师学习共同体为教师实践智慧的养成提供了资源和支持,而外部力量通过教师的自我统整起作用。

【Abstract】 Tact is one of the practical wisdom when people affiliate with others, so it is a positive body action, which has the two dimensions of character excellence and intellectual excellence. Excellence of character not only does good to others but also to oneself. Meanwhile, intellectual excellence under the practical logic does not indicate "careful reflection", but emphasize on " acting properly at the proper moment, in the proper place, to proper people". The tact, an improvised action that emphasizes the indeterminacy and emergency of practice, is induced in surprise. So the intellectual excellence is "an improvised action corresponding to situational development in surprise." The improvised action is constituted by the theory, the rule and the project which is the inside clue of the body action. The tact has the characteristic of novelty, efficiency, chanciness and twinkling. The tact takes place as an intuitive judgment and it is an action involved physically and spiritually, which is related with observation, suggestion, selection and association, and influenced by emotion and willing.The tact of teaching is one of the tact taking place in class, which is regarded as the excellence of teaching in the view of teaching from the aesthetic perspective. Its excellence of character shows as anisomerous "You and Me" meeting between the teacher and the student in teaching, and pays attention to happiness of teaching. Its intellectual excellence reflects in the practice of teaching that resumed the practicing manner. And the teaching act as a practical wisdom attaching full importance to human beings. The situation and occasion become the key words, constructing meaning in the particular situation, so the teaching is from "is "in the technical teaching practice to continually developing "May be " wisdom teaching practice. Time is introduced to practice again, the shrivel time line under the metaphor of picture puzzles extended to the continuous under the metaphor of picture drawing, momentary sections of teaching situation is loaded into powerful time flow, give prominence to the concept of "occasion". Under this idea of the situation and time, teaching has the nature of narration, the teacher should be good at catching the wonder subtly, and promote it further.Wisdom class is like the Jazz Playing, ’Teaching tactfully" is the external characteristic of wisdom class. Teaching tactfully means prepared improvisation quality, that is to say ,it not only describes a event, but accords with hypotheticalstatement "if……,that……". Constructing class means changing from a technologicalsimple thinking manner to a complex thinking manner, challenging specific objective, effective teaching procedure, anticipative causality consequence, the emerging teaching objective, the complex causality and returning to teaching event offering the improvised context.Teaching tactfully is a rounded practical process, including the flexible time and life-style space, which often becomes the turning point to changing the teaching appearance before the action. And preparation is for better creation. Different from the script teaching plan, the vision-style design leaves creative space without final answers, which brings the enthusiasm to the subject teaching and student. So it displays the characteristics of multithreading, full view, image, and big step. In the action, the teacher is involved totally. Teaching tactfully is a body action that displayed by movement and expression, humor, language. Furthermore the wisdom class stimulates the intrinsic paradox, in which teaching tactfully is act. So it is important to develop the teaching rhythms, establish energetic rules, form one’s teaching manner, switch teaching method. The reflection after the action is a process that mix the inner and external effort depending on the individual and collective power, the teacher learning community offers the resource and support that cultivate teacher’s practical wisdom, and the external power is efficiency by integrity of oneself.

【关键词】 机智教学机智实践智慧智慧型课堂
【Key words】 tactthe tact of teachingpractical wisdomwisdom class
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2674

