

The Historical Treatise of Paris’ Urban Development and Protection

【作者】 邹耀勇

【导师】 王斯德;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 巴黎的城市发展与城市保护在漫长的历史发展过程中形成了鲜明的特色和丰富的内涵,在世界城市建设与发展史中具有重要的地位。现代巴黎市区留下了大量不同年代、不同风格的历史建筑与古迹,不仅展现了巴黎的城市发展与城市保护的全过程,而且也凝聚了法国历史和文化发展的精华。现代巴黎城市发展又以其标新立异、迥然不同的建设风格,展示着世界现代建筑和理论的新潮流,将历史的巴黎和现代的巴黎融合在一起,绘就了历史文化名城和现代化国际大都市交相辉映的绚丽图画。辉煌的巴黎城并非一天建成,在漫漫的历史长河中,历史创造了巴黎、巴黎也造就了历史,巴黎城的建设与发展历史,一定意义上是一部人类城市发展史,亦是一部人类城市保护与发展史。巴黎最早只是塞纳河边一个名叫“西岱”的荒凉而古朴的小渔村,随后经漫长的中世纪以及菲利普·奥古斯特、“太阳王”路易十四时期巴黎城的建设发展,到法国大革命时期,巴黎逐渐发展成为法国的政治与文化中心。拿破仑·波拿巴时期欧斯曼对巴黎城进行大刀阔斧的改造,巴黎的城市建设与城市保护发展到一个新的阶段。二十世纪以来巴黎经受住了两次世界大战的考验,其城市发展与城市保护进入了传统与现代精美契合的新时期。巴黎的城市发展与城市保护有着鲜明的法兰西文化特色。法兰西民族以其特有的感性、无比的文化热忱,力追古人的优美典雅,使巴黎这座位于塞纳河边的小城不断地蜕变。巴黎人在建设新巴黎的同时,不以传统为包袱、相反地以自己的文明为骄傲,对自己的传统细加思考,用心保护,进一步将自己的文明共同孕育欧洲文明,并与欧洲传统糅合为一,思考自己在西欧文明里的责任,在世界文明里的存在价值,从而使感性与理性调和,使人性得以阐扬,使巴黎这座城市得以在两千多年的人类历史长河中始终迈步向前。城市是人类文明的光辉结晶,是人类社会构成的基本单位,城市的发展是人类文明演进的重要标志。研究巴黎城市发展与城市保护的历史,其意义超越了城市史的本身,同时也有着重要的历史和文化意义,巴黎的城市发展与保护史是法国历史不可缺少的重要部分,这部城市的发展与保护历史,对深入了解法国史乃至世界史有具有不可替代的理论意义与现实意义。同时,巴黎的城市发展和保护史的研究也为现代城市建设和保护历史提供了重要的借鉴。总之,研究巴黎城市建设与保护历史具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。本论文除绪言与结语外,共分4章第一章主要从巴黎城市的诞生和中世纪(早期、中期、晚期),巴黎城市的发展及其特征,叙述它们对法国历史及法兰西文化发展所起的巨大作用及其历史意义。第二章主要叙述工业化时期巴黎的城市建设和城市保护问题。通过法国大革命对巴黎城市的影响;拿破仑及欧斯曼对巴黎城市建设与发展的巨大贡献;巴黎世博会的召开与法国政府1887年颁布的《历史建筑法》,叙述与研究工业化时期巴黎城市建设与工业发展的相互关系,城市发展过程中的历史文化遗产保护问题,巴黎城市保护立法及其对世界城市发展所起的示范作用与意义。第三章研讨二十世纪上半叶的巴黎城市建设与保护。通过对以杜克为首的“法国学派”关于城市建设与保护所确立的基本原则与方法进行叙述与研究,阐明他在世界城市发展与保护史上的地位与意义;从维希政府在二战中的种种表现,探索巴黎城市在战争中得以保存的原因。论述法国20世纪最伟大的建筑师勒·柯布西耶关于巴黎城市改革方案对巴黎城市发展的决定性意义。第四章研讨二次大战后巴黎城市发展与保护的历史。二战后,经过蓬皮杜、德斯坦、密特朗与当任总统希拉克等各个时期法国历届领导人与巴黎人民的不断贡献,巴黎的城市建设与城市保护成为当今世界成功的典范之一,对整个人类城市与文化的发展提供了有益启迪。城市的建设与发展、城市历史文化传统的保护、不只是为过去而过去,而是为了现在而尊重过去,通过巴黎城市在其发展演变的过程中所经历的沧桑变化,一定程度上演示了城市发展的规律与历史,揭示了法国史与世界史发展的规律。总结与研究巴黎的城市建设、发展与保护的历史,对丰富与完善法国史与世界史的研究有着至关重要的深远意义。

【Abstract】 Paris’s urban development and the city protection has formed the bright characteristic and the rich connotation in the long historical development process, with which has the important status in the world urban construction and the history. The modern Paris urban district preserved massive different ages, the different style historical construction and the historical site, which not only has unfolded the entire process of Paris’s urban development and the city protection, but also condensed the French history and the cultural development essence. The modern Paris urban development demonstrates modern architecture and the new theory to the world with its totally different construction style, which takes historical Paris and the modern Paris fuses in together, and draw the gorgeous drawing which the historical city and the modernized international metropolis enhanced one another’s beauty.The magnificent Paris has not been completed one day by no means, in the endless historical perpetual flow, the history created Paris, and Paris has also accomplished the history. In certain significance, the Paris’s construction and development history was not only a human city history, but also was a human city protection and the history. Long long ago Paris only was a bleak and the plain small fishing village named "west Dai" by Sener River. After the long middle ages as well as Philip·August and "the solar king" the Louis XIV time, Paris developped into France’s politics and the cultural center gradually to the French Revolution time. Osman carried on the resolute transformation to the Paris during the Second France Empire time, Paris’s urban construction and city protection developed into a new stage. Since the 20th century Paris has undergone two world war test, its urban development and city protection entered new time which put tradition and modern together.Paris’s urban development and city protection has the bright French culture characteristic. The French nationality pursues the ancient exquisitely elegant by its unique perception and the incomparable culture zealous, causes this small town by the Sener River transformed unceasingly. The Parisian were not restricted by tradition while constructed new Paris, on the contrary, they take pride in their own civilization and protects them attentively, further together breeds own civilization to the European civilization, and mixes with the European tradition, ponders oneself in the Western Europe civilization responsibility and in world civilization existence value, thus causes the perception and the rationality is well distributed, enables the human nature to propagate, enables Paris took forward throughout more than 2000 year history.The city is the human culture glory crystallization and the fundamental unit which the human society constitutes, the city development is the important human culture evolution symbol. To study the Paris urban development and city protection history not only has the important history and the cultural significance. Paris’s urban development and protection history is essential important part of the French history, and it has contributed to understand the French history and even the universal history thoroughly, and therefore it has the theory and practical significance which has cannot be substituted. At the same time, Study Paris’s urban development and protection also has provided the important model for the modern urban construction and protection. In brief, studies the Paris urban construction and protection history has the important academic value and the practical significance.This dissertation is divided into 4 chapters except the preface and epilogue.In chapter 1, the author mainly narrates the position of development and features of Paris in different periods of the history, and its function and meaning from the emergence of Paris and the development and features of Paris.In chapter 2,,the author mainly narrates the issues of the city construction and protection in the period of industrialization through France Revolution’s effect ion on the city development and protection, and the great construction made Napoleon and Ottoman on the city construction and development, and the examples of the World’s Fair in Paris and the "construction in history action " issued by the France government in 1887,the author narrates the issues of how to protect the history and the tradition of the city during the period of industrialization ,and narrates the correlation of Paris construction and industry development during the period of industrialization. and the model of city protection action in Paris and its meaning of examplar in city construction and development in the world.In chapter 3,the author enters into Paris construction and protection during the first half of 20’s century, and narrates and work over the basic principle and method established by the "France school" lead by Dewey during the first half of 20’s century for European and other countries’ ity construction and protection, by doing this ,clarify his position and significance in the world city development and protection history from all that done by Vichyite in the second war .The author probes into the reasons of preservation of Paris in the war ,the greatest French architect Wikipedia’s blue print of Paris in the 20’s century had an decisive significance in Paris development.In chapter 4, the author enters into Paris construction and protect history after the second world .The development of Paris after the second war established the position of famous metropolis in the world .After the presidents of Pompidou, d’Estaing, Mitterand and Chirac and Paris people’s continuous construction, put forward Paris construction and protection being the most successful model in the world, and gives an enlightenment for the whole human development.The theme of the dissertation is that the construction and development of the city, the history protection of the city should not pass for past time ,but should respect past time for the present time when the city demonstrates its laws and history of its development during the process of its development and evolvement, it also demonstrates the laws and history of the development of human being history. Summarizing are researching the history of Paris construction, development and protection can have particular important and far-reaching significance in richening and perfecting the history of France and the world .

  • 【分类号】K565
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】4547

